Random Jibber Jabber Thread

For real....the last time @Pinworm was over I asked that he soak for THREE HOURS, ...
I know what you're up to. You're just trying to do your own extraction without proper compensation.

You are aware that pinworm is currently in negotiations with Axe brand cologne to have his own man-essence bottled. His face is gonna be on the label and everything. And you want a whole bathtubs worth for free. blasphemy!

LOL, this dude has to be from RIU

JUNE 24--A Seattle man is facing an indecent exposure charge after allegedly walking into a grocery store and plopping his genitals atop the scanner at a
self-checkout station, police report.

According to cops, Christian Fisher, 31, entered the Quality Food Center market around 5 PM Wednesday and proceeded to a self-checkout scanner. He then summoned over a female employee, a Seattle Police Department report states.

When the woman approached Fisher, cops noted, “she saw that his penis was out on the stand.” The employee said she “reacted with surprise,” which caused Fisher to laugh...................
I used one of those scanners tonight. Why don't we get a discount for checking ourselves out... that's some b.s. Thought about it, how we shuffle the food around up to 4 times, or more, before we consume it. All because of that extra step, now that grocery stores rely on us to do self-checkout. Paper, Plastic or Scroat Sack?

Nah, @abe supercro - You've got me all wrong! I've already got quarts (gallons?) of his "man essence" that I squeezed and scraped from my curtains and furniture; the bleach soak was just to remove some of the inert odor, I swear!

And now I sleep....tomorrow is Goodwill/yard sale/flea day - Wish me luck!
Sounds like you're sitting on a goldmine. That is, with the pin-juice.
We should just get four other partners and start a growing operation in WA, OR or CO and sell to dispensaries. Any takers on a joint venture? :P ...... okay, half-serious?
Honestly I'm at the point I just don't like anything about growing weed, cloning ,repotting , watering feeding trimming, none of it is fun to me anymore so I just figured I'd start working maybe after a year or two I'll hate the jobs so much I'll start growing againg

LOL, this dude has to be from RIU

JUNE 24--A Seattle man is facing an indecent exposure charge after allegedly walking into a grocery store and plopping his genitals atop the scanner at a
self-checkout station, police report.

According to cops, Christian Fisher, 31, entered the Quality Food Center market around 5 PM Wednesday and proceeded to a self-checkout scanner. He then summoned over a female employee, a Seattle Police Department report states.

When the woman approached Fisher, cops noted, “she saw that his penis was out on the stand.” The employee said she “reacted with surprise,” which caused Fisher to laugh...................

an RIU'er would have had a bar code tattooed on his dick,though

I used one of those scanners tonight. Why don't we get a discount for checking ourselves out... that's some b.s. Thought about it, how we shuffle the food around up to 4 times, or more, before we consume it. All because of that extra step, now that grocery stores rely on us to do self-checkout. Paper, Plastic or Scroat Sack?

Sounds like you're sitting on a goldmine. That is, with the pin-juice.
" I'm gonna have a store. You pick out your shit, you ring it up, you put it in the bag, you pay and you get the fuck outta my store". Bill Burr
I used one of those scanners tonight. Why don't we get a discount for checking ourselves out... that's some b.s. Thought about it, how we shuffle the food around up to 4 times, or more, before we consume it. All because of that extra step, now that grocery stores rely on us to do self-checkout. Paper, Plastic or Scroat Sack?

Sounds like you're sitting on a goldmine. That is, with the pin-juice.
the key is every bag you fill, you put it in the cart.. occasionally you may have to select that you dont wanna bag an item. really big items that are hard to scan might get checked. but there are lots of expensive small cosmetics. depending on your area you cant always return say a bottle of biosilk or redken shampoo..but those areas are already watching for theft anyway.
there are fancy cost dense items, expensive coffees or teas fpr example

meat always works, and is pretty thin. you can walk out with several packs just in your jacket. and return or eat. but food is free anyway...
without receipt you get store credit up to your stores limit and usually 3 times in 6months, but most stores will carry the same items as walmart,..... thats cool and all but you cant get your crack fix as easily. even food stamps people want 50 on the dollar.
luckily there are kiosks that have pretty good rates. you shop lift and return all day making rounds.
easily get $300 depending on supermarket density..

i mean from what ive heard..
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