Do you have a link to that thread by anychance? Im new to dabs, so what is a vac purge ?Don't cut corners; be sure you vac purge and do your extraction outdoors. Check out the concentrate & extract section. See Guiza's and Twitches threads
Yeah, I have several size glass and stainless units and large sch 80 shooters.Having a vaccum chamber is what seperates amatuers and masters.
I can attest to the don't do it inside....and dont judge, I was young and folish and thought the extractor fan was sucking all the fumes wasn't, and yes it's quite volatile, that was evident when the glass counter top range flew into the living room lol. Safety first, I had an extinguisher there. I started making BHO about twenty years ago so there was not much info out yet. I probably, at first, was smoking a 50/50 mix of oil and butane lol.
And it takes you how long to make 3 ozs of shatter???? I run a lb of material in 45 min put it in the vac oven for 6 or 8 hours and I have 3 oz ready to smoke and have done less than a hours workRosin is where it's at. Way easy, great returns. Best of all there's no solvent to purge. Shits ready to blaze as soon as you're done.
And it takes you how long to make 3 ozs of shatter???? I run a lb of material in 45 min put it in the vac oven for 6 or 8 hours and I have 3 oz ready to smoke and have done less than a hours work
Why are you so offended? Im a bho head myself but sorry, rosin takes the crown when it comes to easy small batches & tasty extracts. Best of all, you just need the press and flowers! No oven/tane/dishes/tubes ectAnd it takes you how long to make 3 ozs of shatter???? I run a lb of material in 45 min put it in the vac oven for 6 or 8 hours and I have 3 oz ready to smoke and have done less than a hours work
Why are you so offended? Im a bho head myself but sorry, rosin takes the crown when it comes to easy small batches & tasty extracts. Best of all, you just need the press and flowers! No oven/tane/dishes/tubes ect
Somebody get this guy a Damn cookieAnd it takes you how long to make 3 ozs of shatter???? I run a lb of material in 45 min put it in the vac oven for 6 or 8 hours and I have 3 oz ready to smoke and have done less than a hours work
if u need to be told or showen to places to make dabs well just don't by the sounds of things u can not do you're own research or find one of the most easist things on the net to make besides meth it tells me u are missing a chromosome in the brain or something which makes you slighty retarded so please don't make dabs as i do not want to see you on the 7 o'cloack news cause u just burnt down half a house trying to make dabsMainly BHO and how to flavour ?
if u need to be told or showen to places to make dabs well just don't by the sounds of things u can not do you're own research or find one of the most easist things on the net to make besides meth it tells me u are missing a chromosome in the brain or something which makes you slighty retarded so please don't make dabs as i do not want to see you on the 7 o'cloack news cause u just burnt down half a house trying to make dabs
great now you are asking how to make something which envoles a cord plugged into power this is going to be great first to make rosin oil or dabs u need to pull the cord out the end of a hair straightner then strip the plastic back till u se copper wire put the two ends of the coper wire into you're mouth plug in and turn on GET BACK TO ME WHEN U HAVE COMPLETED THIS STEPCan i ask what rosin is? Or how it is done? If you have something you could link me to that would be great