More animal abuse from my neighbors

You're wrong! PETA supports BSL. They support banning, no breeding, and muzzling based on what they look like and thats it.

I don't think I am wrong, and that is not 'it'. Not even close. You're free to not support them, but they aren't in it for cash or terrorism, which is the only point I made.
As for the killing of dogs shelters kill as well but no one hates on them for it
They hate on peta because of what peta is supposed to stand for animal liberation and saving animals yet they do the opposite

But the reality of all the killing from peta , shelters and so on is because people choose to buy from puppy mills or because they don't spay and neuter their dogs and cats
i agree with the last part.
I don't think I am wrong, and that is not 'it'. Not even close. You're free to not support them, but they aren't in it for cash or terrorism, which is the only point I made.
Confronting PETA on their lies regarding Pit Bulls and B

watch this video on youtube it the vice president of peta
adoptable by who's standard, yours??? yes they have a bunch of assholes just like cops n every organization. your hatred has blinded you.
Most definitely not
I look at the facts
Puppies who are not sick and not vicious are adoptable
Yet they have been known to kill them
did you personally check these animals or our you just regurgitating what you've read? start fixing the problem instead of blaming a solution.
Maybe I'm mistaken, then. I was under the impression PETA stood for "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals." I don't really know, I eat meat medium rare.
They kill plenty just look it up its all online
They kill just as spca and shelters do

i'll take that as a no. keep hating instead of fixing!
No that just means I have no reason to sit here and argue with someone who isn't going to change their mind
There is no point to me wasting my time trying to prove a point you refuse to listen to

I do plenty of fixing I'm a active vegan who regularly supports many proper vegan foundations
Along with supporting and living an ethical lifestyle

I try fix the problem more than the average bear
You don't know me so you keep making your assumptions :)
They kill plenty just look it up its all online
They kill just as spca and shelters do

No that just means I have no reason to sit here and argue with someone who isn't going to change their mind
There is no point to me wasting my time trying to prove a point you refuse to listen to

I do plenty of fixing I'm a active vegan who regularly supports many proper vegan foundations
Along with supporting and living an ethical lifestyle

I try fix the problem more than the average bear
You don't know me so you keep making your assumptions :)
I believe you, I was just clearly under the wrong impression.
i'm not a peta guy, trust me. some dogs are better off being killed, but peta doesn't kill all dogs. why not kill the fuggin wanna be gangsters who keep buying n breeding em with absolutely no respect for the dogs. most dog owners shouldn't have a fuckin goldfish!
I almost agree with most of that statement. " the wanna be gangsters that keep buying them and breeding them'? That's the problem. This is what people believe because that's all they see on tv. If you see or hear something often enough it becomes fact in your head, when in reality you have no first hand knowledge at all. (not saying you,people in general).
Most people couldn't pick a pit bull out of a line up if there life depended on it. It's not all that different than the gun control and terrorism shit thats going on. Ban guns and close the border.
They kill plenty just look it up its all online
They kill just as spca and shelters do

No that just means I have no reason to sit here and argue with someone who isn't going to change their mind
There is no point to me wasting my time trying to prove a point you refuse to listen to

I do plenty of fixing I'm a active vegan who regularly supports many proper vegan foundations
Along with supporting and living an ethical lifestyle

I try fix the problem more than the average bear
You don't know me so you keep making your assumptions :)
explain to me how vegan foundations help abused animals. i've not heard of this. remember this, every time you point your finger at someone you have 3 more pointing at yourself.
I almost agree with most of that statement. " the wanna be gangsters that keep buying them and breeding them'? That's the problem. This is what people believe because that's all they see on tv. If you see or hear something often enough it becomes fact in your head, when in reality you have no first hand knowledge at all. (not saying you,people in general).
Most people couldn't pick a pit bull out of a line up if there life depended on it. It's not all that different than the gun control and terrorism shit thats going on. Ban guns and close the border.
i agree totally. idiots who live in apartments n get a lab, great dane......are even more to blame in my eyes. they buy a cute puppy with no clue of the breed, training, exercise....nothing. then when the dog chews furniture they bring it to the pound. it was their fault the dog was chewing the furniture in most cases to begin with.
edit: u are right on about knowing a true pit too. they rarely reach 70-80lbs. if at all.
Most definitely not
I look at the facts
Puppies who are not sick and not vicious are adoptable
Yet they have been known to kill them
where do i state they don't? there are a million more puppies lined up behind the ones that were just killed. who will feed them, walk em, love em house em..........i thought u might be able to see this, but u are total no kill, i'm guessing??? my belief is they (meaning u, peta, myself) should start euthanizing the humans, i'm all for it!