Whats wrong with my seedling?, Advice?

Hey im new to growing and everything been going good until earlier i noticed theres a little brown spot on my seedling leaf its kinda hard to see in pic but you can still notice it, Ive researched and researched and have come to my own conclusion of i think its nutrient burn but i want experienced opinions because i wanna do this right. its under a cfl light and in moist soil it seems to be growing fast but this brown spot has me worried. any feedback and recommendations is welcome.



Well-Known Member
Looks like where the seed pod was just before it shed it. I wouldn't stress on it to much, just keep an eye on it. Shouldn't be getting nute burn, being that it doesn't need nutes at this point. It has not matured enough to start fertilizing it. That soil looks super wet, make sure to let it dry out around root zone before watering it, or it will drown the roots and kill it
okay sweet man i appreciate it. and the soil i know lol im letting it dry before touching it again.. damn prop it was in got it wayyyyy to wet.


Well-Known Member
okay sweet man i appreciate it. and the soil i know lol im letting it dry before touching it again.. damn prop it was in got it wayyyyy to wet.
yeah looks like the soil could use some perlite IMO. weed likes good drainage, make sure u have some drainage holes in the bottom of the container too. And those pots are clear, roots do not like light, when you transplant get something that blocks light


Well-Known Member
as stated change ur pot if possible roots will shy away from light... other then that dont worry she looks ok... better haveing a short stem then a long stretchy 5 inch stem