I love Oregon! Dr.D81 growing under the sun

Well my perants live in Canton and my sister in between Holly springs and Woodstock so we would move closer to them if we ever could. I love Pickens county just north of them but Pickens county people are idiots so nowhere is perfect. I will be in Canton for Christmas this year though. Should there for like 2 weeks minimum
Wow. Small world. I went to Cherokee High School. Canton.. No lie...lol..Ex GF from Jasper(Pickens county). Ga Laws are fkd up.. Thats for damn sure. Nice plants btw..
Wow. Small world. I went to Cherokee High School. Canton.. No lie...lol..Ex GF from Jasper(Pickens county). Ga Laws are fkd up.. Thats for damn sure. Nice plants btw..
Shit we have to know some of the same people then. Bet you know at lest a couple of the West if you are from there and smoke. We moved to Canton in 02 after I got out of the army and left in 06 before everything went tits up out there
been working on super cropping them,topping them will make them a lot harder later for me.plus anything new I run I always let them grow out too see true traits.
Some strains like going untoped. The gendaddy only throw two phenos I have seen and one love being a pole plant. A fucking stupid happy pole plant.

I am about to do more repotting. Got the Charlotte's web, franks gift, and gods gift repotted for third crop. Then went to the dentist and had one of the worst afternoons ever. It started after the shots with him pulling and saying" you have long teeth" and went south from there. After he finished the two I came for and the one he broke of and went on and pulled even though he really hadent numbed for it. I puked in to a bag with a Ukraine girl holding it.

Been working on my first recycler for the 600 club contest

Gods Gift
franks gift
Charlottes Web will be getting fully seeded with a Fanks G. X Cannatonic male. After deseeding we will be making it in to cocanut oil and donating it to a little girl in CA.20160622_173839.jpg
Then went to the dentist and had one of the worst afternoons ever. It started after the shots with him pulling and saying" you have long teeth" and went south from there. After he finished the two I came for and the one he broke of and went on and pulled even though he really hadent numbed for it. I puked in to a bag with a Ukraine girl holding it.

Ouch! A good lookin' Ukrainian gal?
if you really think thats the way it works go ahead and jump back on that unicorn you ride. Spray when they go in for the night? You dont think introducing it into the environment they could pick it up and introduce it to their hive?
I have seen several people now claiming that spinosad is nasty. Ok.... please provide at least three respected scientific articles for me to read about it. All the science points to it being one of the more effective and least toxic pest option available.

It is after all omri certified... the omri certification takes quite a bit of trials and testing to pass. I want solid information vs. "I just feel it's bad". I work at a research institution and have asked horticultural researchers here about spinosad as well as other organic pest control methods. Their opinion is not a negative one but as with all pesticides available to the public, the concern is primarily mis-use.

Not being a dick, I just want real research. Research that has been verified by more than one or two people.

Dawn soap kills bees and the soap stays on them essentially till washed off. Virtually anything can upset a bees lifecycle.

My common sense is telling me my car is probably causing the earth more damage than any spray.

They do, and they will. Thanks bro... I appreciate your intelligence.

It's called half life. And it's not short. Go buy some Monsanto shit too and preach it's goodness...
(Not you vnsmkr)
I have seen several people now claiming that spinosad is nasty. Ok.... please provide at least three respected scientific articles for me to read about it. All the science points to it being one of the more effective and least toxic pest option available.

It is after all omri certified... the omri certification takes quite a bit of trials and testing to pass. I want solid information vs. "I just feel it's bad". I work at a research institution and have asked horticultural researchers here about spinosad as well as other organic pest control methods. Their opinion is not a negative one but as with all pesticides available to the public, the concern is primarily mis-use.

Not being a dick, I just want real research. Research that has been verified by more than one or two people.

Dawn soap kills bees and the soap stays on them essentially till washed off. Virtually anything can upset a bees lifecycle.

My common sense is telling me my car is probably causing the earth more damage than any spray.

Don't have the energy or time to back up my claims man. Seek what you desire and you'll find the answers. Pro or con.

I choose to not use it. I choose to remove myself from this conversation. OMRI is bullshit. Labeling is bullshit. My grow isn't large enough or a matter of making money, so I don't need to worry about losing a plant, as it's not my livelihood. I will gladly bow out with integrity and respect in tact to all of this topic.

Sorry again doc for the blowup of bs on your thread. Happy growing buddy.

Edit: pick your poison is the name of the large operation commercial game. Fuck omri, fuck the NOP. I don't need anything in a bottle for my plants. Bummer for y'all that do.
Yeah, I noticed I selected the stock acid loving plants photo and edited it lol. That article on Spinosad freaked me out man. I had never seen it. Thanks for posting.
I respect people's position, including yours. I just expect it backed up when making such vehminant claims. Real science as it were... I personally believe the omri standards are pretty damn good and without some set of regulations and standards we would be much worse off.

Its great your grow is small enough to manage without defensive measures. If all people grew their own there would be no need for some of us to try and grow so much.

Keep in mind I do not ever advocate rampant use of organic pesticides. Conscientious, strategic and restrained use can help see crops through to harvest without heavy handed impact on the environment or negative health to the end consumer.

Lose a couple crops with wholesale worth over 10k and you would feel the same.

Also... try washing your buds at harvest. It will gross you out what comes off outdoor and indoor bud when washed. But that's a whole other topic of debate.

Take care man and keep doing what works for you.

General spinosad information




For anyone reading. It is advised to spray when bees are not active and rinse with plain water after 15-30 minutes. (for outdoors). It is a contact poison and the rinse will keep bees from picking up any residual. Just fyi.

Don't have the energy or time to back up my claims man. Seek what you desire and you'll find the answers. Pro or con.

I choose to not use it. I choose to remove myself from this conversation. OMRI is bullshit. Labeling is bullshit. My grow isn't large enough or a matter of making money, so I don't need to worry about losing a plant, as it's not my livelihood. I will gladly bow out with integrity and respect in tact to all of this topic.

Sorry again doc for the blowup of bs on your thread. Happy growing buddy.

Edit: pick your poison is the name of the large operation commercial game. Fuck omri, fuck the NOP. I don't need anything in a bottle for my plants. Bummer for y'all that do.