Random Jibber Jabber Thread

omg...I just saw this update on my FB feed...my heart goes out to the family. I would think in a Disney park shit like this could never happen

When I went the had signs every wear warning people not to go in or near ponds that's at the resort near the park catering to families. ..I'm guessing the can't help it..they find their way in...kinda like our squirrel problem. .

The baby "waded into the lagoon into about two feet of water"..... WHY are there gators in this lagoon if it's part of a friggin RESORT, and WHERE were the PARENTS?! Dad tried to pull him from the water, but why was he NEAR there in the first place?! :cuss:

Sorry, but I helped raise many nieces and nephews and I raise dogs, as well, and this is beyond unacceptable. If any of my wards came to any sort of harm on my watch I'd probably end my own life out of guilt and shame.
Really? I been to Florida twice, love it....but you HAVE to assume there's gators in any freshwater body of water...tragic no doubt but that is a 2 year old..never should have been in that situation.
I guess then it isn't enclosed? Its a Disney jawn...shits supposed to be made safe for kids and families...jeez the lawyers are gonna have a filed day with this....I can promise u one thing...it won't happen again. Not at the Grand Floridian anyway
I guess then it isn't enclosed? Its a Disney jawn...shits supposed to be made safe for kids and families...jeez the lawyers are gonna have a filed day with this....I can promise u one thing...it won't happen again. Not at the Grand Floridian anyway

I'm not sure you can ever really keep gators out..my aunt and uncle retired down there last year..they had a gator climb their fence o_O and went in their pool. I like to fish down there when I visited and I was fishing in the pond by their pad and I saw this girl letting her dog swim and throwing a stick to him.. I lied and told her I just saw a huge fuckin gator over there.. She thanked me n left ...20 minutes later I really did see a huge one..had to be 10' ..
Sadly the sweet baby has been recovered. t :(
omg...I just saw this update on my FB feed...my heart goes out to the family. I would think in a Disney park shit like this could never happen

I've done a 180 on this, I saw a pic of the pools and lagoon, there's kids all over..there is a no swimming sign, I could see how tourists would wade into the lagoons and assume there isn't gators in there..the sign should read: Alligators~Warning~ Do not go in the water.... Not a simple " no swimming"
I've done a 180 on this, I saw a pic of the pools and lagoon, there's kids all over..there is a no swimming sign, I could see how tourists would wade into the lagoons and assume there isn't gators in there..the sign should read: Alligators~Warning~ Do not go in the water.... Not a simple " no swimming"
I agree. I understand its Disney but getting ripped to shreds is pretty fuckin serious
Disney is in ultra deep shit; Florida has "attractive nuisance" laws; Disney knew there were gators in the ponds , hadn't done anything other than post "no swimming" signs......not "Stay out of the water, Gator will attack you" signs; and rented to guests with children. Disney is fucked