Caught my son stealing


Well-Known Member
i must say that what i have been through the whole stealing thing went to jail over nite (that was enought for me) and the thing that i regreted the most was that my mom was dissapointed in me my dad i didn't care cause he used to have anger issues and used to hit me over the smallest thing but the same with my girlfriend she could be mad or what ever but when she found my plants she made it all worse by telling me she was disapointed in me and it hurt worse then if she slapped me


Well-Known Member
yeah i got my ass kicked and i am a serial killer so just have a sitdown and tell him on the side that he needs to go and admit his mistake to his mom. If he wont then give him a left hook j/k Good luck


Active Member
i would whoop his ass to teach him a lesson so it doesnt become a problem later in life. if he thinks he can get away with it this time, what would stop him from doing it again


Well-Known Member
yeah i got my ass kicked and i am a serial killer so just have a sitdown and tell him on the side that he needs to go and admit his mistake to his mom. If he wont then give him a left hook j/k Good luck
lookin sideways at blinky kush feeling a little awkward naw i'm playin it's all good
beating is effective until they are 10 years old but u need ur son to understand what a life of crime leads to take him t the streets and leave him there for a week see how he does no no srry i'm playin 2 much after YOU beat him tell your make him tell ur wife, tell her not to be mad but DISSAPOINTED tell her not to punish him further u really gotta look dissapointed tell your wife not to be direct with him avoid conversation or baby him it will tear your kid apart but believe me he will not do it again


Well-Known Member
My wife went looking for the cash in her purse last night, and couldnt find it. I pick up my 8 yr olds shorts and find it in a pocket. Havent told my wife yet, i want my son to do it.What the hell do you do? If it was me when i was young, i would have got my ass beat. And why do people feel the need to make my day harder? How ocme they just cant act right so i dont have to be a dick?
Be thankful you're not a VP candidate. The media would be all over your ass questioning how you raise your kid(s)...;)

Hope that helped...Or at least got a grin outta ya. :D


Active Member
Sounds like you found your way of punishment.... I had a funny story not quite similar but I wanted something from a store and I was going crazy to get it then my mom just walked away and left me crying... She was 3 isles over =P


Well-Known Member
you dont have to hit him,he will understand better if you talk to him, just tell him that its not good and that people that steal go to jail and so on and so on.


Well-Known Member
i must say that what i have been through the whole stealing thing went to jail over nite (that was enought for me) and the thing that i regreted the most was that my mom was dissapointed in me my dad i didn't care cause he used to have anger issues and used to hit me over the smallest thing but the same with my girlfriend she could be mad or what ever but when she found my plants she made it all worse by telling me she was disapointed in me and it hurt worse then if she slapped me
DAMN!! fuck that i told my GF straight up that i wouldnt get rid of my plants... fuck that she would not be able to play some giult trip shit on me


New Member
Don't be too rough on him. I stole a plastic gun from a friend when I was very little. I don't remember exactly the age, but it was definitely under 7. My cousin found out and told my mom. Instead of beating me up or grounding me, my mom talked to me and bought me the gun I wanted. I never stole anything else =D


New Member
Another thing: be SURE to make it clear that stealing is bad when you talk to him, otherwise it would be a reinforcement for him to keep stealing. For example: if he notices that when he tried to steal something and he got caught he got a prize for it, he will keep doing it over and over.


Well-Known Member
my father always grounded me and never talked to me. he would say, "stealing is wrong." why? I'd disagree with something he told me to do. the more I was punished the more trouble I got in because it was the more I rebelled.

punish your child, the writing assignment ALWAYS worked for me. but also have a serious talk with him and touch base; touch him (not in a physical or gay way) EMOTIONALLY and really express how stealing is wrong, why, and who it effects. throw, "it will make your penis fall off..." in that discussion too


Well-Known Member
EDIT: I just noticed this thread is months old. I hope everything worked out well.

I want to applaud you for wanting to deal with this directly. It is a serious issue. A lesson which must be learned early.

Good luck to you, and Junior.


Active Member
8 years old and stealing already. You better get on that shit right away.
You can tell a kid that stealing is wrong, but kids usually learn from suffering the consequences.
My advice if your not into corporal punishment.

No T.V. games, going outside, anything fun for 3 days minimum. Plus, a writing assignment "I will never steal again" 500 times, which should keep him busy for next 3 days.
good topic, physical punishment for kids.


Active Member
I whole heartedly dissagree with that.

From my experience kids do not learn from suffering consequences,they learn much better from things that make them happy & bring joy to them,harsh punishments will only drive a wedge between the parent & the child,continued harsh punishments will drive kids to secrecy & make them more stealthy in their actions,it will also create an air of anomosity & resentment where there should be trust & friendship.

Im at least as old as most adults here & older than many,all us older folk came from a hands on generation where our parents would beat the hell out of us as a teaching tool,in all honesty it didnt teach us shit except how to be much more sneaky & that if we got caught there would be hell to pay,i cant think of one time in my childhood where i stopped & thought about what punishment my parents would inflict on me or a time where their punishment played a role in my decision making process,what i can think of is many,many times where the planning of my little capers reached extreme levels so i would not be caught by them.

We stayed open with our children about everything,we hid nothing from them (including our mj use) & taught them to be good to their family & treat others as they want to be treated,for us having them reflect on their actions & letting them know how what they had done made others feel was the best teaching tool we could have used.

Children should never fear their parents for any reason.
i disagree with your disagreement. its funny though because i agreed a whole lot with your "shame" option, my parents mostly used shame, and it worked nobody else needed to know what i did make me feel bad, but they also used corporal punishment, mostly pulling my ears, belt slapping (def the worst) and when i got faster and bigger my dad would kick just my ass really hard.
but this kind of punishment was only when i would do things twice, or being simply mean , hence it only happened a handful of times.

in conclusion if i was you i would use the correct combination of both; shame and a good'ol beating.