EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Wow..looks like your new savior is getting the bums rush..no longer a media darling.

Once the GOP establishment chooses someone new, will you be voting for that person?
There will not be anyone new. How absurd.

Call into Austin talk radio this morning, 590 am Todd and Don show, by an hispanic who's voting for Trump. Said he was sick of the left pandering to minorities....stated they (democRATS) haven't done a thing for any minority but keep them down, not providing the means or tools for self empowerment which is the ONLY way out of poverty.

Minorities are too stupid to realize how they're being played for a tool.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Lol, you guys are choosing heroin over pot, with Hillary over Bernie.
Bunch of seriously ignorant people for stoners.
Sanders supporters really don't have a clue. Hillary supporters are as corrupt as she is by association.

Wish Cruz or Rubio was in but the people have spoken.


Well-Known Member
There will not be anyone new. How absurd.

Call into Austin talk radio this morning, 590 am Todd and Don show, by an hispanic who's voting for Trump. Said he was sick of the left pandering to minorities....stated they (democRATS) haven't a thing for any minority.

Very true, but most are too stupid to realize how they're being played as a tool.
Wait, so you're telling me there are other stupid people in Texas, too?

I'm shocked

<-- see look, that's my shocked face


Well-Known Member
It think it's comical that Hillary's supporters think Bernie's voters will automatically switch to her. Like we are supposed to, or something.
Well, we are all pretty much independents, so no.
I would rather see trump make a mockery of this country, than vote for a piece of shit like her.
And there you have it..it's a matter of principle:clap:

At least Sanders supporters can explain why they won't vote for Clinton; unlike Clinton supporters who can't/won't even explain why they are.

Maybe they don't know?<shrug>
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Well-Known Member
There will not be anyone new. How absurd.

Call into Austin talk radio this morning, 590 am Todd and Don show, by an hispanic who's voting for Trump. Said he was sick of the left pandering to minorities....stated they (democRATS) haven't done a thing for any minority but keep them down, not providing the means or tools for self empowerment which is the ONLY way out of poverty.

Minorities are too stupid to realize how they're being played for a tool.

Have you ever heard of Clayton Bigsby?:lol:

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Lol, two brain dead conservative christian republicans? No thanks.
In a debate any one of those two would wipe the floor with Sanders by giving him a taste of reality. They both have a grasp on what it takes to run a country economically and deal with world security. If you'd just listen to their message other than total Sanders bullshit, pie in the sky crap you might have a clue. Check out Venezuela.



Well-Known Member
In a debate any one of those two would wipe the floor with Sanders by giving him a taste of reality. They both have a grasp on what it takes to run a country economically and deal with world security and such if you'd just listen to a message other than total bullshit, pie in the sky crap. You need to check out Venezuela.

Not a chance.
By the way, we work.
I'm a journeyman welder.
The thing is, I care about the future of this country.
Cruz or Rubio would mix church into state, and maybe persecute others for their differing opinions.
That tired ass meme holds no water. Try again, but you won't be taken seriously. You want Cruz or Rubio lol


Well-Known Member
In a debate any one of those two would wipe the floor with Sanders by giving him a taste of reality. They both have a grasp on what it takes to run a country economically and deal with world security. If you'd just listen to their message other than total Sanders bullshit, pie in the sky crap you might have a clue. Check out Venezuela.

You seem to be a bright and shiny star and I want to hitch my wagon to it.

I want to hear about you, maybe read your newsletter. Maybe you should post some more memes to help me understand you.


Well-Known Member
You are a punk ass bitch, who's only arguments are lies and misrepresentations. You're like a little butthurt kid, who plugs his ears in an argument.
Hillary Clinton is the Republican.
You know what THAT means.
So fuck you, and your moronic way of rationalizing why it's ok to elect a criminal.
hillary clinton is actually a democrat.

and gary johnson is actually a republican.

and hillary clinton has not been convicted of any crimes, thus not a criminal.

you are wrong on every front.