Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
so not a word of condemnation towards this white christian who put nail bombs in gay night clubs?

btw, i figured out your sock puppet, parker.
Damn Uncle Buck! You're like a sock-puppet recognizing Wizard!

That's even more impressive since he was last here 8 years ago!

I was thinking he was NoDrama, but some of his posts just didn't show that.



Well-Known Member
What? Not Muslim?
No. I guess he was nuts and just a copycat. At lest he only killed one and for politics not religion. So you have a nut who killed a politician, and a MUSLIM who killed and wounded over 100 gay people.

Bro its been pointed out over and over that the use of "dicks" "dick sucking" is the practice of witless assholes. It immediately places you in the impoverished idiot category. When your rhetorical go-to is to be about cocks there's no question that youre a POS lout.
If you take that away thats half of his game he wouldn't be buck anymore. see4 likes talking of them also. I agree with you and everything you said.
But your not that innocent, there seems to be something slimeee about you also.
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Well-Known Member
No. I guess he was nuts and just a copycat. At lest he only killed one and for politics not religion. So you have a nut who killed a politician, and a MUSLIM who killed and wounded over 100 gay people.

If you take that away that half of his game he wouldn't be buck anymore. see4 likes talking of them also. I agree with you and everything you said.
But your not that innocent, there seems to be something slimeee about you also.
Your posts remind me of excrement.


Well-Known Member
WALL STREET/WARREN REACT — Lot of response to our piece Monday reporting that big Wall Street donors might pull their financial support if Hillary Clinton picked Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) as her running mate.

One top progressive emailed: “If Warren were VP, it would more than recoup any money lost by Wall Street by raising tons in grassroots donations — and likely tons more in big checks from Warren donors to the DNC, etc. Would actually save the Clinton fundraising people a lot of time. Evidence: Sanders outraised Clinton.”

Another top Dem: “I can't think of a dumber strategy to derail Warren than a bunch of Wall Street execs saying she's unacceptable. Literally. Like that story couldn't be better for her if she planted it.”

Tyler Gellasch, a former senior Democratic policy advisor: “Picking Senator Warren would be the easiest way for Secretary Clinton to demonstrate that she's committed to an economic policy agenda for everyone, not just her wealthy donors. And the mountain of Wall Street pushback may well be the biggest selling point for picking Senator Warren — not a detractor.

“In one move, Secretary Clinton could unify the Democratic Party and completely foreclose Trump's attempts to exploit her Wall Street ties (and speeches) with his own populist-sounding attacks. Besides, are the majority of financial services executives really going to back Trump or want to risk it? Good luck with that."
warren is more than qualified. however, gonna be a hard sell for some who think women president and vp would be too much estrogen in the WH.


Well-Known Member
Because you can't help but come back for more, you have always liked to play in excrement you rub it all over yourself getting hard from the smell.
Your too weird for me.
Don't speak to me anymore.
Youre a witless moron. Youve got vomit and feces on your breath it comes across in the crap you post. Get lost lout.
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