1p LSD

Do them at your peril.

These will be an NBOMe substance and not true LSD. What's the problem? LSD is well studied and pretty safe in the longterm. While nobody has ever died from LSD toxicity despite millions of doses having been taken over the years, there have been multiple documented cases of NBOMe class drugs killing people within a short period of time (see http://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2014/734749/).

There have also been reports of NBOMes causing psychosis or people having hallucinogenic effects lasting months. Not worth it to save a few bucks over real LSD IMO.
I'm not going to point you at a specific place you could buy LSD but I would suggest looking on Reddit r/DarkNetMarkets for reviews of LSD people have bought on the darknet (such as Trust-In-Us LSD) and going from there. They're available for as little as $1 per tab and are nowhere near as dangerous as NBOMes.
Do them at your peril.

These will be an NBOMe substance and not true LSD. What's the problem? LSD is well studied and pretty safe in the longterm. While nobody has ever died from LSD toxicity despite millions of doses having been taken over the years, there have been multiple documented cases of NBOMe class drugs killing people within a short period of time (see http://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2014/734749/).

There have also been reports of NBOMes causing psychosis or people having hallucinogenic effects lasting months. Not worth it to save a few bucks over real LSD IMO.

Total misdirecrion. You should definitely not reply something thqt ignorant.

1p lsd is 1proprionyl lysergic acid dethylamide. Structurally it is a proprionyl molecule attached to an lsd molecule, and the proproynl molecule metabolizes out before the blood brain barrier which effectively makes it lsd. It is slightly weaker by weight than lsd because obviously it has the extra atoms.

Nbome is ita own structure with its own unique properties which are very dissimilar to lsd and should not be compared at all.
An nbome is an nbome.
1p lsd, al lad, lsd, etc are lysergamides which are uniquely active and should not be compared to a totally different active chemical
Total misdirecrion. You should definitely not reply something thqt ignorant.

1p lsd is 1proprionyl lysergic acid dethylamide. Structurally it is a proprionyl molecule attached to an lsd molecule, and the proproynl molecule metabolizes out before the blood brain barrier which effectively makes it lsd. It is slightly weaker by weight than lsd because obviously it has the extra atoms.

Nbome is ita own structure with its own unique properties which are very dissimilar to lsd and should not be compared at all.
An nbome is an nbome.
1p lsd, al lad, lsd, etc are lysergamides which are uniquely active and should not be compared to a totally different active chemical

My bad. I thought 1p referred to the price :D 1 tab of nbome can be had in bulk for around 10p so it wasn't such a stretch at 1am. nbomes are also sold as lsd to unwitting buyers which is what I assumed he was talking about. My post doesn't refer to the substance "1p lsd".
Using lsd for first time tomorrow gonna take 3 hits. I'm well experiences with hallucinogens. My favorite is Shrooms, DMT, and 5 ho dmt. I'm getting 4-ACO-DMT. I'm really excited about the lsd and the ACO. How strong is lsd trip compared to DMT? Are there entities?
yeah was me i started the 1p thread before the uk ban the 1p shit is good also since then many other great analogs of lsd are available even ald-52 8-)