Active Member
Hardcore tapped..correct about the areas..
Thank you Professor Newton Howard..
That works fine in the UK but I don't know the power systems you use over your way. I would imagine it will work fine but check online to be sure. You could put a plug on a 3 wire cable and wire many small CFLs together if you wanted. Its a simple thing to do. Plenty of diagrams online to follow. The right gauge cable, some connector blocks and electricians tape, some wire strippers and a plug and your away.[QUOTE=" I think what I'll end up doing is getting a common house socket that fits a cfl and wiring an extension lead directly to the socket do you think that would be ok
How many watts of light was this under because I'm worried about my plant getting to high I 're measured and I have a foot and a 3rd high and a foot and a half wide those plants look almost to high concidering I'll have the lights take up almost a 3rd of a foot leaving not much to work withI would top to bush it out. During the stretch if it starts to go past my floro I pinch the stem crushing it just enough so it bends over.
I have a feeling that the forum is gone for good. No problem.
Here's a pic of a topped before 12/12 rooted clone, and how it bushes out the bud sites. I could of shown you a pinched plant, but that's gone with the site. LOL!View attachment 3710966
How many watts of light was this under because I'm worried about my plant getting to high I 're measured and I have a foot and a 3rd high and a foot and a half wide those plants look almost to high concidering I'll have the lights take up almost a 3rd of a foot leaving not much to work with
Well I'm going to give it ago that sounds reassuring I'll upload some pics later of my bits and pieces , did you wire your own globes ??I wish I had some photos of a cab I build my mate years ago. It was a wardrobe on its side. , long but not high. probably 2 feet high. we put about 12-15 x 20w household cft, mainly 2700k but some 6500k which were 30 or 40w. he had about 12 or so plants in there, they never got taller than 9". keep lights very close and they should stay small. They didn't stretch at all when flowered. Looked like bonsai trees.
If they do grow high, keep tying them down
How many watts of light was this under because I'm worried about my plant getting to high I 're measured and I have a foot and a 3rd high and a foot and a half wide those plants look almost to high concidering I'll have the lights take up almost a 3rd of a foot leaving not much to work with
@Josh kop Yep, the cupboard draws will work well. There are even DIY carbon scrubbers made using pc fans. I cant say how effective they are but remember a guy on here I think years ago when I was doing this sort of setup building one with a pc fan and a doubled up wire cup. Personally in this situation I would add ONA gel in addition to any air cleaning ideas.
I have just found the exact thread I looked at years ago with the design of DIY micro stealth carbon filter.
HERE https://www.rollitup.org/t/the-best-diy-ez-walmart-carbon-filter-for-micro-grows-zen-style.101248/