EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Bernie is voting for Clinton tho...

Average American cannot get past 3 bullet points or 10 seconds worth of information before their attention span is on to something else..
Well from a radical standpoint, I see him having had a de-radicalizing effect. He brought left wing activists into the Democrat fold and yet the Democrat platform still sucks, the candidate is bought and sold by the financial sector and military industrial sector, and nobody is focusing on the (fucking god damn expletive RAGE) climate emergency.

He has objectively served the interests of the DNC brilliantly.

how can you focus on something caused by special interest and continue special interest and expect a positive outcome.

campaign reform needs to be first..all dominos will then fall..as long as paybacks are part of the mix, it will never be about the good of the people.
"I'm just going to get these 13 million idiots to waste their votes, while I waste the morsel of political capital I had in order to help the Democrat Party." ~Barnie Sandlers
"I'm just going to get these 13 million idiots to waste their votes, while I waste the morsel of political capital I had in order to help the Democrat Party." ~Barnie Sandlers

he's been playing the game for too long now..he knows what hes doing and how far he can go.

everyone is boohooing because they cant CONTROL him or convince him that he should forget everything he campaigned for..how refreshing!

they can take their shove/pail and leave the sandbox anytime they wish.
Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the next U.S. President, I would suggest all to look how they can take advantage of this. If not then you have only yourself to blame for your conditions.
I find it pretty amazing that a no name (to the non-political) can practically topple humpy dumpy without any special interest other than the special interest called the American people.

I also find it amazing that Brexit was conceived and implemented all within the time of 2007 crash, while the U.S. Dumbasses cannot politically fight their way out of a paper bag.

Woe is us.
~Abraham (Mary) Lincoln