The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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desert dude

Well-Known Member
These right wingers won't let go that easily. They are dredging up stuff that was investigated and dropped two decades ago as if it were valid. Benghazi and eventually the e-mail scandal are going to just become part of the litany. Right wing talk radio makes it's bones off of made up shit about Hillary. It's just not going to stop until people stop listening. I'm not holding my breath for that to happen.
Bill handled that pesky email felony on the Phoenix tarmac with the first lady of cronyism, Loretta Lynch.


Well-Known Member
Bill handled that pesky email felony on the Phoenix tarmac with the first lady of cronyism, Loretta Lynch.
It's going to be in black and white print from the FBI. I'd really like to see her taken down but the FBI are the ones handling the case, not Lynch. After all this time and effort, you'd think they would have already found something it were there. She is to be interviewed by the FBI this Saturday. It's coming to a close very soon.

Your remark was typical right wing code for "I'll always believe the worst of Hilary". So, yeah, this will get filed along with the other inconsequential investigations that play like a broken record in the right wing echo chamber.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
These right wingers won't let go that easily. They are dredging up stuff that was investigated and dropped two decades ago as if it were valid. Benghazi and eventually the e-mail scandal are going to just become part of the litany. Right wing talk radio makes it's bones off of made up shit about Hillary. It's just not going to stop until people stop listening. I'm not holding my breath for that to happen.
Yeah, i know what you mean. I sometimes listen to Michael Savage, mostly for his non political humor. It seems he is having a real hard time supporting Trump these days. The right wing talk radio love to exaggerate so much. The way he puts down Obama is so blown out of proportions, its comical.... But he is also so comical in his discriptions of things... Like today he was talking about Obamas ears and how they look like Alfred E Newman from MAD magazine... savage was just talking about how he might end his career in December because after the election in November no one is going to be paying any mind to politics, no matter who gets elected. There is a real upswing in the listening numbers NOW, but come january next year, all that will disappear, no one is going to be listening anymore.... he admitted he dosen't know if he can continue his talking about Hillary, if she gets elected, and all the negativity he will have to spew about her for another 4 years.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i know what you mean. I sometimes listen to Michael Savage, mostly for his non political humor. It seems he is having a real hard time supporting Trump these days. The right wing talk radio love to exaggerate so much. The way he puts down Obama is so blown out of proportions, its comical.... But he is also so comical in his discriptions of things... Like today he was talking about Obamas ears and how they look like Alfred E Newman from MAD magazine... savage was just talking about how he might end his career in December because after the election in November no one is going to be paying any mind to politics, no matter who gets elected. There is a real upswing in the listening numbers NOW, but come january next year, all that will disappear, no one is going to be listening anymore.... he admitted he dosen't know if he can continue his talking about Hillary, if she gets elected, and all the negativity he will have to spew about her for another 4 years.
self portrait?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i know what you mean. I sometimes listen to Michael Savage, mostly for his non political humor. It seems he is having a real hard time supporting Trump these days. The right wing talk radio love to exaggerate so much. The way he puts down Obama is so blown out of proportions, its comical.... But he is also so comical in his discriptions of things... Like today he was talking about Obamas ears and how they look like Alfred E Newman from MAD magazine... savage was just talking about how he might end his career in December because after the election in November no one is going to be paying any mind to politics, no matter who gets elected. There is a real upswing in the listening numbers NOW, but come january next year, all that will disappear, no one is going to be listening anymore.... he admitted he dosen't know if he can continue his talking about Hillary, if she gets elected, and all the negativity he will have to spew about her for another 4 years.
These two fucksticks look most like Alfred E Newman imo


Well-Known Member
download (52).jpeg

Maybe her hubby is one of the lucky "some" that slumlord jr. deems worthy?

Career failure, racist, slumlord, rapist, narcissist, hate-monger, and fraud? Can't say that about many of us, he is indeed a rare breed.
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