It’s a crime: How Private Prison Companies Encourage Mass Incarceration


Well-Known Member
Interesting. Now I have to wonder where little Kaitlyn is getting her fix from. Oh, that's right, she gets it from Tanner over behind the jungle gym. You see, I graduated from a predominantly white high school in a class of about 550 students and only about 37 of us were black (my grandfather actually counted). So I'm really not going for the whole "white people don't sell drugs" thing. Of course they do. The difference occurs when they get caught, it's usually just a slap on the wrist and a little family embarrassment. While the black kids get sent away. I've seen it happen to friends, both black and white. White friends went off to college. Black friends went off to jail. That's American justice in its full glory.
Were the white kids you went to school with posted up on the block in an open air drug market? I never said anywhere white people don't sell drugs(What site are you on right now? lol). I said the way they (people getting caught) sell their dope is different for the most part and comes with more risks.


Well-Known Member
Were the white kids you went to school with posted up on the block in an open air drug market? I never said anywhere white people don't sell drugs(What site are you on right now? lol). I said the way they (people getting caught) sell their dope is different for the most part and comes with more risks.
I'm not exactly sure as to why that would make a difference.


Well-Known Member
You can't see why police would target people on the street corner as opposed to doing crime behind closed doors? really you're that thick?
Now I think I get it. If the black kids would just stop selling on the corner out in the open, and sell in the suburbs like the white kids, they too will basically get away with it when they do get caught? That is what you're saying, right?


Well-Known Member
Now I think I get it. If the black kids would just stop selling on the corner out in the open, and sell in the suburbs like the white kids, they too will basically get away with it when they do get caught? That is what you're saying, right?
They would get caught less and yes probably get less time because they weren't watched selling dope to any car that pulls over.


Well-Known Member
And for the record, I'm not from the city. So there really wasn't any "selling on the corners" with regards to my friends.
I don't really have answers for why your friends weren't very good at selling dope. I also have no clue about how they handled their questioning so it's hard to say why they got jail and the other kids didn't.


Well-Known Member
You have every right not to answer questions during an interrogation. Any attorney would tell you not to answer and get tricked into incriminating yourself. Probably the type of retards that would say yes to a search of their vehicle.


Well-Known Member
i've never seen rob roy speak out against racism toward non-whites.

as soon as i even mention that cuntmassa comes from a family of total white scumbags though, he gets super defensive.

but he is totally not white power or anything.
I don't really have a white family Sicilian is not really white nor is Native American but I do have white genetics as well but my pure Sicilian grandfather is not white my mother is pretty white though and my dad was not white he had a lot of Native American blood and not white I'm also really not white.

My dad worked his whole life so did my mother a uncle as a school teacher another a college professor really the only one who's been to prison is my brother.

Oh and my great uncle Sammy got a Silver star in WW2 as a Sicilian immigrant as did my great grandfather fight in WW2 as a Sicilian immigrant.

Pretty much why I'm cool with immigration.

But I'm a racist and fascist because I want my country free and not under the control of war hawk Hitlary don't want Trump either so Johnson is the best I could do by voting.

But a united resistance is needed no #blacklivesmatter but #humanitymatters, #globalrevolution #freedom:)

You just want to race bait and be ruled oh and tell people they have a small penis like a fucking clown.