In House Genetics Thread

Nanners are a female part. They don't have any male in them therefore they are not a hermie. If you think a nanner means it's a hermie than a female would be a very rare sight. 1/2000 or 3000 seeds produced from male pollen are hermies. If you think that nanners are hermies than 1/5000+ are what you guys call females. I already provided a link and it is from a trusted source in the industry. Believe what you want but your mistaken.
This is incorrect. Pretty much every part of it.

1. Nanners are male parts. You've forced a female that doesn't carry a Y chromosome to sprout male reproductive parts. Just because they don't carry the male chromosome, does not make the part of the plant anatomy they are swap genders.

2. More often than not, females from regular seeds are 100% female and do not express any hermaphroditic traits. This means 0 male flowers/nanners/balls. Not 1 in 5000.

3. Some strains are more prone to hermaphroditism than others.

Where are you getting these numbers?

I think what you are referring to is true hermaphrodites vs environmentally induced. Both types are hermaphrodites, one is just genetically predetermined 100% chance, the other is stress/grower/environment related.

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Nanners are a female part. They don't have any male in them therefore they are not a hermie. If you think a nanner means it's a hermie than a female would be a very rare sight. 1/2000 or 3000 seeds produced from male pollen are hermies. If you think that nanners are hermies than 1/5000+ are what you guys call females. I already provided a link and it is from a trusted source in the industry. Believe what you want but your mistaken.
Perhaps you should try reading what I wrote again If you have any english reading comprehension you will see that I said balls (pollen sacs) and pistils are properly called hermies.

Not sure where you got out of that that I think nanners are thr same thing.
Nanners are a female part. They don't have any male in them therefore they are not a hermie. If you think a nanner means it's a hermie than a female would be a very rare sight. 1/2000 or 3000 seeds produced from male pollen are hermies. If you think that nanners are hermies than 1/5000+ are what you guys call females. I already provided a link and it is from a trusted source in the industry. Believe what you want but your mistaken.
Nanners don't even resemble balls. They look like bananas. Hence "nanner"!
Is this guy trolling or for real?
My cherry gorilla (IHG) throws a few nanners late in flower, around day 60, they don't self pollinate at all, and there are very few. It's without fail, regardless of system, stress, anything. Obviously a survival trait. My blue power I grew grows male flowers on the lowers every time, and can self pollinate, although rare and very isolated which I find strange. I recently grew a fangbanger og that grew balls and pistils at the same rate at the same time too (scrapped). Also had a sin city incredible power that hermed to to the point it pollinated my entire tent pretty much unnoticed. Not exactly useful information, but I remember my children that have disappointed me.
I'm all for honesty. e.g. If I (not sure why this would ever happen) popped a Barney's seed and it turned out great I would report it.

I personally have only had the "femgular" problem so far (all freebies from TDT). No hermies or balls or nanners (yet) day 43. But I was just in my garden and smelled the lemon crippler I could reach and it is straight up lemon peel cleaner 100%. Smoke reports will follow but I am impressed so far despite this thread. Just being honest.
I'm all for honesty. e.g. If I (not sure why this would ever happen) popped a Barney's seed and it turned out great I would report it.

I personally have only had the "femgular" problem so far (all freebies from TDT). No hermies or balls or nanners (yet) day 43. But I was just in my garden and smelled the lemon crippler I could reach and it is straight up lemon peel cleaner 100%. Smoke reports will follow but I am impressed so far despite this thread. Just being honest.
Nice to hear you got lemon out of yours. Show some promise for the rest of my pack.

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I'm all for honesty. e.g. If I (not sure why this would ever happen) popped a Barney's seed and it turned out great I would report it.

I personally have only had the "femgular" problem so far (all freebies from TDT). No hermies or balls or nanners (yet) day 43. But I was just in my garden and smelled the lemon crippler I could reach and it is straight up lemon peel cleaner 100%. Smoke reports will follow but I am impressed so far despite this thread. Just being honest.
That cherry gorilla I'm growing has got nothing but rave reviews from everyone I've given it to. She hits high in every department, yield, smell, taste, etc. Well worth the time to grow it and I don't say that very often. IHG isn't really a breeder, but more like access to coveted strains via chuck. I think there's a difference between the two as there should be. Some dice rolls are riskier than others is the way I like to look at it. I think it's fun yet annoying at the same time.
I provided a link. It explains the science behind it. That's all I can do. To not acknowledge the link or provide a counter displays intelligence levels. It has been documented for hundreds of years. Botonists are aware that a female anther does exist and so does intelligent beings who do proper due diligence. I've played the nanner game. I laugh when those who are uneducated on the subject keep on screaming hermie and then pretend to know what they're talking about. Obviously not botonists. Or experienced growers. I'll provide the link again explaining in detail the science of hermaphrodism and nanners. If your in the industry and you don't consider the stoners cookbook a reliable source to any degree then I'm sorry. Have fun throwing away perfectly good genetics. You should maybe learn what's causing your nanners. If you want to have your argument have any credit you best be posting a link from a reputable source or it holds no value. It's just an uneducated soul flapping his lips.
I provided a link. It explains the science behind it. That's all I can do. To not acknowledge the link or provide a counter displays intelligence levels. It has been documented for hundreds of years. Botonists are aware that a female anther does exist and so does intelligent beings who do proper due diligence. I've played the nanner game. I laugh when those who are uneducated on the subject keep on screaming hermie and then pretend to know what they're talking about. Obviously not botonists. Or experienced growers. I'll provide the link again explaining in detail the science of hermaphrodism and nanners. If your in the industry and you don't consider the stoners cookbook a reliable source to any degree then I'm sorry. Have fun throwing away perfectly good genetics. You should maybe learn what's causing your nanners. If you want to have your argument have any credit you best be posting a link from a reputable source or it holds no value. It's just an uneducated soul flapping his lips.
Here are some sources that disagree with yours.

And if you want to do some real reading

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This is from your own article as well. Do you even read what you're posting?

"Cannabis has been studied for many years because of its unusual sexuality. Besides the normal dioecious pattern, where each plant bears exclusively male or female flowers, it is not uncommon for some plants to have both male and female flowers. These are called hermaphrodites, or monoecious plants, or intersexes. Hermaphroditic plants form normal flowers of both sexes in a wide variety of arrangements, in both random and uniform distributions.

Natural Hermaphrodites

Some hermaphrodites seem to be genetically determined (protogenous). That is, they naturally form flowers of both sexes given normal growing conditions. Possibly genes carried on the autosomes (the chromosomes other than the sex chromosomes) modify the normal sexual expression. Monoecious varieties have been developed by hemp breeders in order to ensure uniform harvests.

It is also possible that these particular are polyploid, which means they have more than the usual two sets of chromosomes. This kind of hermaphrodite may have XXY (triploid), or XXYY or XXXY (tetraploid) sex chromosomes. However, no naturally occurring polyploids have ever been verified (by observation of the chromosomes) in any population of Cannabis. Polyploids have been induced in Cannabis by using mutagens, such as the alkaloid colchicine.

Whatever then genetic explanation may be, one or more of these natural hermaphrodites may randomly appear in any garden. They are sometimes faster-maturing, have larger leaves, and are larger in overall size than their unisexual siblings. They usually form flowers of both sexes uniformly in time and distribution, and in some unusual patterns. For example, from Mexican seed, we have seen a plant on which separate flowering cluster consisted of both female and male flowers: and upper section of female flowers had upraised stigmas, and a lower section of male flowers dangled beneath the female flowers. In other plants from Mexican seed, the growing tips throughout the plant have female flowers; male flowers sprout from the leaf axils along the main stem and branches. Plants from "Thai" seed sometimes form male and female flowers on separate branches. Branches with female flowers tend to predominate, but branches having mostly male flowers are located throughout the plant.

Abnormal Flowers, Intersexes, Reversals

Gender is set in the new plant at the time of fertilisation by its inheritance of either the X or the Y chromosome from the male (staminate) plant. With germination of the seed, the environment comes into play. Heritage sets the genetic program, but the environment can influence how the program runs. (Sexual expression in Cannabis is delicately balanced between the two.) The photoperiod, for example, controls the plant's sequence of development. Also, the plant's metabolism and life processes are dependent on growing conditions. When the environment does not allow a balance to be maintained, the normal genetic program may not be followed. This is mirrored by abnormal growth or sexual expression."

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My cherry gorilla (IHG) throws a few nanners late in flower, around day 60, they don't self pollinate at all, and there are very few. It's without fail, regardless of system, stress, anything. Obviously a survival trait. My blue power I grew grows male flowers on the lowers every time, and can self pollinate, although rare and very isolated which I find strange. I recently grew a fangbanger og that grew balls and pistils at the same rate at the same time too (scrapped). Also had a sin city incredible power that hermed to to the point it pollinated my entire tent pretty much unnoticed. Not exactly useful information, but I remember my children that have disappointed me.
Yes if can be a survival trait in so me land race varatials.
But what, I believe, we are seeing, is the results of clone breeding.
"Breeders ", take whatever ever popular clone that's the new rage, and all rush to make regs or fems of it! Who knows what the real parents that were used? So much bs and gsc.
Gsc is a herm bitch, but pollen is not very viable. It seems to throw balls around week 4, and nanners near the end!
I never had much of a problem with herms of any kind before this clone in seed form shit!
Sometimes when you start working these line, you really see the vast number of recessive crap waiting inside. I have had what I've though we're solid male and female, cross them and wind up with herm offspring.
Got to get So me breeders out there to make sure their genetics can make it past their f1/s1 pack's. Like say Bodhi, makes a cross, sends out testers, gets good feedback, then releases the hybrid to the gene pool. Someone then goes and f2's it, and it just turns to crap. Now the pool is tainted with poo! How many companies make this their practice? The majority I would think. So when you are ok that most strains show some herm recessiveness, you are now dealing in the poo pool!!!!!!!
I love how nuggy nic seems to be incapable of reading while sanctimoniously lecturing experienced growers debating a point nobody made. Do you have something to contribute to the thread about IHG? Because everyone reporting herms manners and quality grows are doing so based on experience not a fucking book. Balls and pistils is a hermie. Disagree all you want, it won't change the fact.
I provided a link. It explains the science behind it. That's all I can do. To not acknowledge the link or provide a counter displays intelligence levels. It has been documented for hundreds of years. Botonists are aware that a female anther does exist and so does intelligent beings who do proper due diligence. I've played the nanner game. I laugh when those who are uneducated on the subject keep on screaming hermie and then pretend to know what they're talking about. Obviously not botonists. Or experienced growers. I'll provide the link again explaining in detail the science of hermaphrodism and nanners. If your in the industry and you don't consider the stoners cookbook a reliable source to any degree then I'm sorry. Have fun throwing away perfectly good genetics. You should maybe learn what's causing your nanners. If you want to have your argument have any credit you best be posting a link from a reputable source or it holds no value. It's just an uneducated soul flapping his lips.

You are the uneducated inexperienced Botanist, + obviously need to go back to school for proper spelling/reading comprehension.
I provided a link. It explains the science behind it. That's all I can do. To not acknowledge the link or provide a counter displays intelligence levels. It has been documented for hundreds of years. Botonists are aware that a female anther does exist and so does intelligent beings who do proper due diligence. I've played the nanner game. I laugh when those who are uneducated on the subject keep on screaming hermie and then pretend to know what they're talking about. Obviously not botonists. Or experienced growers. I'll provide the link again explaining in detail the science of hermaphrodism and nanners. If your in the industry and you don't consider the stoners cookbook a reliable source to any degree then I'm sorry. Have fun throwing away perfectly good genetics. You should maybe learn what's causing your nanners. If you want to have your argument have any credit you best be posting a link from a reputable source or it holds no value. It's just an uneducated soul flapping his lips.
You're a joke. Beat it dork
so the argument above is the difference between having male balls randomly on a female plant (hermie) and having the nanners (banana looking things) that usually show up late right? I think people call that a hermie but obviously those two things are very different. No idea on the technical terms, but I know both ways can throw pollen. in my experience balls show early like 2-4 weeks and show up at node points, but im sure it can be anywhere. nanners can show early or late usually later.
I guess im just looking for the applicable knowledge, for my own sake here. not trying to add fuel to the fire but trying to clarify.
Nanners don't even resemble balls. They look like bananas. Hence "nanner"!
I had full blown sacs at each internode on my bubba x tangie at the start of flower, right next to pistils. Not just "anthers", I will dig up the pic if you want. It's some where in this thread.
I had full blown sacs at each internode on my bubba x tangie at the start of flower, right next to pistils. Not just "anthers", I will dig up the pic if you want. It's some where in this thread.
Word... Mine had balls and pistils when it first started to show sex. I'm gonna pick the balls off and let it ride :)
Ok well trying to stay on topic here, did anyone scoop the OGKB IX? What are the genetics on that does anyone know (obviously it has OGKB in it) ?