Damaging Soil with Lights

Hi, I'm newish here but new to growing.

I just started a no-till grow in a 4x4 room with 3 custom light bars.

I made a supersoil following subcools recipe. So I have four pots almost ready to go but the seedlings are ready for transplanting. If I were to put the seedlings in with the cover crop partially grown in would it be an issue? I think I remember reading that hids and hps will damage your micro nutrients in the soil, is that true?
Has the Supersoil "cooked" for a while? It'll still burn a seedling. You'd have to start the seeds in a mild starting soil, then transplant into the "hot" SS. That's prolly not what you're asking.

Lights won't affect the herd in the soil.

Planting in a cover crop is groovy, though some have had issues with mites from clover.
Has the Supersoil "cooked" for a while? It'll still burn a seedling. You'd have to start the seeds in a mild starting soil, then transplant into the "hot" SS. That's prolly not what you're asking.

Lights won't affect the herd in the soil.

Planting in a cover crop is groovy, though some have had issues with mites from clover.

Ya it cooked for longer than I the 30 days because I started it too early. When I filled these 10 gal pots I mixed the soil 50/50 with promix

Yikes. I will avoid transplanting for now.

Lights won't affect the herd in the soil. thank you sir
Hi, I'm newish here but new to growing.

I just started a no-till grow in a 4x4 room with 3 custom light bars.

I made a supersoil following subcools recipe. So I have four pots almost ready to go but the seedlings are ready for transplanting. If I were to put the seedlings in with the cover crop partially grown in would it be an issue? I think I remember reading that hids and hps will damage your micro nutrients in the soil, is that true?
are you asking if the lights affect the micro-organisms?
you said micronutrients...
that's gonna be different, I think you meant microorganisms right?
and a cover crop is an EXCELLENT way to establish not only the soilweb, but also a good way to visually see when those nutrients are cycled (clover will BUST if the soil is ready)
but hell yea, clover and most legumes can attract mites, but I don't think it's something that increases the likelihood, in my experience with mites (sadly VERY experienced) they LOVE clover, but aren't attracted to it, to where they'd seek it out.
mites simply are lazy creatures and will web anything they can eat.
BUT that being said, they like legumes a LOT more than cannabis, a very, very good "canary-in-the-goldmine"
are you asking if the lights affect the micro-organisms?
you said micronutrients...
that's gonna be different, I think you meant microorganisms right?
and a cover crop is an EXCELLENT way to establish not only the soilweb, but also a good way to visually see when those nutrients are cycled (clover will BUST if the soil is ready)
but hell yea, clover and most legumes can attract mites, but I don't think it's something that increases the likelihood, in my experience with mites (sadly VERY experienced) they LOVE clover, but aren't attracted to it, to where they'd seek it out.
mites simply are lazy creatures and will web anything they can eat.
BUT that being said, they like legumes a LOT more than cannabis, a very, very good "canary-in-the-goldmine"

I think you meant microorganisms right?

that i did

So perhaps toss a few patches of beans? would you do pole or bush?

how'd you get rid of your mites?
Hi, I'm newish here but new to growing.

I just started a no-till grow in a 4x4 room with 3 custom light bars.

I made a supersoil following subcools recipe. So I have four pots almost ready to go but the seedlings are ready for transplanting. If I were to put the seedlings in with the cover crop partially grown in would it be an issue? I think I remember reading that hids and hps will damage your micro nutrients in the soil, is that true?
oh, and don't layer
just mix it all up together
I think you meant microorganisms right?

that i did

So perhaps toss a few patches of beans? would you do pole or bush?

how'd you get rid of your mites?
welllllllll.... I grow in an unsealed outside pair of rooms/sheds, and I live in a redwood forest that harbos like the most types of spider mites I've ever seen.
so to answer your question...
I never ever have gotten rid of them, every single grow for the last five yrs have had mites of some type, whether its the reg 2-spot, the brown ones, the black ones, or the russets..
dichlorvos is the best i'd say.. better than the scary miticides...
but ive tried pretty much everything out there.
it's all about slowing them down, rather than eradicating them...
mites are everywhere out here though.
oh, and I always liked the clover or the legume that sorta grows like a "sweet-pea" flower.
but the ground cover cloves are probably the best.
here the sweet-pea one I was talkin about, that's a second gen no-till.
I only do no-tills for two runs though, I get better results after re-upping the fresh humus/compost
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Yes! lights will affect both microherd [on the petri dish, indoors & outdoors] and micronutrients uptake^[as a side effect of messing up the humus fraction & soil moisture]. But hey thanks to that top cover & the volume of your pot u are safe

U are safe man!!

Also you need a translaminar miticide or an Ant Man device to spray upwards your notill mite-bait :roll: