The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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desert dude

Well-Known Member
In the name of helping you make a breakthrough, I went ahead and grabbed this info for you just in case you feel up to a bit of self-diagnosis...

A man who gains sexual pleasure in the knowledge that his wife has made love or is making love to other men. Cuckolds are usually submissive, often have a small penis, suffer from premature ejaculation, 'enjoy' sexual humiliation and are rarely able to satisfy their wives.
Neville's wife first cuckolded him almost thirty years ago. He could not bring her to orgasm, only has a tiny (3") penis, and my friend, Chris, becamed her lover and moved into our house. For two months, until the affair ended, I slept in the spare room and listened to her groans and grunts of pleasure and, worst / best of all, calling his name."
Please go on. Have you had this fetish for very long? I am not judging. What you do in your own life is not for me to dictate.


Well-Known Member
You've repeatedly mentioned this....I'd love for you to elaborate!
couple summers back we had some neo-nazis join the forum and they started a group called "the white nationalists/white separatists" group.

desert dude joined the group. the group was eventually shut down, but desert dude tried to spend months and months denying his membership in said group.

i finally found a quote of him admitting he joined the group, and he still denied it.

that racist shithead is quite the coward.


Well-Known Member
Please go on. Have you had this fetish for very long? I am not judging. What you do in your own life is not for me to dictate.
You seem to have missed the intent, I'm only trying to help you realize your TRUE purpose in life!

A sexually inadequate husband who accepts his wife's pussy is her sole property and she alone decides which men she will fuck,even if it means denying her husband. His only access to her pussy is to clean it of the ejaculate of males she chooses to fuck.
Doug has the penis of a young boy and has never given his wife Jill an orgasm. His choice was divorce or be a cuckold. He is now a fully submissive cuckold to Jill.

You = 'Doug' in this instance.

I, on the other hand, have no interest in playing the cuck, though I have played the bull.

......Just ask your wife.


Well-Known Member
couple summers back we had some neo-nazis join the forum and they started a group called "the white nationalists/white separatists" group.

desert dude joined the group. the group was eventually shut down, but desert dude tried to spend months and months denying his membership in said group.

i finally found a quote of him admitting he joined the group, and he still denied it.

that racist shithead is quite the coward.
MORBID, dude! Wow, for real??

What a damaged, awful person....


Well-Known Member
C'mon now, you aren't expecting him to comprehend that, are you? Maybe if you SHOUTED it while shooting off fireworks/revving a truck engine/wearing a Nascar shirt he might get it.
Also, yelling "SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SUNDAY!!!" is a good way to get his attention.

If you REALLY want his undivided attention you could try putting a nude pic of Chuck Norris in the loop of a rope snare....he'd pounce within minutes!
Suggestions noted.
Hey @desert dude, sound this out, OK?

You won't outlive Hillary Clinton's presidency.


Well-Known Member
arnt u fukin embarrassed?
Bro have you ever taken a fucking gander at that hideous abomination trump? He struggles to form the words that make up his idiot drivel, his head looks like it's his ongoing mortuary beautician project. He utters the most laughably ignorant pandering to the common idiot phrases. Hillary is like a lightning bug compared to trumps lighting of embarassing, unqualified, wanna be a respectable leader.


Well-Known Member
so who to choose
Damn, is everything you post either mean-spirited or an outright hate crime? "Liberal Jews" ?

I know it's been said many times here (by many people), but you present yourself as a terrible person. Why are you here, other than to spread racist propaganda and misery?
you come across as someone who gorges on his own ejaculate
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