installing mini split

Certified HVAC tech. Have someone help. Ive installed thousands of these and while all of them are the same out off the box all houses or grow rooms are not. you might need to braze some copper. Your also gonna need a service wrench so when you do get it setup you can release refrigerant out of compressor into the system. The nitro is for leak tests.
But if you are gonna install it by yourself i recommend buying a decent one. I tried buying a knock off brand and I've had electrical problems since day one. Mitsubishi makes the best ones IMO if you have any questions on The install pm me this is what I do.
If you don't have an Ac guy in your circle.. It's time to get one.. Like Carolina said.. what if your mini split shits out half way through the run, and you need it fixed. Might as well just buy a new one because they aren't going to replace it..
If your going to be a grower.. Your going to need people's help, trimmers , contractors whatever it may be.
Ive been an HVAC tech for about four years now and the first week on the job my boss brought me to this really nice house in south Florida in one of the richer neighborhoods down here. He told me I was gonna be doing duct work all day. Long story short. I looked down from the Attic into a room with about ten gavita pros on one side and five 600 watt metal halides on the other.
This is an average grow house. One of nine that my Boss and I continuously visit too do maintenance and check ups.
I guess what I'm saying is you really should get an AC guy in your operation.
I was told that apline were decent units.

I was going to go ahead and install it, but have a technician come out to do the leak test, pay for the service call.

Its looks very simple, literally, mount unit, drill holes, run outside, make few connections.

I'm very mechanically inclined, I'll be good, also, I want to thank you and probably 6 others who have offered to help, I'm sure I'll have to pm someone if I evac n test myself.

Can't wait to have it! Its gonna make my growing so much easier!
I was told that apline were decent units.

I was going to go ahead and install it, but have a technician come out to do the leak test, pay for the service call.

Its looks very simple, literally, mount unit, drill holes, run outside, make few connections.

I'm very mechanically inclined, I'll be good, also, I want to thank you and probably 6 others who have offered to help, I'm sure I'll have to pm someone if I evac n test myself.

Can't wait to have it! Its gonna make my growing so much easier!
Knock it out bro..Definatley will help you dude. I dont even run air cooled hoods in my room just big batwings and big aluminum reflectors and let the mini split and the exctractor do there thing. The trick is to mount the wall unit at the right height. I mounted mine high because it oscillatetes downward and straight forward. In hind sight I probabley would have mounted it a little lower but it does the trick. I don't know how big your room is but you will Definatley be able too add more lights=more plants. Minus all the heat build upbongsmilie. Cooling your room as opposed to cooling your lights has always made more sense to me.
I'm going from 4 lights back to 8. Im using flood tables. My bulbs start out around 4" and end around 6.5.

Should I mount unit so it blows above reflectors?
If your indoor unit has wings that oscillate the air up and down i would mount it slightly above your reflectors. Or maybe even with them.
Question for an HVAC guy:

I have a Mrcool 36k btu DIY pre-charged unit that I'm currently in the process of installing. The room I'm installing it in isn't on an exterior wall unfortunately. I want to install it through the indoor wall, then run the refrigerant lines up vertically about a 1.5' to the ceiling, then strait across the ceiling, then out of the exterior wall, and down to the outdoor unit.

Is it ok to run the refrigerant lines upwards like this? (see pics) I'll have the condensate drain separate and angled with a downward flow.

(Pictures below) I haven't cut the hole in the exterior wall yet, but you can kind of see the circle I have on the wall where I plan on cutting through, if it's not an issue to have that slope. Otherwise I guess I'll just have to have it hanging down a couple feet from the ceiling, but I'd rather not.

The Mrcool install video shows about 10' of excess refrigerant line coiled up near the outdoor unit, so I wouldn't think the slope would be too much of a problem, but idk -


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Question for an HVAC guy:

I have a Mrcool 36k btu DIY pre-charged unit that I'm currently in........

I found the answer to my question on an hvac forum, and you can run the refrigerant lines in any direction. You may need to increase the pressure of the lines depending on the length, but as long as your condensate drain is separate and directed in a downward flow without water traps you're good to go. Hope this helps somebody. :D