Mexico Says They Will Close Their Border if Trump is Elected


Well-Known Member
Let Mexico close their borders, and we'll turn all their trucks, shipping containers, and trains back hauling Mexican made goods. We can live without them, but they can't live without us. Their country is too corrupt and weak.

More jobs for Americans, Hooray !!!!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
LOL! who is that beanster? reminds me of the cartoon with the little Mexican doggie who use to hang out with that goofy white dopey you know who Im talking about.


Well-Known Member
I hope they do....I lost a 104k a yr job to Mexico so they could pay them $2.00 per hour to do what I did AND I got to train the person who they gave my job to....fuck General Mills !!!!!


Well-Known Member
I hope they do....I lost a 104k a yr job to Mexico so they could pay them $2.00 per hour to do what I did AND I got to train the person who they gave my job to....fuck General Mills !!!!!
Sorry for your lost job, I really am. Damn that seems like a no brainier as a business owner.


Well-Known Member
This flood of immigrants/Wall will be controlled by FEMA?

If I remember right, Mexico was one of the first to provide aid to the Caterina victims in NO LA
while Bush was busy pushing Oil Leases off the White House floor for China.

Maybe Mexico has a little better pulse on the needs of their neighbors populous.

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
I am confused, are you trying to say all muslims are dangerous no matter where they are born?
That's racist.
Im saying.Theres nothing Trump can do about Terrorism.Still Confused ?
Remember the "war on terror".That helped didnt it.LOL.
Since when were Muslims a Race.Duh Duh.
I pretty sure Its a religion.(There are White Muslims too.)
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mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
This trump bullshit is the racist white mans last big push.. Way too late , you're out numbered now , dumbasses... Using fear to incite racism would have been a good plan , Back in the day. White people are a dying breed, take a picture while they're still around..