EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
I'm a criticizer also. Where you turned to Chomsky, I find him overrated and too boring to read or really listen to. I've tried to read him and i just can't keep going. I try listening and i don't get what the fuss is about. He seems to avoid taking a stand on anything at all costs, except blaming others.

For someone who live in a time when someone like Hitchens was alive, Chomsky is for sheep.

I lump Chompsky in with a man named Chris Hedges. He makes similar arguments. Hedges is a liberation tgeologist.

I've never seen someone so thoroughly trounced in a debate as Hedges was by Hitchens. And as far as i know Chomsky wouldn't ever agree to get on a stage with Hitchens.
Don't you work at Subway though?


Well-Known Member
Even if that were true, what bearing would it have?

I would expect logical fallicies from a Chomsky fan.
I would expect your opinion to mean more than dust if you had ever read a single book by any of the three men you just mentioned. Since you point out my egregious ad hominem (I don't find you worth acknowledging) I had to make it clear why your opinion is worthless.


Well-Known Member
I would expect your opinion to mean more than dust if you had ever read a single book by any of the three men you just mentioned. Since you point out my egregious ad hominem (I don't find you worth acknowledging) I had to make it clear why your opinion is worthless.
I've read about ten books by Hitchens, for hedges i read 'war is the force that gives us meaning.' hedges is a whining panty waste loser.

And for Chomsky I had to read 'profit over people' in college, per my political science professor's demand and also his best book probablu, manufacturing consent. I also on my own attempted to read his books detering democracy and the triangle something.

Utter snoozers.


Well-Known Member
I've read about ten books by Hitchens, for hedges i read 'war is the force that gives us meaning.' hedges is a whining panty waste loser.

And for Chomsky I had to read 'profit over people' in college, per my political science professor's demand and also his best book probablu, manufacturing consent. I also on my own attempted to read his books detering democracy and the triangle something.

Utter snoozers.
So you expect us all to believe that you took an advanced political science course yet don't know perfect tense, which is basically high school grammar...


Well-Known Member
There's no shortage of people who take courses, yet still don't think or apply what they've learned.
But you don't "had came" if you're in advanced poli-sci or even if you have read so many books by such advanced thinkers. You certainly don't defend it as correct and claim that scholars debate it. It's a basic skill for someone with fully developed English. It's like knowing addition before starting algebra.

There's no way this guy has accomplished anything academically.


Well-Known Member
Actually, "we should have stuff" is the box America has always been in, but it's good you're antifascist.
It's certainly become that way in recent decades, but I disagree that it's a founding principle of our nation.

I'm both anti-fascist and anti-aristocracy. I believe that merit, creativity and hard work should count for a lot more than the net worth of your parents.


Well-Known Member
But you don't "had came" if you're in advanced poli-sci or even if you have read so many books by such advanced thinkers. You certainly don't defend it as correct and claim that scholars debate it. It's a basic skill for someone with fully developed English. It's like knowing addition before starting algebra.

There's no way this guy has accomplished anything academically.
I live in Appalachia. We speak different.

Not only that, a complete nonsequitor. One does not follow. I never said it was an advanced polysci class, it was undergrad and we read a book. I wasn't an English major.

You're proving your ignorance here.


Well-Known Member
I wish Bernie could get on the ballot. The H clinton is whitehouse poision just like the little o currently calling the white house his home. The o was a mistake from day 1. Can't wait till he leaves the whitehouse. I am going to celebrate that day like a BIG holiday!!! Because it is.


Well-Known Member
I can only thank our founding fathers that made that not possible. Maybe now we can get a president. We have been without one for so long. That little o fool just ignores the constitution and the bill of rights. Any person in the whitehouse that does that does not belong there.


Well-Known Member
You won't mind if not a lot of people agree with that highly inflammatory statement.
No I don't mind if people disagree with this post. That is the first ammendment to the constution. So all people that read it can disagree. That is why the constitution needs to be followed. Feel free to disagree.