Making shatter


Well-Known Member
I've watched quite a few videos about making shatter. It starts with packing your tube with bud and running butane into a Pyrex dish. And that dish is in a nother dish that has water in it and is being heated to evaporate the butane. What temperature should the water be held at? And how long does it take? Could I just leave the dish outside on a warm day and let it evaporate naturally?
Can winterize it, while it's doing that, I'm sure can be left in the freezer until your ready to purge. I'm not 100% sure tho.
So there is no way to do it without a vac purge?
There is no safe way to make BHO at all without a vac chamber.

This shit is being burned and inhaled into your body, do it right. Also be safe with the butane at all stages.

My shit comes out shatter every time (almost... I fucked a batch up n let it way over vac, got shit on the sides... that one never went shatter for me)

Things I have learned since the days of my honeybee and hot water days of stupidity....

1. Get the best extraction system your budget allows. Not everyone can afford a closed loop reclaim beast of a system... But I will never go back from my closed column extractor.

2. Vac purge, til you can pull full vac for like 8-12hrs w/o seeing any bubbles.

These are just for yield and safety reasons.... now for the more fun things I have found....

3. Break that shit up like you would for a bowl... pack it about as tightly as well...

4. Freeze everything. Packed tube, butane, tripod if its got one... cold = good. (matter of butane staying liquid better)

5. Pull vac on your extractor THEN pump in your (quality!) butane.

6. Let that shit chill in there a minute! Dont just In->Out open blast that shit... so wasteful.

Now lets get serious, ya got a good run, ya purged it out real nice... You are halfway there.


8. Seedling mat.... is the perfect temp to set a pyrex vac chamber on, and @ full vac, purge everything clean, but never decarb.

**(I can't bring myself to not do this step anymore... once you see the crud that filters out, and realize what DIDNT getput into your lungs.... you can't un-see it.)

Pour some room temp everclear (190 proof) into a small dish. Shot glass, small pyrex custard cups are my fav... Add all your nicely purged BHO to it. Disolve. (lots of patient stirring, glass rod if ya got one, but a plastic knife works fine) freeze a good 36-48hrs... don't try to rush this. Then pour thru double layered unbleached coffee filters, (prechilled in freezer, I mount mine to a shelf with clothespins) collect into vac chamber (or dish that fits inside it) lined with PTFE or similar..... the next day, all the crud froze with the water, and is in the filters. All the THC disolved into the alcohol, and is in the dish. Start with a simple fan on this dish at room temps... ignore the sight of milky substance, its normal! Once the fan has most of the liquid gone, start vac purging... Again, until you go 8-12hrs without bubbles.... all on the seedling mat (with itself sits on a towel)

A good batch of shatter can take like 8 days or more to really do right....

If you got more money than is good for you.... thats a closed loop with reclaim, and a vacuum oven, lol.
you do know if you are winterizing then the purge off for the butane is wasted time right? as soon as the bho dissolves in the ever clear/ethanol the butane is gone. then filter and evap the alcohol then vac purge to shatter state. good info just adding a bit I know. @Flagg420
You speak of the wonderful " 'Tane soup"

I have done it a couple times, but find that when I finish, I get more 'waste' in my filter on the soup batches, and I feel that some of it is truly 'waste' that wouldn't have been if I had been more patient.... May just have been my run of luck on those batches... but I just take the extra couple days now...

Bigger issue these days is that it gets so shatter its a bitch to get a dab off the PTFE, lol. I prolly got tiny little bits of oil all OVER my work area....