Government announcement

LOL from the first minute this views like a make work project for some people. To keep kids safe and those baaaaaad crininals. Yes sure do keep kids safe from being born with fetal alcohol syndrome.

So Aug 24 I guess we'll get the most looped holed system they can come up with with out breaking the judges decision, price of weed will go up, small towns might get a surge of new residence and generator sales will go up?

I'd imagine this hasher penalties thing is a precursor the possible RCMP being let loose on illegal home grows after Aug 24th.
we can't count on the govt to give us what we want, but we can vote with our dollars by supporting the businesses that represent our view of what legalization should like.

They don't want to give you what you want since it wont be the new monopolized meal ticket they are hoping this will turn out to be. You are going to pay either with $$$$$ for buying weed or going to jail if you grow your own is what they are saying

Before the "organized crime" they talk about just wanted to make money and even welcomed you as a grower/consumer, these guys will make money and have the power to throw you into jail if you try to compete with them.
I wonder what Kirk et al thoughts are on today's "announcement"?
From his fb acct

My bet is that they announce Ms. McLellan as the task force chair. Not exactly a surprise if so. She's clearly qualified and I don't hold her views from 10 years ago against her. But I will expect, as any Canadian should, that her task force includes voices from the existing industry (both MMPR and dispensary and MMAR) and stakeholder such as patients and consumers. I will also expect - again as all Canadians should - that the task force makes evidence based recommendations that treat cannabis as the relatively safe product that it is.

Susan Boyd on the task force is great news.
I have a feeling the medical sides going to get blindsided in August.
I read through Phelan's decision back when he declared the MMPR unconstitutional. I'm pretty sure he said somewhere in it, that the government doesn't necessarily have to allow for home grows, as long as they fix the accessibility issue.

I'm pretty sure the government is going to try and work their way around the home grows, by allowing storefront LPs, and health coverage of your meds.

Quite likely.
Before everyone piles on Susan Boyd, she wrote the book illustrating that the police / media were lying about MJ's dangers, so I consider her a good add.

But still, the balance of the news is not exactly great.
I have a feeling the medical sides going to get blindsided in August.
I read through Phelan's decision back when he declared the MMPR unconstitutional. I'm pretty sure he said somewhere in it, that the government doesn't necessarily have to allow for home grows, as long as they fix the accessibility issue.

I'm pretty sure the government is going to try and work their way around the home grows, by allowing storefront LPs, and health coverage of your meds.
I also believed that phelans decision was worded so that if they found a way to provide accessibility we could not grow. I also think it would be a tough sell when the education system and health system needs so much money, to tell John Q Public that their tax dollars are paying for peoples weed. Every rec user would get themselves a medical ticket for their ingrown pubes.



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