EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
She hasn't been convicted of any and neither has trump.

So who is worse? Man who sells expensive product that doesnt live up to its hype or woman who is under a criminal investigation with the FBI?
trump has been indicted and is under trial for violating the fucking RICO act. that is the candidate you support.

right wing retards like you are desperately clinging to this fake scandal and are not even brave enough to say with any conviction that she will be indicted, because she won't be.

trump bilked over 7000 americans out of millions of their hard earned dollars through outright fraud. hillary may have kept her email improperly, if that even.

to compare the two is mental retardation from unhinged, brainwashed, fascist racist right wing retards.

simple as that.


Well-Known Member
She hasn't been convicted of any and neither has trump.

So who is worse? Man who sells expensive product that doesnt live up to its hype or woman who is under a criminal investigation with the FBI?
Trump U is a fraud according to prosecutors in two states and it looks like an obvious case to my layman's understanding of fraud. Hillary's e-mail accounts have been under investigation for over a year and has had as many as 1500 agents on the case. She is running behind Trump in this regard. It seems to me that if the case were obvious it wouldn't have taken this long.


Well-Known Member
Vote-counting staff sort ballots at The Royal Horticultural Halls in central London on Thursday. The referendum was held on paper ballots, counted by hand.

Niklas Halle'n/AFP/Getty Images

Hmmmmmmm... why isn't this done here? Too hard to cheat?

Full article;
True this. I don't know why US voters are so dismissive of voter exclusion laws and acts of vote fraud. It's just not that hard to fix.


Well-Known Member
trump has been indicted and is under trial for violating the fucking RICO act. that is the candidate you support.

right wing retards like you are desperately clinging to this fake scandal and are not even brave enough to say with any conviction that she will be indicted, because she won't be.

trump bilked over 7000 americans out of millions of their hard earned dollars through outright fraud. hillary may have kept her email improperly, if that even.

to compare the two is mental retardation from unhinged, brainwashed, fascist racist right wing retards.

simple as that.
BUT..he hasn't been convicted and that was Pie's point that you glossed over:clap:

Simple as that.

No debate points awarded.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I can explain it. He's establishment just like the rest of them.
He would've sounded like a dick if he said anything else.

He DID NOT: concede or endorse.

He SAID..'I will do whatever I CAN to defeat Donald Trump'.

The operative word: CAN ie; within his ability.

Voting for her is something he CAN do in good conscious to defeat Trump as last vestige in a contest.

Go back to 3rd grade and learn words.
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Well-Known Member
I just skimmed over this mess, w-o-w....you seem to have quite the knowledge/obsession when it comes to cuckhood! Look, little guy, if YOU are into that kind of self-depreciating nightmare scene then have AT it, but don't try and force it on the REST of us, sheeessshhhh.....

I mean, if you WANT to ogle/suck on huge black cock, just go ahead and DO it - No need for long winded diatribes HERE about it!

View attachment 3716384
Um, that would be a purse they're kept in.


Well-Known Member
i thought it was a simple question. i mean, it had to get lonely for her.

and i didn't really think you were a person of any standards whatsoever. after all, you did spend months and months and months pretending to be a woman while uttering the most racist bullshit imaginable in what many are calling the best meltdown of all time.
Answer to how many times his wife cucked while he was away? Zero

He would've needed to watch for it to be a cuck.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Greens party is a good name with me but I don't know enough about them, to my discredit. It's time to take a second look. I never held the fact that Nader pulled enough votes away from Gore to swing the election in the favor of Bush jr against either Nader or the Greens Party. As was true then, it's up to the candidate to convince voters to vote for them.

So you're okay with individual peaceful people being able to "opt out" of the results of others choices for them if they chose ?


Well-Known Member
His wife is a whore, apparently. He can't understand why a woman would be faithful to her man. Then again, you've masterbaited with him on more than one occasion. I doubt you understand it either. ;)
It's apparent, by your above comment, you don't know Bucky personally (or me for that matter).

Your troll efforts need work.

No jumbo Snickers for you!


Well-Known Member
True this. I don't know why US voters are so dismissive of voter exclusion laws and acts of vote fraud. It's just not that hard to fix.
Because they're lemmings that listen to the media.

They have no ability to form their own opinion and must go with talking points of the day.


Well-Known Member
He basically told his supporters to vote for her. He thinks shes crooked too. At least that is what he claimed.

He should be pressing for her removal from the race since she is under investigation from the FBI!!

Too late now tho.
That's not Sanders MO.

What he's saying is, on Election Day IF it's Hillary v. Trump (with all being equal) the smart thing to do to defeat Trump, would be to vote for her.

He has his agenda for saying this..Número Uno..get rid of that hag DWS.

How much will anyone bet Clinton will turn on her BFF?:lol:

Sanders still has two cards..concession and endorsement and no matter what she says..she wants them now more than ever with Brexit going through..Trump is in position to leverage (and already has) how Britain did it faster and better (had the balls) than the U.S. (Pulling away from establishment).


Well-Known Member
See, this is a prime example of why I can no longer interact with her/him/it......don't you feel like you are lording over/possibly verbally abusing the mentally deficient after a while?
Meh..some men are into porno and some creepy crazy shit; he's into trolling..harmless fun after a hard day of hanging frame windows and coming home to trim.


Well-Known Member
If we really cared about democracy in this country, we'd be making damn sure no one can fuck with the ballots.

Unfortunately we've legalized corruption so people think they can get away with anything, no matter how destructive to the greater good it might be.
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Well-Known Member
He would've sounded like a dick if he said anything else.

He DID NOT: concede or endorse.

He SAID..'I will do whatever I CAN to defeat Donald Trump'.

The operative word: CAN ie; within his ability.

Voting for her is something he CAN do in good conscious to defeat Trump as last vestige in a contest.

Go back to 3rd grade and learn words.
Very specifically, he said yes.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Trump U is a fraud according to prosecutors in two states and it looks like an obvious case to my layman's understanding of fraud. Hillary's e-mail accounts have been under investigation for over a year and has had as many as 1500 agents on the case. She is running behind Trump in this regard. It seems to me that if the case were obvious it wouldn't have taken this long.
They keep uncovering new leads. Plus the witnesses are not cooperating. One says she only learned about the server AFTER hillary hired her as a lawyer AFTER she served as her top aide. The man who set up her server pled the fifth 130 times during trial.

Hillary has been very thorough in covering her tracks. The investigation started with a request for emails concerning benghazi
That led to discovery of her private server. That led to discovery that her aids were copying and sending state documents to the private server.

There is so much more too. It is not a simple investigation. They are interviewing EVERYONE to get all possibe evidence before they subpoena clinton.


Well-Known Member
They keep uncovering new leads. Plus the witnesses are not cooperating. One says she only learned about the server AFTER hillary hired her as a lawyer AFTER she served as her top aide. The man who set up her server pled the fifth 130 times during trial.

Hillary has been very thorough in covering her tracks. The investigation started with a request for emails concerning benghazi
That led to discovery of her private server. That led to discovery that her aids were copying and sending state documents to the private server.

There is so much more too. It is not a simple investigation. They are interviewing EVERYONE to get all possibe evidence before they subpoena clinton.
Nah. They're dragging their feet. As president, she can pardon herself.