Yeah, we suck...

I've noticed how racist it is. On fathers day my 8 year old niece asked "when were black skinned people created?"

Being the atheist in the room my answer to her question that she was asking the wrong question. She should be asking when were white people created because we all came out of Africa and odds are we were all black, I told her. I said as humans moved north they lost skin pigmentation becuae of diet and less sun exposure.

She scoffed as if this was the dumbest thing she ever heard. She said Adam and Eve were white skinned, made in God's image so Jesus and God are white too.

Her mother has insisted that she be educated in private Catholic schools. I never knew they taught God made white people but Christian message implies that all those people are white.

I like that she asks quesrions. She's smart i think she will think her way out.
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Organized religion is poison
There you go again making blanket statements. In my world we don't judge people for having religion or not having religion. I mean I don't do organized religion either but I can believe in my own way without pushing what I believe onto other people's. Heck I even tell my god he kinda fucked up if he truly made man in his own image. Well, man certainly ain't perfect right?

Oh well I don't argue religious points either. I think it's ok to not believe. Live and let live with the peace and love for all.
Cum into Christ.

I got banned from a prayer group on Facebook for posting this.


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My religious family members operate on faith alone. Then they look at me like I'm crazy when I don't drink the koolaide. So unreasonable.

Have you ever noticed an alcoholic will look at you funny if you refuse a drink?

God belief has the same neurological mechanisms as addiction whether thought (gambling), or drug induced.

I show the science behind it in this thread if interested?

The Holy Dopamine Ghost:
Have you ever noticed an alcoholic will look at you funny if you refuse a drink?

God belief has the same neurological mechanisms as addiction whether thought (gambling), or drug induced.

I show the science behind it in this thread if interested?

The Holy Dopamine Ghost:
I like how Dawkins has likened religion to a virus. Religion has to spread from person to person, and when we're is the best time, so that's why parents stress it so much to their kids.

So the mental virus spreads and reduces one's defenses to nonsense. But I have never thought of it as an addiction. I believe the most "faithful" really do believe it to their core and they get a high out of the endorphins which are released when they worship their god at church with their singing and hand raise/waving, even snake handeling.

I think that has to be separate. I've been to those churches and involved with a group of people. They're all chanting Jesus, in that moment I was able to give in and it was kind of a cool tingly good feeling. I'll bet they feel it more intensely, and more often. But people of all religion feel that. So that proves nothing.

Anyway, I'm stoned and rambling. I agree with you there are shades of addiction, but I don't think it's as simple as all that. It isnt just pleasure seeking. They deny themselves things that please them as part one of many acts of worship or sacrifice to their god.
Say what you want about me or my beliefs, at least I don't fly jets into buildings or condemn my own kids for being gay

Organized religion is poison

There's nothing wrong with a person believing something, there is something wrong with forcing your beliefs on another person though.

In that way, it's easy to understand why so many people default to a religion or a belief in government, but I repeat myself.