• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why is Communism bad?


Well-Known Member
well, that wouldnt be very daoist of you, plus having money is nothing to be ashamed of...By the way , did my reading and feel great,you should take it easy man, after all none of this is real ,cos if it was ,you'd be bleading...


Well-Known Member
daoism's neat like that. you follow your path. I follow my own. and when some fuckwhit tries to call bullshit on me I stomp his nuts. No one said I'm heading to the next plain in the next reincarnation. I never claimed to be a holy man. I'm just a daoist.


Well-Known Member
Hey penguin Im sory, it was uncalled for, funy thing ,I am not a communist and all I wanted to do is to show flaws in the current state of events...
The more grip this empire tries to gain over the world and people in it the more it decays from within,its collapsing, its enevitible...After the collapse of an empire there is always a powervacuum, the dark age,what are your plans?


Well-Known Member
Yo penguin dont call me a cockersucker when i didnt do shit to insult you. and dont fool urself fer a second, if we met on the streets ud be too busy laughin at my skinny ass to be stompin any balls. you should chill out.

funny to see how people get pissed when u try to take their street cred away


New Member
You've got a better chance of just realizing that there are new amazing technologies that are going to make food available to all of us, everywhere. There are other technologies that are going to let kids in the Sudan watch and maybe interact with classes at Stanford. Man have you been drinking the koolaid, This is supposed to happen in who's lifetime, I smell bullshit. The closest those kids in Sudan will get to stanford is some stanford grad from Chevron driving through their village looking for oil...... Talk to the ignoramuses with that bullshit and drink some more koolaid. You've swallowed it hook line, and sinker, Ha ha ha~LOL~


Well-Known Member
Man have you been drinking the koolaid, This is supposed to happen in who's lifetime, I smell bullshit. The closes
hey med, maybe you should email this guy and tell him to give up on his dream:
Dr Allam Ahmed : SPRU - Science and Technology Policy Research : University of Sussex

in case you don't want to read what he's about, he is working to develop tech in areas of the world that are lacking...more than half a dozen papers about not only how to put high speed data specifically in Sudan for education and business, but why it would help them achieve better growth... pass the koolaid penguin, i want red.


New Member
Technology is the thing that will topple dictators. The Internet is only the start. That's why we MUST resist government interference on the Net ... and that includes taxing Internet sales.

By the way ... this was a great thread until it was reduced to name calling. You guys have a ton of great stuff to offer here. I hope we can keep the discussions civil.

On becoming rich: In my business, I deal with a lot of people who make GREAT money. I can tell you for certain ... they didn't inherit it, it wasn't given to them and it didn't come easy. Here's what they did; The stayed in school (a diploma is only a tool), they waited until they were married to have kids, they worked their asses off ... and the main thing? ... They became obsessed with what they do for a living. The eat, sleep and breath their jobs. They do the best job possible. They make sure that their performance on the job places them in the top 10% of the workforce. There's no secret to success. Its all about applying one's self and doing the right thing. They don't look at management or their employers as "The Man." They don't look at the company they work for as an "oppressor" either. They realize that their main job, in any job, is to produce enough, over and above what they are being paid for ... in order to keep their employer's doors open. Its all about attitude, guyz ... A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E.



New Member
in case you don't want to read what he's about, he is working to develop tech in areas of the world that are lacking...more than half a dozen papers about not only how to put high speed data specifically in Sudan for education and business, but why it would help them achieve better growth... pass the koolaid penguin, i want red. The problem is, no-one is serious about funding any growth in sub-Saharan Africa. This is an altruistic endeavor to be sure, but without funding on a scale like Bill Gates could provide, it's going nowhere> I agree it would be wonderful if all the world could enjoy the lifestyle we have enjoyed for the last half-century, the sad truth is the rich aren't willing to share and there is only so much money to go around. I have tried to come up with a workable solution, and have scoured the net in search of a workable solution to world poverty and my only conclusion is that the Richest 20% would have to give up 90% of their money and we both know that will never happen> So let this noble man dream, but in reality, there is no profit to be made in his endeavor so I doubt it has a chance of succeeding!


Well-Known Member
jeez.. try not to over think the situation. your just talking about a form of government. its not the label of the government, but the people who make it work. if you have greedy assholes running the show, you'll see it in all the little aspects of plebian life. but if you have good natured people running things, you'll see it--whether your under the control of a monarch or a democracy (republic).

consider your household. if the main breadwinner is a drunken asshole that yells at people all the time, you'll have a tense atmosphere that most people wont like. if you have a fun loving person who has an appreciatation for an enriched life, you'll see it throughout the family.

in my opinion, if you want change, you do it yourself. ideas that lead you to believe that 1 person cant do anything is self defeating.

only support gives a government its means to execute its power. whether that support is from fear or love, it gives them what they need to control a populace.


Well-Known Member
Yo penguin dont call me a cockersucker when i didnt do shit to insult you. and dont fool urself fer a second, if we met on the streets ud be too busy laughin at my skinny ass to be stompin any balls. you should chill out.
Look, it fucking sucked enough to be poor. For anyone to try to challenge me about it later just makes me want to stomp their ass. Which is a nifty little skill that I learned from being broke like a joke. Anyhow, shit happens and we move on.

funny to see how people get pissed when u try to take their street cred away
On the other hand, you certainly lack TACT. You will never be able to strip street cred from me for the following reasons:

This is an online forum and therefore there is no such thing as street cred:
1) I could be a cop
2) I could be an 8 year old amateur botanist
3) I could be a 40 year old transvestite who's nailing your mama and found this forum just to piss you off.
4) I could be another grower who was pissed about being fired recently and took it out on you.

whatever it is, you can't take anything from me. this whole internet thing makes macho convenient and yet very strange.


Well-Known Member
as for everyone else.

my plans are to grow some of my own and live by my own rules.

I do hope and believe that we can all help the shitty situation in Africa. Just in the last 5 years we've changed the way that lost children are found by their children.

It used to take years after a war to reunite a family. Now they set up camera points at every major town and they take pics of all the lost kids and the parents. then they print them all up and the kids and parents can find one another. That shit used to cost thousands and take years/months/NEVER.


Vi's right in some ways about how to make dough. There are alternatives on the theme, but bottom line....negativity doesn't equate into cashflow. Doesn't matter if you're growing and dealing or working for a company.

MedMan...we see eye to eye on the troubles of the world. I just believe that we'll be able to fix them without attacking the rich people.

sure there are annoying rich people and a lot of them...but you can't punish them without punishing the amazing kick ass ones that make shit like penicillin and TCP and AZT. If you hate the rich...get really loaded in a quiet room and then try to think about why you hate them for a few hours. It won't work.

I've tried this with Hitler and I still wanted to kill his ass. But I've tried it wit people that I'm more neutral on and I did find a way to see their point of view. Weed is so awesome.


Well-Known Member
Look, it fucking sucked enough to be poor. For anyone to try to challenge me about it later just makes me want to stomp their ass. Which is a nifty little skill that I learned from being broke like a joke. Anyhow, shit happens and we move on.

On the other hand, you certainly lack TACT. You will never be able to strip street cred from me for the following reasons:

This is an online forum and therefore there is no such thing as street cred:
1) I could be a cop
2) I could be an 8 year old amateur botanist
3) I could be a 40 year old transvestite who's nailing your mama and found this forum just to piss you off.
4) I could be another grower who was pissed about being fired recently and took it out on you.

whatever it is, you can't take anything from me. this whole internet thing makes macho convenient and yet very strange.
It feels rediculous to continue this bickering, but im not gonna let it end like that. i know how u feel about bein broke, cuz im still there. & i never even tried to do shit to u, that was all krime. i was merely commenting on the situation.


Well-Known Member
Im serious. i think we should start adopting some communistic policies in this country. these are some of the things i heard teachers say in school when they talked about communism. (they were always preached out like a anti-drug lecture or a prejudice rant.)

1: communism sucks because the government chooses your occupation. you can't "be what ever you want to be when you grow up" so you would hate your life. (well i dont know too many people who are happy even though they supposedly had a choice of what job they got.)

Welcome to reality, you get an education, you get good jobs. The best paid jobs in America are professional level jobs. Though if you get a job with a giant corporation you can arguably work your way up the corporate ladder (like a lot of CEOs). Alternatively, if you really hate your job that much, get off your @$$ and open your own business, or get a better education so you can get a better job.

2: communism sucks because without the competition of the free market, industrial and commercial innovation would be uncommon. if you work harder youll get paid the same amount of money, so whats the point? (a horribly greedy ideal to teach kids in my opinion. i dont believe this would be true. the simple gratification of a hard days work would drive most people to do their best. ((plus, blind patriotism has made people in this country buy millions of miniature car window flags and thousands of roles of Osama toilet paper. im sure people wouldnt mind busting some ass simply to make Uncle Sam proud.)))

Competition creates innovation and the drive to become more and more efficient. And no, even right now, being comfortably part of the Middle Class I am ready to give me finger to the United States and emigrate just to avoid being bent over and raped by government. I love my job, and I enjoy what I do, but I'm sick of being forced to have other people's problems forced upon me by the government. Communism doesn't work, because people like me don't like being shafted by idiots like you!

right now, we're overpopulated,

Do you actually have an idea what the hell you are talking about, or are you just repeating the basic bs that mainstream media and those death-worshipping retards called environmentalists want you to believe? They want population reduced by 80%, guess what bub, you'll probably be in that 80%. D'oh...

we are destroying the environment

More bs, our air is cleaner, or water is cleaner, our natural environment is cleaner. Where do you live? Cause if you live in the US you have obviously never been outside of the US. Hell, you don't even have to leave the US to see the difference between our society and a poor polluting society. Just take a trip to El Paso, Texas, and look across the Rio Grande. Our side of the border is beautiful, there's is a dump. You want to know the difference? Our people came here and busted their ass to build a society, whereas the spanish missionaries were too busy fucking indians instead of working their asses off. Environmentalism like any religion is a lot of rhetoric and little action. Al Gore, if he cared so much why does he have two giant mansions that are hugely inefficient and insanely expensive to heat during the winter and cool during the summer? One would think that if actually believed the bs he's preaching he would follow it.

, we're making our foreign relations even worse

Screw them! I don't care what they think, because their best and brightest are still emigrating from there to here. There problem with our society is that we do not have the same restrictive socialist-capitalism system that they have. So we are free to be ourselves, instead of mindless drones.

, and nobody outside the top 15% of the nation is actually gaining from it.

Back to making other people's problems mine, eh. The fact of the matter is that I'm part of the middle clas (ostensibly upper middle class as I'm in the 50 - 75 percentile as far as income (which is just $46K a year), but I'm investing my money, and am actually making 3 - 4 cents every hour regardless of what I am actually doing. My wealth is increasing, and amazingly, my debt is decreasing (mostly because I don't have a lot to begin with and I have the personal responsibility to pay it off.)

(didnt there used to be a middle-class?) See the above, dumb ass

kids are starving,

In Africa, because idiots like you wont let them use DDT.

the mentally ill and physically addicted roam the streets

Strange, I've seen fewer and fewer homeless, and I travel a lot. But I guess you are including yourself, get off the streets ya bum! :-), lol. As far as Crime goes, crime has actually gone down since the late 80s.

, and young men and women are supporting a war for college tuition.

They signed the contracts, and hell, I'd be fighting that same war right now if it wasn't for the fact that I wasn't elibile for service due to vision problems.

if anybody tries to tell me that this is a free country ill probly laugh in their face.

It is, at least it is compared to Europe, Africa, Asia and every other god-forsaken socialist country you care to name. Our cities are cleaner, our air is cleaner, our people smarter, more productive (and becoming even more productive), our technology level is higher (don't get me started on why comparing us to Japan is an invalid point), and idiots like you are able to rant about shit they don't know about.

In China your family would probably be getting charged for the bullet right now. Land of the free and home of the Brave, unfortunately the free include idiots like you who feel free to run their mouths about shit they don't know anything about. Check your facts, before running your mouth.

im kinda losin my train of thought here, it feels good to rant from time to time though. so yeah, what do you guys think about Communism?

Communism sucks, there is no other way to describe it. It's a system that destroy any personal incentive to work. It pretends that people are altruistic, when people will always look after their best interests, from the lowest single mother to the highest corporate executive. In a communist country, I'd probably be trying to find a way out, because I would refuse to have my labor valued as the same as that of a bartender, or an incompetent like you. Communism is also much worse than capitalism.

Maybe I'm being to harsh on you. You're probably stuck working some dead end job at McDonalds or Walmart where you are getting taken advantage of slightly. Though, if you applied yourself you could probably start climbing the corporate ladder, and actually get ahead.

I'm not going to attack your drug of choice, personally I think people should be allowed to do whatever the hell they want as long as they aren't interfering with the rights of others. I also think that people should only have to be responsible for their own actions and any consequences those actions make for them. So I support child-support, but I think welfare is retarded.

:: shakes his head :: Sorry, I've been poor, and it sucked, I like being part of the middle class a lot better. But seriously, check your facts, and talk to people that have actually lived in those other countries. Ask them what they think about America, and don't ask the tourists, ask the people that are actually moving here. Tourists will feed you bullshit, they are just here visiting, its the people moving here from there that will tell you what was wrong there.

And stop believing all the BS MainStream Media tries to shove down your throat. Our society may not be perfect, but it's a hell of a lot better than the alternatives.

The Brutal Truth (Welcome to The Brutal Truth (www.t-brutaltruth.com))


Well-Known Member
Unlike democracy, communism would work if the whole world was to be communist. but then whats the differences between communism and having a king?... i believe both are incorrect myself and dont really wanna expand my answer much more..
but i will say we need to respect parts of the world for how they live, instead of noticing the differences and dwelling on negatives, they have been living like so (unless they have been overruled by another *cough* europeans *cough*) for many generations before we have had internet which gives us instant information of what we wanna know about other countries/races/animals/plants etc.


Well-Known Member
communisum sucks ..
i am not even going to read the theard
all i have to say isthat alot of fine and brave people died so you could be free

supidest qustion ever fuck that shit pisses me off


Well-Known Member
in all seriousness the concept of communism is a beautiful thing but the people who would be in charge always end up stuffing their own pockets and not passing the money onto the citizens leading to mass suffering, then when the goverment realize people are getting uppety they start terrorizing their own people using fear to keep them docile, in the end people realize that there is too much power and money involved in the concept of communism because of human greed and that;s why it can't work (besides it would be alot harder 2 get weed)


Well-Known Member
Communism bad idea, even worse implementation
Capitalism better idea, until it became socialized, I don't want to pay for the problems other people bring upon themselves, I have enough of my own.


Well-Known Member
it depends on the kind of government. communism doesnt exactly mean they control you 100%. lol its not like the book anthem by Ayn Rand (which is a hell of a book btw) My parents grew up in soviet union. My mom loved basketball and went to college for it. my dad wanted to be a doctor even though he was on the olympic team so he went to college for that. There is still some comptetion. And theres more corruption than you think. They just make it seem like its hell on Earth ( thanks to the cold war),

The problem was pay. My dad made only a few more bucks than janitors and construction workers. The whole common good thing...

I personally think America would be way better off with a government with a philosophy of Ron Paul's type. Hands off. Competition and commercialism makes for better advances and production. Just my opinion. Too bad too many people are babies and think we should rely on the government more.

Sorry Ron paul... I would have voted for you