Donald Trump

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Educate yourself, before you vote.

Please watch the whole thing. Then you'll understand the " Career Criminal " tag.


Now here's Hillary contradicing Hillary.

^^^^ A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit. Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions. Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right.

@Big_Lou I hope you pull yourself out of " The State of Ignorance " where most of Hillary fans reside. Hope & Change ;)


^^^^ four more years of this, NO thanks.


why not just compare what they say?

trump weighs in with a hefty 2% true statements. 77% false.

hillary is at 51% true. only 27% false.

so you support trump, the biggest liar in this campaign and quite possibly, any campaign ever.
EU referendum: Brexit sparks calls for other EU votes

France's National Front leader Marine Le Pen said the French must now also have the right to choose.

Dutch anti-immigration politician Geert Wilders said the Netherlands deserved a "Nexit" vote while Italy's Northern League said: "Now it's our turn".


Look at that clenched fist!

EU referendum: Brexit sparks calls for other EU votes

France's National Front leader Marine Le Pen said the French must now also have the right to choose.

Dutch anti-immigration politician Geert Wilders said the Netherlands deserved a "Nexit" vote while Italy's Northern League said: "Now it's our turn".


Look at that clenched fist!


wow, you are melting down just because i am pointing out true facts about you.
@UncleBuck You're losing the battle, and going down in flames. LOL



Polls, studies, and white papers in general slant the truth, more times than not.


Sorry UncleBuck if all of this info ^^^^ flies right over your head. Hillary fans, tend not to think and I feel sorry for them.
Educate yourself, before you vote.

Please watch the whole thing. Then you'll understand the " Career Criminal " tag.


Now here's Hillary contradicing Hillary.

^^^^ A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit. Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions. Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right.

@Big_Lou I hope you pull yourself out of " The State of Ignorance " where most of Hillary fans reside. Hope & Change ;)


^^^^ four more years of this, NO thanks.

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Uh-oh....looks we've got yet another Drumpf lackey/desperate brainwashed moron in the house, I'll sound the alarm!!

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I just hope that THIS one can provide as much constant entertainment as the other trailer court trolls that toss Drumpf's salad on the regular! :lol:
The Libyans who stop IS escaping by sea

Oh look, muslims stopped ISIS.

Government-backed forces in Libya have made significant gains against the fighters of so-called Islamic State.

Local militia are being supported in a major offensive by British special forces.

Quentin Sommerville reports from Sirte.

Cameraman: Fred Scott.

Video is good. Sad at end tho.
wow, you are melting down just because i am pointing out true facts about you.

Yeah, this one's on the verge....possibly all of that latent/pent up self-loathing, knowing that when she goes to sleep at night she is endorsing a racist dictator that hates her family?

Thankfully a NEW Drumpf troll has appeared, so this thread will NOT go without entertainment ~ Huzzah!

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Uncle Buck, why do you hate Libya?

was it racist when your fellow trump supporter told obama to go back to kenya?

or when he said about children like yours that it looks like we are "educating mexico" and he doesn't "see a solution anytime soon"?

or when he said about your husband and his family that they are "low information voters" because of their skin color?

thanks for clearing that up.
@UncleBuck You're losing the battle, and going down in flames. LOL



Polls, studies, and white papers in general slant the truth, more times than not.


Sorry UncleBuck if all of this info ^^^^ flies right over your head. Hillary fans, tend not to think and I feel sorry for them.

Y-i-k-e-s....YOU quoting Einstein is like the redneck fry cook at McBurger explaining the nuances of fine French cuisine, might be in just a bit over your head here, Drumpf drone.

On THAT note, time to hit the park and then a nice shower!
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