Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Dried with bud separated dry canister and refrigerated
I keep mine in a dedicated mini fridge, which is rarely opened. No light gets in. I use mason jars and add silica desiccant pkgs as well. most home refrigerators can have a lot of humidity fluctuations, in addition to unwanted light.

sometimes the older seeds develop dense seed coats and require scarification with sand paper to germinate. well formed seeds shld last 10, 20++ yrs with good storage.
They should and I wish they did , still looking for longevity of this seed over 6 years none found
Try a few different methods of germination and you shld at least have some luck. Place sand paper inside of cylinder and roll the beans around inside to lightly sand the outside of shell, that may help.

The humidity was too high in your fridge, light didn't help. Your storage containers are not sealed, power outages mess with their dormancy too. Next time, add a bunch of rice as an econo desiccant.

I'm all over this longitudinal experiment:
Five of the original 20 seed-containing bottles buried by Beal remain in their hidden location on the MSU campus. The slumber of the seeds will remain undisturbed for another 20 years until 2020, the 140th anniversary of Beal's experiment.
My containers are air tight I don't have power outages I pay my bills have had pollen stored for over 6 mo that was still fertile ,your criticism is misplaced
My containers are air tight I don't have power outages I pay my bills have had pollen stored for over 6 mo that was still fertile ,your criticism is misplaced
just brain storming and trying to help. sounds like you'll be shopping and storing new beans. the pill bottles i see in your picture do not qualify as airtight. dessicant is a must.
Will look to see if a 20 year old seed has ever been grown


5 years is nothing
almost all my stock is 5+
some freezer, some dresser drawer, shoe box.. some loose in my trucks tool box in tx weather i forgot about..ziploc bags vials, whatever.
i generally advocate 60 and 60. 60rh 60°....respiration occurs and seed can repair damge
even 20+ stock does fine for me in this environment.. even crushed seeds give me 50% rates or so
freezing is good though for a very long period... not discounting what abe said

how are you germing?
is probably the most important question
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