Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club


Well-Known Member
Lol, not mocking HIM. It's you, get it? A halfwit serving me a burrito.

I was actually searching for a retard dropping the mic, when I stumbled across this gem. Perfectly fits my "you're an idiot working at Taco Bell" theme. I felt it was necessary to spell it out for you since your post clearly shows it sailed over your head.
Bro there is nothing "to get". That oafish attempt at ridicule fell out of your clowns pocket ass. It's a cringe worthy, possibly mentally handicapped effort to employ humor.


Well-Known Member
That young gentlemen is just doing his job. Why mock him? Have you "identified" him as a Mexican?

You've let every bit of dignity fade revealing the crippled mind of a damaged idiot child.

Loco a half wit, bigot sage.

Tim is a New Mexican. His restaurant in Albuquerque is a landmark restaurant and Tim`s lifelong dream.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I read the news. Don't you? Revenue, territories and troop morale are all on the decline.

ISIS main funding methods are squeezed. Oil revenue is dropping, Saudi private funding sources, which had been their startup funding are under threat of death if they continue funding and taxes from territories are shrinking because they are losing territory. Their war costs 1-2 million USD per day to keep going. IS also robbed banks in their territories but you can only do that once. They have a good bankroll but it's shrinking.

IS has shrunk by about 40% over the past few months, losing ground in both Iraq and Syria. The coalition between NATO and Russia (now that's something I don't type often) is starting to bite. The Iraq army is showing some ability as a fighting force in Ramadi. It's not rainbows and lollipops but IS is on the back foot. &

Troops are defecting at increasing rates. Failure to meet payroll, purges, hunts for spies within the ranks and public executions of troops are all taking their toll on troop loyalty and morale.

It's not over yet by a long shot but ISIS is losing and there is no chance of a come back unless a major power steps in to back them. There is no sign of that occurring. The mass murders in Europe, I believe are an example of IS desperation.

The mass shootings in Orlando were not an IS operation. That was perpetrated by a nut-job with radical religious views. The US born and raised berserker could have been Christian or atheist but basically the guy was a homophobe with anger management issues. His allegiance to IS was sworn after the attack started and shortly afterward, a bullet ended his rampage.
It will be interesting to hear the wife's side of the story.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Firearm—In 2013, 33,636 persons died from firearm injuries in
the United States (Tables 18 and 19), accounting for 17.4% of all injury
deaths in that year. The age-adjusted death rate from firearm injuries
(all intents) did not change significantly in 2013 from 2012. The two
major component causes of firearm injury deaths in 2013 were suicide
(63.0%) and homicide (33.3%
). The age-adjusted death rate for
firearm homicide decreased 5.3%, from 3.8 in 2012 to 3.6 in 2013. The
rate for firearm suicide did not change significantly.


Well-Known Member
Firearm—In 2013, 33,636 persons died from firearm injuries in
the United States (Tables 18 and 19), accounting for 17.4% of all injury
deaths in that year. The age-adjusted death rate from firearm injuries
(all intents) did not change significantly in 2013 from 2012. The two
major component causes of firearm injury deaths in 2013 were suicide
(63.0%) and homicide (33.3%
). The age-adjusted death rate for
firearm homicide decreased 5.3%, from 3.8 in 2012 to 3.6 in 2013. The
rate for firearm suicide did not change significantly.
I wonder how many babies get killed in abortion clinics?