Outdoor Growing in Kentucky

just like this is what you need to do..jj knows his shit brother..ky
Got 2 out of the 4 caged today and moved to stealthier location but not I'm concerned about the deer they are all over my land previously I had a 5ft fence around them but now besides the cage which in a week or two the branches will be sticking out of I have nothing and putting up another fence in new location isn't an option. Have you ever used liquid fence or something like that wondering if it works? Or any other detergents you know about?
Got 2 out of the 4 caged today and moved to stealthier location but not I'm concerned about the deer they are all over my land previously I had a 5ft fence around them but now besides the cage which in a week or two the branches will be sticking out of I have nothing and putting up another fence in new location isn't an option. Have you ever used liquid fence or something like that wondering if it works? Or any other detergents you know about?
spray liquid 7 dust and it stops the game from eating your plants but most deer will not bother it after it gets big.same thing you use in your garden 7 dust.thats what you wount is the limbs to grow thrue the cage then if there thrue the cage a long ways put up a nother cage around them and spread the limbs apart to give your plant moor air flow and the bud sits will keep comeing and that what you wount to get the most bud weight....ky..............ps its only a fine if you do get cought with 4 plants they just take the pot plants and give you a ticket like a parking ticket but 5 plants is a feloney in ky..
Got 2 out of the 4 caged today and moved to stealthier location but not I'm concerned about the deer they are all over my land previously I had a 5ft fence around them but now besides the cage which in a week or two the branches will be sticking out of I have nothing and putting up another fence in new location isn't an option. Have you ever used liquid fence or something like that wondering if it works? Or any other detergents you know about?
with only 4 plants grow them fuckers big as you can.the law was changed in ky on growing 4 plants..Also check out this web sit and support it buy a t shirt or give them 10.00 bucks they fight day and knight to chang the pot ;laws in ky PLEASE check it out if you live in ky, and help....KENTUCKINS FOR MEDICINAL MARIJUANA........There is even a phone number on that site,, call JAMIE and ask him what you can do to help.he is a good man and dam sure will not rat you out..ky
with only 4 plants grow them fuckers big as you can.the law was changed in ky on growing 4 plants..Also check out this web sit and support it buy a t shirt or give them 10.00 bucks they fight day and knight to chang the pot ;laws in ky PLEASE check it out if you live in ky, and help....KENTUCKINS FOR MEDICINAL MARIJUANA........There is even a phone number on that site,, call JAMIE and ask him what you can do to help.he is a good man and dam sure will not rat you out..ky
Yeah problem is I have considerably more then 4 plants that's why I've decided to move the larges 4 to stealthier location and I grow a mix of photo period and autoflowers so I can get multiple harvests in a summer and if I get busted hopefully one group is already harvested while other is still growing. I just moved from west coast where shits a lot easier so I've had to get more created cu lord knows I don't wanna be in prison for fuxking weed
with only 4 plants grow them fuckers big as you can.the law was changed in ky on growing 4 plants..Also check out this web sit and support it buy a t shirt or give them 10.00 bucks they fight day and knight to chang the pot ;laws in ky PLEASE check it out if you live in ky, and help....KENTUCKINS FOR MEDICINAL MARIJUANA........There is even a phone number on that site,, call JAMIE and ask him what you can do to help.he is a good man and dam sure will not rat you out..ky
Also I didn't see a link what's the site? I go in norml and marijuana policy project occasionally harass rand Paul and other douche bags I can't believe how uptight they are on weed laws here it's lame I mean legalizing is one think but medical is a no brainier I've had a med card since the day I turned 18 and there's been a lot of progress since then but apparently not here or in the south /mid west except CO
Rand Paul is NOT anti-marijuana at all. In fact, he's a libertarian leaner who dedicates his life to safeguarding our civil rights. He is not your enemy bro, quite the contrary actually. The trouble is being a US Senator, he has little to zero control over in-state politics. Our brand new Republican Governor has publicly stated numerous times he would sign a medical marijuana bill if our state congress would send him one. The trouble is the KY State Police, just like they were the entire way getting our hemp pilot project going and the numerous "good old boys" (Democrats btw) who have controlled both chambers of congress and the Governor's mansion for 90+% of the years since the Civil War. That's part of the reason KY ranks at or near the bottom of ever major social category you can think of. In short, Rand would likely spark with you if it were legal.
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with only 4 plants grow them fuckers big as you can.the law was changed in ky on growing 4 plants..Also check out this web sit and support it buy a t shirt or give them 10.00 bucks they fight day and knight to chang the pot ;laws in ky PLEASE check it out if you live in ky, and help....KENTUCKINS FOR MEDICINAL MARIJUANA........There is even a phone number on that site,, call JAMIE and ask him what you can do to help.he is a good man and dam sure will not rat you out..ky
Finished caging then today turned out good I like being able to spread branches through the holes tries to really bend some of the branches low and horizontal almost like some LST type shot hoping to let ligh in in lower sections. While checking out my plants I noticed white hairs popping up seems like they are going into flower which has me confused cuz it's not even end of June yet? Any ideas. I did start them early, sometime in beginning of March and is bring them in at night under the lights. But besides autoflowers I've never had plants start to flower this early. I'll try and put up pics if it doesn't rain
Howdy Pat and welcome to Ky brother!

Glad to see more Kentucky growers coming around on the board, although I rarely come here anymore after switching to a different forum a year or so ago, i'm glad that I stopped by this morning.

Here in Kentucky (now this is coming from my last 10 plus years of guerilla experience) what you have to worry with the most is Bud Rot (botrytis is heavy here due to the high temps and high humidity) and the helicopters. Helicopters being the worse in my location. I will see at least 4 different helicopters per day starting mid June and July, going in circles and up and down over the tree lines around my house.

The key is spreading them out doing them in singles if you can help it. Don't get me wrong, nothing at all wrong with numbers, personally I have 84 plants out as we speak and 125 left that still hasn't landed on there OD location yet. But none of those are too close to each other. I plant mountains, valleys, thickets, back yards, roadsides, towns, etc etc...

My problem this and the last couple years was and has been getting a later start than usual. I usually have my plants out by late march and early April, they usually start to flower in April and then revert which always causes monster explosive growth for me. But honestly now mid may plus is my target planting date. Lost too many plants to choppers and sudden surrounding growth blocking out the sunlight if planted to early unless however you are very familiar with the plot pre hand.

In my neck of the woods, thieves are pretty bad but never worry me. No thief will go where I plant nor will they think the way I think when scattering my girls. Never had that problem yet. Most crops that get stolen around here are due to loose lips and back yard show and tell plants. And large patches.

Another thing, please don't ever assume its too late to grow around here. Last year for an experiment I done a few beds prepped in August. Started bag seed plants literally germinated August 1st and each of those plants after culling the males produced anywhere from half ounce to an ounce each. That's not much but considering if time was an issue and you start multiplying numbers here you are looking at some heavy weight if your into the commercial aspect of the game any at all. I cant help it, I love smoking it but I also love the way that it has rewarded me with everything I currently have in life right now. This is my job, 24 hours per day 7 days a week. Has been for 3 years now.

Of course I do a little side work here and there on the farms and odd and ins but are those jobs necessary for me? Absolutely not.

Just stay quiet, keep to yourself, get to know the lands around you the same as an animal would. Watch for signs and observe. Practice your night vision skills and really really get the feel of your environment. You will become one with your surroundings and will over grow the world my friend! Good luck!

Also glad to see those autos are performing well. I have been wanting to try them but have not yet afraid of them not performing well in our area. Too many people with horror stories and autos around here but your pics seem to prove much different!
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Howdy Pat and welcome to Ky brother!

Glad to see more Kentucky growers coming around on the board, although I rarely come here anymore after switching to a different forum a year or so ago, i'm glad that I stopped by this morning.

Here in Kentucky (now this is coming from my last 10 plus years of guerilla experience) what you have to worry with the most is Bud Rot (botrytis is heavy here due to the high temps and high humidity) and the helicopters. Helicopters being the worse in my location. I will see at least 4 different helicopters per day starting mid June and July, going in circles and up and down over the tree lines around my house.

The key is spreading them out doing them in singles if you can help it. Don't get me wrong, nothing at all wrong with numbers, personally I have 84 plants out as we speak and 125 left that still hasn't landed on there OD location yet. But none of those are too close to each other. I plant mountains, valleys, thickets, back yards, roadsides, towns, etc etc...

My problem this and the last couple years was and has been getting a later start than usual. I usually have my plants out by late march and early April, they usually start to flower in April and then revert which always causes monster explosive growth for me. But honestly now mid may plus is my target planting date. Lost too many plants to choppers and sudden surrounding growth blocking out the sunlight if planted to early unless however you are very familiar with the plot pre hand.

In my neck of the woods, thieves are pretty bad but never worry me. No thief will go where I plant nor will they think the way I think when scattering my girls. Never had that problem yet. Most crops that get stolen around here are due to loose lips and back yard show and tell plants. And large patches.

Another thing, please don't ever assume its too late to grow around here. Last year for an experiment I done a few beds prepped in August. Started bag seed plants literally germinated August 1st and each of those plants after culling the males produced anywhere from half ounce to an ounce each. That's not much but considering if time was an issue and you start multiplying numbers here you are looking at some heavy weight if your into the commercial aspect of the game any at all. I cant help it, I love smoking it but I also love the way that it has rewarded me with everything I currently have in life right now. This is my job, 24 hours per day 7 days a week. Has been for 3 years now.

Of course I do a little side work here and there on the farms and odd and ins but are those jobs necessary for me? Absolutely not.

Just stay quiet, keep to yourself, get to know the lands around you the same as an animal would. Watch for signs and observe. Practice your night vision skills and really really get the feel of your environment. You will become one with your surroundings and will over grow the world my friend! Good luck!

Also glad to see those autos are performing well. I have been wanting to try them but have not yet afraid of them not performing well in our area. Too many people with horror stories and autos around here but your pics seem to prove much different!

Kick ass post bro! Glad we don't have the copters as bad on the western end, but they are here in late August and September. Spot on about the rot and I found a lot of mine was caused by worm shit. When I started to control the budworms I noticed a huge drop off in spots of mold here and there. Of course, as you say huge indica buds suffer here from the heat and humidity and you really have to keep an eye on your stems and molding sugar leaves under huge, dense buds.. Shit it's presently 72% humidity at 10 am, in the oppressive range btw especially with the air temp close to 90 decrees out right now.
Howdy Pat and welcome to Ky brother!

Glad to see more Kentucky growers coming around on the board, although I rarely come here anymore after switching to a different forum a year or so ago, i'm glad that I stopped by this morning.

Here in Kentucky (now this is coming from my last 10 plus years of guerilla experience) what you have to worry with the most is Bud Rot (botrytis is heavy here due to the high temps and high humidity) and the helicopters. Helicopters being the worse in my location. I will see at least 4 different helicopters per day starting mid June and July, going in circles and up and down over the tree lines around my house.

The key is spreading them out doing them in singles if you can help it. Don't get me wrong, nothing at all wrong with numbers, personally I have 84 plants out as we speak and 125 left that still hasn't landed on there OD location yet. But none of those are too close to each other. I plant mountains, valleys, thickets, back yards, roadsides, towns, etc etc...

My problem this and the last couple years was and has been getting a later start than usual. I usually have my plants out by late march and early April, they usually start to flower in April and then revert which always causes monster explosive growth for me. But honestly now mid may plus is my target planting date. Lost too many plants to choppers and sudden surrounding growth blocking out the sunlight if planted to early unless however you are very familiar with the plot pre hand.

In my neck of the woods, thieves are pretty bad but never worry me. No thief will go where I plant nor will they think the way I think when scattering my girls. Never had that problem yet. Most crops that get stolen around here are due to loose lips and back yard show and tell plants. And large patches.

Another thing, please don't ever assume its too late to grow around here. Last year for an experiment I done a few beds prepped in August. Started bag seed plants literally germinated August 1st and each of those plants after culling the males produced anywhere from half ounce to an ounce each. That's not much but considering if time was an issue and you start multiplying numbers here you are looking at some heavy weight if your into the commercial aspect of the game any at all. I cant help it, I love smoking it but I also love the way that it has rewarded me with everything I currently have in life right now. This is my job, 24 hours per day 7 days a week. Has been for 3 years now.

Of course I do a little side work here and there on the farms and odd and ins but are those jobs necessary for me? Absolutely not.

Just stay quiet, keep to yourself, get to know the lands around you the same as an animal would. Watch for signs and observe. Practice your night vision skills and really really get the feel of your environment. You will become one with your surroundings and will over grow the world my friend! Good luck!

Also glad to see those autos are performing well. I have been wanting to try them but have not yet afraid of them not performing well in our area. Too many people with horror stories and autos around here but your pics seem to prove much different!
Thanks for the info. If you don't mind what part of the state are you in where helicopters are real bad. Don't need specific jut general like east west or whatever your comfortable with. I thankfully haven't seen any helicopters yet asides from the medivac one from local hospital. But I do worry living in Cali for 10 plus years they are helicopter crazy out there. Thanks again
That's funny bro, cause my county and the surrounding ones are at the very bottom....

Bet we are close. You close to Barkley and Kentucky Lakes, if that isn't tmi for you?
Thanks for the info. If you don't mind what part of the state are you in where helicopters are real bad. Don't need specific jut general like east west or whatever your comfortable with. I thankfully haven't seen any helicopters yet asides from the medivac one from local hospital. But I do worry living in Cali for 10 plus years they are helicopter crazy out there. Thanks again

If you are in the South Eastern part of the state, then you just wait... Beginning in July your going to see more than you'll ever wish you did. You will be paranoid and on edge constantly.... Welcome to the Jungle bro! The real guerilla land my friend.

If you visit your plots at dark you will be golden. Other visiting hours are anytime before or after 9:00am - 5:30pm... before or after these hours you shouldn't have no worries with the black hawks and bubble choppers hoovering your head. Between 11:00 - 3:00 are the hottest aviation hours.

If you have over 4 plants anywhere on your property try your best to get them away before they start because if they spot them your going to get a visit and if accessible they will land in your yard. Landed in a buddy of mines yard last year over one plant and searched his home and vehicles. Usually the National Guard will chop them and go. The state police spotters will either land or call in ground troopers to take care of business. Be careful man.
That's funny bro, cause my county and the surrounding ones are at the very bottom....

Bet we are close. You close to Barkley and Kentucky Lakes, if that isn't tmi for you?
My countyhad 2 grows found but the county to my south was fairly high in the list and Iam about 1 mile from the border of that county. I'm not near the places you named. Im considered NE kentucky but on the southern end of that designation id say. Don't wanna say more than that