In House Genetics Thread

Noah's ark dried. Only one I wish I kept around. If it wasn't such a shit yielder, id probably regret not coming it.

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I just realized the top shelf dispensary part of the comment. Lol.

Dispensaries have mediocre shit. Most dispensary top shelf is regs at best. I feel like this has been a topic of discussion here as well.

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Walking into a collective is like asking to get mids or lows depending on budget. There are very very few "top shelf" that hits home for me. I would rather smoke some of what my buddy grew and get blasted for a couple hour high instead of a 15 minute break.
Walking into a collective is like asking to get mids or lows depending on budget. There are very very few "top shelf" that hits home for me. I would rather smoke some of what my buddy grew and get blasted for a couple hour high instead of a 15 minute break.
Well, if you're ever around la I got you on some bud that'll at the least get you relaxed for a few hours haha, worst case it's nap time :).

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Haha ok pal. These aren't late flower nanners dipshit. No stress organic growing. You're right tho, they are kinda rare since most breeders will stress and select non herms.

Yer saying that because yer growing "no stress organic" that you CANNOT get a hermie?

So the term "no stress organic growing" means to you , that because you are growing organically that your plants CAN'T get stressed and herm?

Yea....who's the dipshit? LOL!!

What is this romper-room lol?
No, dude was trying to argue that Hermies aren't Hermies, and that male stomata(male sexual reproductive parts) growing on female plants somehow swaps the gender of the male parts of the sexual reproductive system to female.

He obviously didn't read his own article because the article he posted disagrees with everything he is staying. You can go back and find the post I made with links to an Oxford study on dioecious vs monoecious and hermaphroditism and how exactly/scientifically that all works.

"Hermaphrodite Definition: noun (1) an organism (plant or animal) having both male and female reproductive organs. (2) An organism having both male and female organs. Therefore, is capable of producing both male and female gametes."

So by definition(our situation is definition one, it's very rare to have a male produced from females self pollinating, but it is possible), all of our plants that throw male flowers are hermaphrodites. Whether true or environmentally forced, any plant that throws both female and MALE flowers is a hermaphrodite.

Nanners do not just become female flowers because they do not carry the male chromosome set.

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Males don't have nanners. Males have a different form of an anther. Nanners are specious staminate flowers and in no way show signs of deleterious hermaphrodism. If there's no Y chromosome they can't be a hermie. Y chromosomes don't just show up. They're there at seed. That's why feminized seeds made from nanners are all female. They don't have a y. Nanners are a gardeners issue not a genetic one.
Males don't have nanners. Males have a different form of an anther. Nanners are specious staminate flowers and in no way show signs of deleterious hermaphrodism. If there's no Y chromosome they can't be a hermie. Y chromosomes don't just show up. They're there at seed. That's why feminized seeds made from nanners are all female. They don't have a y. Nanners are a gardeners issue not a genetic one.
Please go through the article you posted again and try to comprehend what it says. Males absolutely have nanners all up in the pollen sacs. have you never seen a ball pop open to show you all the nanners inside? Hermie females don't always fully develop male pollen sacks so they put out nanners(still male reproductive organ), but they're still male parts. Mj is dioecious, so it has famale(pistils) and male(staminate/balls/nanners) on separate plants. When either genders reproductive organs end up on a plant that seems the opposite gender initially, they are, by definition, Hermaphrodites. Please do some more research, then go find a botanist and ask them if what you think you read, is actually what you read.

Sticking a penis on a girl doesn't make penises a female part.

You are at this point wasting everybody here's time.

Please stop posting on this thread.

You are wrong.

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Males don't have nanners. Males have a different form of an anther. Nanners are specious staminate flowers and in no way show signs of deleterious hermaphrodism. If there's no Y chromosome they can't be a hermie. Y chromosomes don't just show up. They're there at seed. That's why feminized seeds made from nanners are all female. They don't have a y. Nanners are a gardeners issue not a genetic one.
Sounds like you never seen a male cannabis plant, perhaps a female one as well.
I been lucky growing fem, seeds outdoor and have never had a fem, seed herm on me,knock on wood.LOL where iam getting older and can just grow so many I love fem, beans where there no males to kill,next year iam onley going to grow fem, seed but I still will pollen chunk some this year to keep a few lines of seeds that was gifted to me so I can keep growing them seeds,and I will make me some fem, also of my new beans to plant next
the people that gifted me my beans if they ask me not to make seeds for my use I would not do that out of respect but they never ask me not
if a mans word is no good the man is no good,thats just how I was raised and will die that way.being honest with people is the only way to live life and if you can trust a man and he trust you THAT TRUST should never be broken but now days there lots moor crooks that cant be trusted then there was 20 years ago,A hand shake should be just as good as a written contract,thats just how I live my life and will always be that way and I guess thats why people that knows me well knows I am trust worthy as I know some men still that way.not all people in this busness is crooks and theres still some good people left in this