Why would "they" clarify?? They are making money off of us..
Sheriff Boucher Missaukee co, "we have to go after the growers, the methheads don't have anything we want".., said so right on the TV..
U wanna grow?? Old School.. No smell, no sell, no tell
I don't care how good their FLIR is, one thing they can't see are grow lights during the day. If a fly over and heat is a concern, then run flowering lights in daylight hours. Use less heat light options: led. Move out of the path of helicopters... I see one a year out here in farmland.
A good filter and exhaust is worth its weight in gold.
Re: never speaking to the cops... agree 100%. If they don't have a warrant, don't even think about opening the door or window. Even if they see you, I don't care how uncomfortable it is. Give those shit eaters NOTHING to work with. Even with a warrant, say NOTHING... give your attorney something to work with. I'd recommend a series on youtube - Never Get Busted... its by an ex cop turned stoner. There is useful information in it and if I remember right they have some FLIR stuff in there too.
Good luck to you.. take good care of the odor so you aren't a nuisance to your neighbors and you should be fine.
Good work on the avatar....dear Hank Nasiff, jr....
I'm not a midget...I'm a dwarf
Flir is illegal to use to find growers. Besides, I highly doubt that even the best flir camera is going to pick up a heat signature through 2 floors into the basement. http://pr-infrared.com/about-thermal-imaging/thermal-imaging-facts-vs-fiction/
That may be but if you are growing in a basement you're fine. now if you're growing on the main floor and your house is unusually warm or growing on a second floor you might get picked out. But, flir is not enough to get a warrant or even begin an investigation with. They can only use that to help substantiate a mounting caseIt may be illegal but they still use it. I watched them do their slow circles and go block by block this spring,a friend said they did the whole city over about a month period.