Donald Trump

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sounds like a real imaginary nightmare. did you shit yourself while you typed that?
I would not expect someone with your narrow viewpoints and limited intellect to have any understanding of what a farmer might face, or the fear people live in with strangers invading their home, land, and communities, nor would I expect you to have any compassion for anyone as you enjoy chaos, and feed yourself negativity off of your pathetic insecurities, Buckyboy..
I would not expect someone with your narrow viewpoints and limited intellect to have any understanding of what a farmer might face, or the fear people live in with strangers invading their home, land, and communities, nor would I expect you to have any compassion for anyone as you enjoy chaos, and feed yourself negativity off of your pathetic insecurities, Buckyboy..

newsflash, moron. illegal immigrants are already here, and they are not "invading your home, land, and communities" in any significant way. most just work, pay taxes, and live more peacefully than you do, ya hateful pile of horse excrement.

i may have to change my guess from FDD to a collaborative sock here. i'm guessing you are a sock being logged into by harrekin, nodrama, ecehlon, and fdd. possibly more. it's easy to just use the search function to see who uses the exact same verbiage.
I would not expect someone with your narrow viewpoints and limited intellect to have any understanding of what a farmer might face, or the fear people live in with strangers invading their home, land, and communities, nor would I expect you to have any compassion for anyone as you enjoy chaos, and feed yourself negativity off of your pathetic insecurities, Buckyboy..
Shit like this doesn't sell your case. You cannot be new - especially with these sort of insults. It usually takes a newb like a whole year to stagger into this place and get mopped up by buck. The nicknames you are posting are a dead giveaway, too. Bucky boy, pinhead...etc.

Who was your original account? What were you banned for?
Shit like this doesn't sell your case. You cannot be new - especially with these sort of insults. It usually takes a newb like a whole year to stagger into this place and get mopped up by buck. The nicknames you are posting are a dead giveaway, too. Bucky boy, pinhead...etc.

Who was your original account? What were you banned for?

he has the bitterness of an echelon, who used to use 'buckyboy'. cries and whines like a little bitch in the style of nodrama. logs in late at night and goes on binges with the methed-out delusionality and softcore racism of a harrekin.

think they all got together and decided to make a sock?
I would not expect someone with your narrow viewpoints and limited intellect to have any understanding of what a farmer might face, or the fear people live in with strangers invading their home, land, and communities, nor would I expect you to have any compassion for anyone as you enjoy chaos, and feed yourself negativity off of your pathetic insecurities, Buckyboy..
With your phony anger and awkward tone i picture you with dentures flopping around in your shit scented pie hole.
he has the bitterness of an echelon, who used to use 'buckyboy'. cries and whines like a little bitch in the style of nodrama. logs in late at night and goes on binges with the methed-out delusionality and softcore racism of a harrekin.

think they all got together and decided to make a sock?
It makes the most sense, tbh. I must of missed the harrekin ban. lol - the short little cunt finally felt the slap, too, huh? It's a hydra sock attack. They couldn't afford more than one VPN, so they have to share! :lol:
newsflash, moron. illegal immigrants are already here, and they are not "invading your home, land, and communities" in any significant way. most just work, pay taxes, and live more peacefully than you do, ya hateful pile of horse excrement.

i may have to change my guess from FDD to a collaborative sock here. i'm guessing you are a sock being logged into by harrekin, nodrama, ecehlon, and fdd. possibly more. it's easy to just use the search function to see who uses the exact same verbiage
newsflash, moron. illegal immigrants are already here, and they are not "invading your home, land, and communities" in any significant way. most just work, pay taxes, and live more peacefully than you do, ya hateful pile of horse excrement.

i may have to change my guess from FDD to a collaborative sock here. i'm guessing you are a sock being logged into by harrekin, nodrama, ecehlon, and fdd. possibly more. it's easy to just use the search function to see who uses the exact same verbiage.
Seriously Bucky you are boring, boring, and well boring. All you know how to do is fling names, did you not learn as a child that name calling is rude. I guess you were brought up with no morals, no ethics, and well you could be a serial killer, with all the anger and hate you harbor inside yourself. I am sure your parents are not proud of you. As you do not live in one of these communities and never have you have no perspective, but I can only hope that your home is invaded one day to know how it feels.
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The House, Republican controlled, forced a government shutdown by trying to pork a bill and defund ACA.

The Republican party has proven time and time again, they are obstructionists, they do not play a positive and progressive role in the United States government or economy.

And you're a fucking moron.


All essential functions of government will be carried out under last years budget plan. But it will bring the ENTIRE economy to a halt.

Okay.. whatever you say government overlords.

The republicans were blocking increased spending without the necessary cuts to fund it. Why are we passing expensive legislation on credit?
Shit like this doesn't sell your case. You cannot be new - especially with these sort of insults. It usually takes a newb like a whole year to stagger into this place and get mopped up by buck. The nicknames you are posting are a dead giveaway, too. Bucky boy, pinhead...etc.

Who was your original account? What were you banned for?
Maybe shes been lurking for a year or two. Plus it's not much of a leap to go to buckyboy or pinhead.
Maybe shes been lurking for a year or two. Plus it's not much of a leap to go to buckyboy or pinhead.

hundreds of racist assholes i've chased off from here over the years, three of which have used it, and the writing style is a dead match for at least two of them.

just think about it like a normal person for a second, and not like someone with an intelligence quotient that is two standard deviations or more lower than the national average.
Shit like this doesn't sell your case. You cannot be new - especially with these sort of insults. It usually takes a newb like a whole year to stagger into this place and get mopped up by buck. The nicknames you are posting are a dead giveaway, too. Bucky boy, pinhead...etc.

Who was your original account? What were you banned for?
Don't be so gullable and the Buckster hasn't mopped up anything, he is boring, pathetic, and all he knows how to do is fling ugly slurs, but if you see yourself at his pathetic level well then you are better than that, you should hold yourself in higher esteem...
Don't be so gullable and the Buckster hasn't mopped up anything, he is boring, pathetic, and all he knows how to do is fling ugly slurs, but if you see yourself at his pathetic level well then you are better than that, you should hold yourself in higher esteem...
You are all very paranoid, yes it is called paranoia, I believe a symptom of a much more serious disease.
See, but that is exactly what a multiple user-sock would say in this situation.
hundreds of racist assholes i've chased off from here over the years, three of which have used it, and the writing style is a dead match for at least two of them.

just think about it like a normal person for a second, and not like someone with an intelligence quotient that is two standard deviations or more lower than the national average.
Hundreds of people you have chased, now who sounds like they are delusional. If someone is afraid of you well that is really sad because in person you are this meek, little insecure boy! Lions and tigers, and bears, oh my!!!!!!!!!!!:clap: I laugh at you, you silly, silly little man!
Idk, babe. How long did you lurk before you posted here? Seems super suspicious to me.
Quite awhile. I was scared to sign up at first. Wasnt sure if i wanted to grow or not. I wasnt in the politics section for while tho.

Pinworm, pinny, pinhead, ringworm, pinhole, pindick... cant really think of any others.

Uncle buck is usually shortened to buck. Bucky bucky bo bucky, also im pretty sure i saw nitro call him it a few times.
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