latest sarah palin news


Well-Known Member
I think it's a bit funny that Ms. Palin got her first passport in 2006, and has only been to Germany and Kuwait to this day. ....and probably Canada. Who's the inexperienced one now bitches?


Well-Known Member
lol why would jesus vote for obama?

and thats not jesus

thats buddy christ from dogma one of the most anti christian movies ever made


Well-Known Member
It's weird. just when I think I've got a handle on
Things, something wholly unbelievable presents
itself. Sometimes I wish I had just stayed home.

You sound like the Man.

What was He like?

Jesus? Black.

Besides that.

The brother was centered. I mean, He was God,
right? But I think He felt left out because He was
more than human, you know? We used to sit around
the fire - me and the other guys - and we'd be
talking about what ass-holes the Romans were or
getting laid...

Some things never change.

...and He'd just sit there listening and smiling.
We'd ask Him why He never joined in the convo, but
He said He just liked to hear us talk; about
anything. Said it was like music. I think He just
wished He had unimportant shit to talk about

How does He feel now?

He still digs humanity, but it bothers Him to see
the shit that gets carried out in His name - wars,
bigotry, but especially the factioning of all the
religions. He said humanity took a good idea and,
like always, built a belief structure on it.

Having beliefs isn't good?

I think it's better to have ideas. You can change
an idea. Changing a belief is trickier
. Life
should malleable and progressive; working from
idea to idea permits that. Beliefs anchor you to
certain points and limit growth; new ideas can't
generate. Life becomes stagnant
. That was one
thing the Man hated - still life. He wanted
everyone to be as enthralled with living as He
was. Maybe it had something to do with knowing
when He was going to die. but Christ had this
vitality that I've never encountered in another
person since. You know what I'm saving?

He was big on life?

It was more than that. He was the only person I
ever knew who never engaged in that most ancient
of life-affirming activities.


Debate. That's the only way people know how to
reaffirm that they're alive - by debating. In all
it's forms. People spend their whole lives
debating: we fight about who's right and who's
wrong, we fight ourselves, we fight each other, we
fight death, we fight over beliefs, we fight over
fights. We believe that to stop debating - in any
fashion -is to stop living and give up. People say
that life's a struggle, but it's not. Life is
living. I'm even guilty of it myself, the way I go
on about Christ's ethnicity, fighting for the
truth to come out. And I'm dead. Even in death,
the only way I know how to live is through debate.
That's sad, isn't it?

Not if you believe it's important for people to

A belief's a dangerous thing, Bethany. People die
for it. People kill for it. The whole of existence
is in jeopardy right now because of the Catholic
Belief structure regarding this plenary indulgence
. And whether they know it or not,
Bartleby and Loki are exploiting that belief, and
if they're successful, you, me. all of this...
ends in a heartbeat.
All over a belief.


Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Sorry to rattle your cage TODAYISAGREENDAY! You would be the first to post a negative add about McCains choice for anything and not be a Obama Supporter. Sorry if I mis- judged your intent felow pothead! Peace!


New Member
Point of order.

I think McCain is not a wise choice,

I think Palin sucks and needs to get a handle on her home affairs.

I think Obama is a scary motherfucker

I don't know shit about Biden, but I bet he's just as crooked as all those other assholes in Washington, so I don't like his ass either.

So I guess now there's 2 of us present on this forum.


Well-Known Member
Point of order.

I think McCain is not a wise choice,

I think Palin sucks and needs to get a handle on her home affairs.

I think Obama is a scary motherfucker

I don't know shit about Biden, but I bet he's just as crooked as all those other assholes in Washington, so I don't like his ass either.

So I guess now there's 2 of us present on this forum.
just write your name on the ballot and vote for yourself


Well-Known Member
Fuck off with that shit, wanker :finger:
I guess this means you don't love me no more? ;) :lol:

Women have every right to have a career, just make sure that when you are spouting abstinence only that your kids are the first ones to abstaine. :dunce:
And when Clinton and Gore were spouting their rhetoric and executing their "War on Drugs" by incarcerating millions during the Clinton Administration, should Gore have made sure his son was abstaining from drugs?


New Member
I guess this means you don't love me no more? ;) :lol:

And when Clinton and Gore were spouting their rhetoric and executing their "War on Drugs" by incarcerating millions during the Clinton Administration, should Gore have made sure his son was abstaining from drugs?

Yes he should have. If your stance on the issue is strong enough to affect the lives of others, your own family had better be the first ones to follow the rules.


Well-Known Member
Yes he should have. If your stance on the issue is strong enough to affect the lives of others, your own family had better be the first ones to follow the rules.
Well this..."wanker" ;) agrees to a certain extent. Kids will do whatever the hell they want once they reach a certain age. What I find amusing are the folks out there that are critical of Palin's home life that think Gore is the shit. They voted for the Clinton/Gore team, they wanted to see him win against Bush and they think he would've been great...yet his son gets busted for drugs. Did you support Gore in his run for POTUS?

Frankly, I could care less what their kids do though. I look to what their voting records show. I am a manager for over a dozen technical people. How I run my department and how I ran my household when I had kids at home were two entirely different scenarios.

And I was just teasing you with my "A woman's place..." comment. :D

You can ask my wife, Seamaiden, that I would never use that line in serious context.