★ Atomic Squat ★


Well-Known Member
This skater kid is bad ass
Please watch the whole thing
Im watching. Im aitting hwre tripling not wanting to go back out.

When i last went to the bar all these people were the "gangster" type and if you know me im kinda usually in tye dye and really into punk.

Well i kept getting mad looks and my visual are peaking. I grabbed my hand and walked myself home.

I am afraid of people post music plz

Do i kake sense? I cant tell

I type a lot


Well-Known Member
That is cool stuff bro. I'll try to get into them.

Here's some of my favorite older chevelle. They's still putting out killer shit imo
Blah u tc? Ill play u some killer punk rockor or jam bands. Im peaking and riu is hard tk navigate.

Lel i get distracted and havr ao much qords to type.

Not rhat thise words make sense but i have words m8