Donald Trump

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
@StevieBevie Love your posts. Ashame these Lib-tards, are such Sheep and refuse to accept the truth. The patterns of Hillary's corruption and lying are her only consistant traits.

#Trump2016 <- notice I added the # for the Lib-tards, they love those #'s. Oh, and the word Racist, they really love that word. LOL



^^^^ now this happened. The fact that I bring it up, will only offend Lib-tards (aka Hillary Clinton Supporters). :)
They just happened to both be on that tarmac at the same time. :roll:


Well-Known Member
they are not in a dead heat. hillary was up by 10 points in a poll that came out today. three other polls had her up by 4 points, 6 points, and 4 points.

you really think this is a dead heat?
No, I actually think Donald Trump is way ahead. The bought off media is doing it's best to protect itself, and beat down Donald. I think they've been lying all along.

The only numbers that matter, are the ones that come the day of the Presidential Election. They will be Trumps by a large percentage, and you'll be off RIU. It's a win win, followed by your win wine. LOL


Well-Known Member
They just happened to both be on that tarmac at the same time. :roll:
LOL, Yeah, is so boring, if you do not agree with them you are a racist.....that is all they can say, or call you a penis, that was a big one the other day, or call me a fat slob, or condom, is quite amusing, how bored they are with their lives, and how angry they are with the world. THey need to smoke more weed, or grow better weed, something not sure. I think they must be buying that fake weed because the stuff they are smoking is not working!
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