Donald Trump

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I wouldn't call you intelligent but am glad for you that you have such high self esteem.

Ok, so can you put some details into your statement "she did tho"? As in regarding what? Are you saying that Hillary Clinton wrote and signed NAFTA? That Hillary burgeoned the trade deficit? Do you want to refute with facts or just words?
Who said she wrote nafta? She was pronafta and her husband signed it into law. It started with ghw but the clintons pushed to sign it into law.
Lol trump is ruthless Ali couldn't dodge this guys punches...he's a racist sexist fascist but he has no filter Bernie missed alot of opportunities cuzz he's the good guy ...trump is a rich prick
I think Bernie should have explained his numbers ..everybody's big question is how's Bernie goñana pay for college tuition health care and blazay blah...uh weed dummy...look at the numbers Colorado alone is pulling .....times that by all 50 states...that's trillions of dollars annually ....enough to fund these programs and work on conversion to green power....
I dont make bets because someone demands it. I dont know who will win. Why would I bet on an uncertainty?

i'm talking about your retarded blathering about hillary going to jail, and then refusing to make a bet on it because even you know that you are full of shit.
Yep I do....Obama would go down to because he had used Hillary's private server to have contact with her as well I was reading ..
@shorelineOG - Drumpf has a "background in construction" - Whaaaaaa? Not a native New Yorker, I take it? lol
If by "background in construction" you mean occasionally 'touring' his daddy's sites in between getting head from pre-teen girls and doing lines from erect black cocks then YES, he is very experienced!

I wonder just how many of these podunk morons yapping about Drumpf are actual NYers that were THERE to witness that clan's years of opulence and social abuses? Do a Google search and educate yourselves, inbreeders....
Googled trump and cocaine. Found this
Daily reminder that the primaries are over, and the democrats had an abysmal turnout. More republicans voted than democrats, AND trump broke the record for most republican primary votes

Yep I do....Obama would go down to because he had used Hillary's private server to have contact with her as well I was reading ..

alright, your sock puppet account versus my actual account. when none of what you predicted happens, you log out and stay logged out forever.
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