PS - Please move pissing matches to another thread. I'd like to actually discuss LED's on this LED thread.
wrong thread to do that, this is sativied's podium to lecture people and receive abuse for saying stupid things in his lecture.
PS - Please move pissing matches to another thread. I'd like to actually discuss LED's on this LED thread.
that was just a quote from one of your fans fuckface ,i just found it funny as hell lol. you guys are way too smart for me to get into any kind of debate.but i can troll with the best of em if nudged enoughLol... What's the point of that man... I see a reply from the guy who's math everyone else parrots and it turns out to be a testiclee question instead of a calculations for the cree reference design.
So let me get this straight. I KNOW why green led lights are used specifically in green areas in NL in my area too and share that knowledge, but you think they just picked the most lum eff cobs which happened to be green:claps: Sounds familiar...
You should have gone with mesopoc, VeL, and S/P and then I would have borthered to translate a few docs and pdfs and point out we use green specifically for green areas because it's least disturbing for flora and fauna and unlike in urban areas there are not enough people to complain about the green (low acceptance rate unfortunately).
Since you are all so eager to disagree and find something wrong in my posts, let me make it easy for you: cannabis doesn't need light to flower
Ooww tough guy in bold even. Fuck you too six, ya little suck up
today? i take it your dont read tnt or the politics section on this board between this and the HID intensity thread this board sure took a giant shit today
I'm nuanced and specific. .
PS - Please move pissing matches to another thread. I'd like to actually discuss LED's on this LED thread.
Religion should not simply be vilified and disregarded, it was the major social organizational structure until the development of the modern democratic pluralistic systems. Maybe consider Christianity within the context of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the social structures needed to prevent radicalization and extremism in the increasingly fragmented world of the Interwebs...
...Do you really believe
Again, try being a little more creative, and a little less pathetic."You seem"... like a CompleteMoron and your troll attempts are at the same level as your discussion abilities.You seem to post a lot of variations of "I'm rubber you're glue".
You can't even separate fact from your own fiction, yet think you are in a position to know or judge anything... abursd. Hey, do you perhaps use 4000k? I think it may have fucked with your head. As I told churchhaze long ago - which he obviously didn't listen to - do NOT look into the light.You're not.
Has anyone ever told you that possess these characteristics? They haven't
If I'm the one receiving abuse, why does your butt leave purple streaks across multiple grow forums?wrong thread to do that, this is sativied's podium to lecture people and receive abuse for saying stupid things in his lecture.
And realize that we grow cannabis under high intensity light compared to many other crops, and that relatively low blue levels at high intensities provides enough absolute blue light to grow normal. Wasting more on <550 is inefficient.
If any of the light designers for cannabis uses the cree reference, please use more red and less white. Or better, use lower color temp and higher cri... see difference in FR. It's a good start but that reference spectrum is not ideal. Although, compared to a 3500k...
Discuss. Lol...
Now where do I find some cheap chinese labor to put one of these together... hey...
Bro thats some hysterical meltdown shit.
I don't know if you guys get it but he's basically saying your lack of morals, decency and the overall barbarian behavior you exhibit in this forum could be kept under control if you just open your heart for a personal relationship with Jesus. If not, you go to hell with a 1000watt DE up your ass for all eternity.
Again, try being a little more creative, and a little less pathetic."You seem"... like a CompleteMoron and your troll attempts are at the same level as your discussion abilities.
You can't even separate fact from your own fiction, yet think you are in a position to know or judge anything... abursd. Hey, do you perhaps use 4000k? I think it may have fucked with your head. As I told churchhaze long ago - which he obviously didn't listen to - do NOT look into the light.
If I'm the one receiving abuse, why does your butt leave purple streaks across multiple grow forums?I get it, you are a fuck-up and became really good in fooling yourself but man... You guys wishfully-think so hard your douchebaggery actually will affect me, if you just convince yourself and each other, I'd almost start to feel sorry for you. The fact you can fool yourself so easily is a strong indication to me you should never presume to be in a position to use the label "stupid", stupid.
This thread is about whatever you want it to be including butchered versions of my opinions or your own interpretation of to some well known facts, or the lengths some people go to to remain this thread is about your opinion that cree got it wrong and we should be using more red and less blue?
cree is using around 75% 4000K and 25% 660nm right? so what do you think would be the better spectrum?
50%white(which K temp would you use?2700k?) and 50% red(would u add 620 as well as 660? in which ratios?)
I don't know if you guys get it but he's basically saying your lack of morals, decency and the overall barbarian behavior you exhibit in this forum could be kept under control if you just open your heart for a personal relationship with Jesus. If not, you go to hell with a 1000watt DE up your ass for all eternity.![]()
This thread is about whatever you want it to be including butchered versions of my opinions or your own interpretation of to some well known facts, or the lengths some people go to to remain ignorant.
I'm not saying Cree got it it "wrong", that's ironically what the clowns here pretend. If you read every sentence in the pdf you should know already Cree does not claim that spectrum is the best either. What it does show, again, is that they too have a lot better idea about what a more optimal spectrum for horticulture is than the 3500k or even 4000k promotors here and is a lot closer to what I've been saying is better.
So let's get this straight, no, it's not Sativied vs Cree as you imply, it's, as always, well known facts vs Bibled nonsense from preteningeers and epeen growers here. And even if I back that up with info from Cree, who I agree with a lot more than bullshitters here, as anyone in their right mind would, they still insist their world is flat.
Using both lower K temp AND higher red ratio is probably not necessary. It's a lot easier to say what's suboptimal than what's perfect, but if they would have gone with 1/3 red and 2/3 white I would have definitely said "I fucking told you so" and probably would not have suggested a major change (but still possible variations to explore, mostly different R/FR ratio).
Using 2700k combined with half red could be overdoing it. The lower warmer K temps suggestion is more relevant for cobs or all whites. The lower the W:R ratio (the more red leds) the less sense a lower K temp of the whites will be.p.
"would u add 620 as well as 660? in which ratios?"
Good question. Depends on the K temp used for the whites and how many whites. With a high amount of lower K temp whites you already bump the 620 area and should probably focus on 660 only. But let me put it this way: I would try to keep 634-660 at similar (high) levels, rather spend light (regardless of how much it costs to produce or setup, regardless of efficiency at the source) optimally, see some of my earlier posts in this thread.
Anyone who uses more than just a little blue, prefers green, yellow instead of red for any other reason than saving watts or $$ (i.e. Bibled efficiency) pretends to know cannabis prefers a very unusual spectrum for flowering and doesn't know how to build an efficient led regardless of the spectrum. Until that is confirmed (by pros...) common sense dictates it's utter bullshit. Anyone who can provide you with the perfect exact ratios of W:R and possibly 620/660 is just as full of shit.
Again, Cree's spectrum isn't that wrong, it's a good step in the right direction. However, the one from the HPS is better in many ways. That has always been the biggest lie of led companies and fans, that hps spectrum sucks... A little more blue than hps isn't a bad thing though, especially if that would come at the cost of yellow instead of red and even add more green/yellow. See the tables in the spectral distribution in the pdf. Go for a mix of the two roughly. Little more red and FR than the cree reference, less yellow, green, blue. If I think it would help I would quote Supra on BR ratio... but then, when STS's quotes underlined my claims it didn't do much good either.
for a long time ive thought that we would be better off using cold white(5000-6500K ect) and reds
I like to use to play with spectrums
here is 50% cold white with 20% 625nm and 30% 660nm
View attachment 3716200
and for reference
View attachment 3716202
After running flux and spectral analysis of the different Vero 29 I was particularly intrigued by the possibility of using the 5000k with supplemental red. You get the good efficiency and the nice deep blue of the high kelvin Vero's and you only have to add in the extra element of the red LEDs. The red LEDs could specifically target that 660nm area that is in theory super great.for a long time ive thought that we would be better off using cold white(5000-6500K ect) and reds
I like to use to play with spectrums
here is 50% cold white with 20% 625nm and 30% 660nm
View attachment 3716200
and for reference
View attachment 3716202
Here bro, dig inAfter running flux and spectral analysis of the different Vero 29 I was particularly intrigued by the possibility of using the 5000k with supplemental red. You get the good efficiency and the nice deep blue of the high kelvin Vero's and you only have to add in the extra element of the red LEDs. The red LEDs could specifically target that 660nm area that is in theory super great.
I am always left wondering about the Emerison effect. If it holds true over the entire McCree/PAR function then we need to be aiming to best replicate outdoor light, not attempting to build something better then billions of years of evolution.
After running flux and spectral analysis of the different Vero 29 I was particularly intrigued by the possibility of using the 5000k with supplemental red. You get the good efficiency and the nice deep blue of the high kelvin Vero's and you only have to add in the extra element of the red LEDs. The red LEDs could specifically target that 660nm area that is in theory super great.
I am always left wondering about the Emerison effect. If it holds true over the entire McCree/PAR function then we need to be aiming to best replicate outdoor light, not attempting to build something better then billions of years of evolution.
Thanks this looks like great information. I am planning to hack together a Pi controlled system for my next step, in theory I should be able to control many functions to test light cycles and automatically collect data. I am never really satisfied until I have verified that the theory tracks with reality.
for a long time ive thought that we would be better off using cold white(5000-6500K ect) and reds
I like to use to play with spectrums
here is 50% cold white with 20% 625nm and 30% 660nm
View attachment 3716200
and for reference
View attachment 3716202
but its for aquarium not plantsI was playing around with that tool you linked to to see how it scores. According to that tool, the 3000k CRI is near perfect! (it puts little arrows where it thinks power is lacking) The problem has nothing to do with insufficient red, but rather lack of violet! To get a perfect score of 100, I added exactly 42x warm whites to 1x 400nm.
View attachment 3716257
Of course I'm not trying to say their scoring system means anything...