Rabbit and horse manure. Best way to utilize it?

There are some decent bunny pellet deals on ebay. I gardened with then for a few runs. First i worked it into cooking soil. Next I top dressed. I really couldnt see much effect There were lots of variables so who knows. In the end i used it in the worm bin. Squirmers love it.

Wed Mar 09 19-12-18.jpg

I have no experience with Aphrodite's Extraction but it sounds like the marketing Dept pulled that shit out of their ass.

Try out some SST. Cheaper, dramatic results, learn about gardening and biology, biologique and useful in veg n bloom.
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It was cheap so I thought I would try it out in some teas ...I would like to see some sort of study with that kinda shit...I think if they had them with a side by side comparison with something like molasses and proved it was "so much better" I myself would be more apt to but it....but I would say the reason they don't is because it's the same thing! But like I said I'll try it before I throw rocks at it
It was cheap so I thought I would try it out in some teas ...I would like to see some sort of study with that kinda shit...I think if they had them with a side by side comparison with something like molasses and proved it was "so much better" I myself would be more apt to but it....but I would say the reason they don't is because it's the same thing! But like I said I'll try it before I throw rocks at it

I like working with raw stuff. If you run that bunny poo through a worm bin. Those castings will be more than enough to grow fantastic bud.
Well the layered bucket is getting along quite well. The worms are loving it if there and turning all the horse manure and leaves into some dam good compost. Here's a couple pics I just took.


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@greasemonkeymann , sounds like something I would like to try. Do you know what ratio the old school farmer used the rabbit manure and kelp meal?
I somehow missed this question, sorry....
he re-used his soil, i think it was around 1-2 cups of rabbit manure, and one cup of kelp meal, per cubic foot.
not sure what the intitial mix was, but i hear 3-4 per cubic foot is normal for the first soil mixing.
assuming the mix is somewhat "empty"
Thanks Grease. I ended up making 13 different batches of soil the last couple months. A bit much I would say but I wanted to make sure I had enough for my 9 girls that are now outside. Got everything from the girls to pole beans to tomatos planted in it. Should be an interesting year for sure!!!
Thanks Grease. I ended up making 13 different batches of soil the last couple months. A bit much I would say but I wanted to make sure I had enough for my 9 girls that are now outside. Got everything from the girls to pole beans to tomatos planted in it. Should be an interesting year for sure!!!
holy shit.. 13 different batches?
that makes my back hurt just hearing that..
and for 9 plants?
hmmm... i'm a lil confused...
I could see 13 different soil mixes for 26 plants and a LOT of side-by-side experiments.. but shit man...
So the 5 gallon bucket has composted down to about half full. Thought I would add a few more things to it. I layered some dry grass clippings, comfrey, horse manure and rabbit manure. It's a full bucket once again, and the worms love it!!!


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So the 5 gallon bucket has composted down to about half full. Thought I would add a few more things to it. I layered some dry grass clippings, comfrey, horse manure and rabbit manure. It's a full bucket once again, and the worms love it!!!
badass man, but remember, and I did this too, you want two compost piles (or buckets) reason is, if you keep adding inputs to it, it'll never finish.
I did the same thing man, but yea, treat them like a lot of growers do perpetual harvests (same with your wormbin) get two or three to rotate, that way you are always harvesting
I wouldn't add it to an AACT either, amigo

I like to take a gallon of rabbit turds and a gallon of fresh castings and leave outside in the sun and rain for ten days to two weeks

Once she's all fuzzy and getting white with furry mycelium, then I add some shovel fulls to the batch I'm mixing

In the garden outside I just plop them on top then tinkle a bit of castings..

Any leftovers store well indoors odour free if the worms aren't on that kind of diet at the time..although they'd welcome it with open ..arms??
badass man, but remember, and I did this too, you want two compost piles (or buckets) reason is, if you keep adding inputs to it, it'll never finish.
I did the same thing man, but yea, treat them like a lot of growers do perpetual harvests (same with your wormbin) get two or three to rotate, that way you are always harvesting
Good advice right here

Myself I take a coffee tin worth of castings out of the worm mothership (25gallon tote) every once in a while, and let those worms recycle those castings for a good 7-10 days..

Little extra eggshell and time (with no food added) means more consistent teas time in and time out- I didn't even know they'd eat their own castings again til recently!
Good advice right here

Myself I take a coffee tin worth of castings out of the worm mothership (25gallon tote) every once in a while, and let those worms recycle those castings for a good 7-10 days..

Little extra eggshell and time (with no food added) means more consistent teas time in and time out- I didn't even know they'd eat their own castings again til recently!
heh "worm mothership"
totally off topic, but has anyone ever played the video game "worms amageddon"?
totally addictive and fun as hell, especially with friends over..
it's like a way cooler version of angry birds
if you can compost and layer (like what you are doing) in a fabric pot, that's what i'd do. I'd be afraid of anaerobic conditions (not only can rob your nutrients but kill worms)
plastic seems to be too "un" breathable, attracts condensation also
And I also would make sure the horses didn't get any dewormers, I know cattle get routine shots for that, not sure about horses
Horsezhite makes great worm farm starter as well, it does not matter whether or not the horses owners use de-wormer, it doesn't affect red wigglers, trust me, I got my stash of wigglers from a farm they use de-wormer in fact any person I know with horses use de-wormer and their shit s always full of wigglers...
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I would simply top dress rabbit manure (rabbit manure is not a hot manure can be used fresh ) and let the horseshit sit for a month or 2 and feed it to ur worms. Horseshit is better used as a top dress/mulch for outdoor or outdoor veggie garden , doesn't have much food in it. Once composted it makes great bedding for ur worms, in fact horseshit can be used as both bedding and feed for worms
Horsezhite makes great worm farm starter as well, it does not matter whether or not the horses owners use de-wormer, it doesn't affect red wigglers, trust me, I got my stash of wigglers from a farm they use de-wormer in fact any person I know with horses use de-wormer and their shit s always full of wigglers...
thats my experience also, only with steer manure, I put a bunch in my compost to see if it's make a difference and the redw are everywhere still.
I just have read that de-wormers can be active for a lil bit, depends on the composting time I think
Anyone wanna buy some lacquered rabbit "blessing" earrings ?
Aka shiny poop on a hook. Lol lets bring the 80's back
Anyone wanna buy some lacquered rabbit "blessing" earrings ?
Aka shiny poop on a hook. Lol lets bring the 80's back

I googled it to see if it was a real thing, I got a good laugh out of it! Dont get mad at me!!!
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I went to a rabbit farm and got some free manure by the truck load. The only problem that I see with rabbit manure is the stuff that clumps together. I might start screening the manure before I use it!


Here is a clump that I was talking about. The rabbit farm is indoor and on gravel, so there is not any dirt in this. I really think that these clumps are from the urine and rabbit hair. It makes sense becuase they probably pee where they like to hang out and shed fur?
I went to a rabbit farm and got some free manure by the truck load. The only problem that I see with rabbit manure is the stuff that clumps together. I might start screening the manure before I use it!

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Here is a clump that I was talking about. The rabbit farm is indoor and on gravel, so there is not any dirt in this. I really think that these clumps are from the urine and rabbit hair. It makes sense becuase they probably pee where they like to hang out and shed fur?
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