Cree 1000W DE HPS Replacement Reference Design

Why do you guys bother responding to this turd of a human being,it's the same story in every thread. He's so disliked,his mom had to tie a pork chop around his neck so the family dog would play with him.
Classic... such a major douchebag, never been able to reply normally, only talk trash and show his true nature every time, big fat liar, dumb as a rock, typcal riu troll scum... yet thinks he's in a position to judge or insult me. Ludicrous, delusional, straight up idiocracy.
You should try a different strain,most people mellow but apparently you turn into a little Nazi with what ever your smoking.
Too over the top butthurt douchebag comment to be insulting, dummy. It just makes you a raging idiot. Which I'm sure is appreciated by your raging idiot friends, but you're ludicrous to think you are upsetting anyone but yourself, again, as usually for you. I'm going to make a guess here but it appears that part about being on meds is something out of your life which you project on me. Calm down lol.
Also, lets not forget liebig's law. I would be willing to bet that in 75% of grows light is not the actual limiting factor, human error and lack of skill are.
I think your 75% estimate is a bit on the low end. I will take your bet and raise you with 24.99%.

Apart from a few exceptions most growers here are not grower enough to discuss grow light. Buying the most efficient cobs on paper and tying them together is the main event here. For actual discussions about grow lights, what this thread could have been, this just isn't the place.

Although, when you put @captainmorgan, @PurpleBuz, @churchhaze, @testiclees (he's lying about the "es"), and @PSUAGRO. on ignore this thread cleans up nicely :twisted:
I think your 75% estimate is a bit on the low end. I will take your bet and raise you with 24.99%.

That must be why so many noobs are getting great results despite not having dialed everything in yet. Netjes!

The noobs in this section crush the noobs in the CFL section by a huge margin. Even the noobs here win. These lamps are EZ mode.
That must be why so many noobs are getting great results despite not having dialed everything in yet. Netjes!

The noobs in this section crush the noobs in the CFL section by a huge margin. Even the noobs here win. These lamps are EZ mode.
New growers are going to get better results with LEDs because they are easier to manage then HPS. The biggest issue with indoor growing is temperature control. Also easier to diagnose pest and nutrient issues due to better light quality. These qualities make the white LEDs much easier to deal with then something like the 1000W DE, even if the DE is a "better" over all light, particularly for new and small growers.

I think your 75% estimate is a bit on the low end. I will take your bet and raise you with 24.99%.

Apart from a few exceptions most growers here are not grower enough to discuss grow light. Buying the most efficient cobs on paper and tying them together is the main event here. For actual discussions about grow lights, what this thread could have been, this just isn't the place.

Although, when you put @captainmorgan, @PurpleBuz, @churchhaze, @testiclees (he's lying about the "es"), and @PSUAGRO. on ignore this thread cleans up nicely :twisted:
I would bet that 95% of all growers are not being limited by the quality of their light, regardless of the light being used. However, making grand generalizations like this, even if they are true, serving no useful end.
No, I'm continously on my meds called cannabis sativa, try it some time, maybe you will become a little more creative... simple douchebag.

"a little more creative" GTFOH imagining that you're creative and the next phrase is "simple douchebag" muttered like a witless juvenile??? What type of flaccid half wit boasts of putting 5 members on ignore and claims to be creative. You avoid confronting feedback and call yourself creative. Dude you're called out as a flaming asshole almost every time you post.

the loads of arrogant witlessness contributed throughout your cringe inducing episodes on RIU are the furthest thing from creativity. You haven't uttered a single witty, inventive or context changing phrase. When youre a creative person others will let you know. You dont tell others that you're creative. You tell yourself all kinds of preposterous shit because you're toxic narcissist.
Bro the proper descriptive term for your mental state is pathological.
Maybe I have this all wrong,are you using a speech to text program,that would explain your long tirades and point to you having Tourettes.
Or, I'm just not a CaptainMoron. Or maybe, instead of posting petty attempts at insults, I'm nuanced and specific. Your comment is again straight up idiocra.... "Dude, where's my car!?" :lol: Too much text, must be tirade... especially if you wish really hard I get upset instead of you. See definition of intellect and realize what you feel and wish has nothing to do with me. I have no hate or anger towards any one of you, and your projections telling me TMI about yourself aren't going to change that either. Put your replies to me from the very first to the last in one post and you may get a clue what a tirade looks like.
I would bet that 95% of all growers are not being limited by the quality of their light, regardless of the light being used. However, making grand generalizations like this, even if they are true, serving no useful end.
In practice maybe it doesn't. I like to think there are exceptions. It's like going into a church shouting it's all bullshit they believe in, even if that saves one soul from dogma and cult like repression it was worth it. These bees don't like honey, tried that years ago and got the same responses.
In practice maybe it doesn't. I like to think there are exceptions. It's like going into a church shouting it's all bullshit they believe in, even if that saves one soul from dogma and cult like repression it was worth it. These bees don't like honey, tried that years ago and got the same responses.

The definition of a Cult is sort of meaningless. The only reason Christians, Muslims, whatever, are not cults is because their "leaders" are dead and they have more then the 1 Million +++++ people required to not be considered a "Cult", so... Ok?

Religion should not simply be vilified and disregarded, it was the major social organizational structure until the development of the modern democratic pluralistic systems. Maybe consider Christianity within the context of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the social structures needed to prevent radicalization and extremism in the increasingly fragmented world of the Interwebs... Walking into a church and yelling something like that would only serve to demonstrate a lack of openness to other points of view, plus minor delusions of grandeur.

Do you really believe you are convincing or important enough to be able to yell in a church, serving as pattern interrupt, strong enough to pull anyone out their self induced programming?
Why is 625nm more efficient than 655nm? (See XQ-E WPE @

Everything I have ever read says that deep red has better wall plug efficiency than red. Citation:

So, what gives? Why, for Cree, is red more efficient than photo red? Their production process is more designed for more optically visible red (since they undoubtedly sell more red than photo red)? What are your thoughts?

PS - Please move pissing matches to another thread. I'd like to actually discuss LED's on this LED thread.