How many watts are those 8 lights?
Ive been an HVAC tech for about four years now and the first week on the job my boss brought me to this really nice house in south Florida in one of the richer neighborhoods down here. He told me I was gonna be doing duct work all day. Long story short. I looked down from the Attic into a room with about ten gavita pros on one side and five 600 watt metal halides on the other.If you don't have an Ac guy in your circle.. It's time to get one.. Like Carolina said.. what if your mini split shits out half way through the run, and you need it fixed. Might as well just buy a new one because they aren't going to replace it..
If your going to be a grower.. Your going to need people's help, trimmers , contractors whatever it may be.
Knock it out bro..Definatley will help you dude. I dont even run air cooled hoods in my room just big batwings and big aluminum reflectors and let the mini split and the exctractor do there thing. The trick is to mount the wall unit at the right height. I mounted mine high because it oscillatetes downward and straight forward. In hind sight I probabley would have mounted it a little lower but it does the trick. I don't know how big your room is but you will Definatley be able too add more lights=more plants. Minus all the heat build upI was told that apline were decent units.
I was going to go ahead and install it, but have a technician come out to do the leak test, pay for the service call.
Its looks very simple, literally, mount unit, drill holes, run outside, make few connections.
I'm very mechanically inclined, I'll be good, also, I want to thank you and probably 6 others who have offered to help, I'm sure I'll have to pm someone if I evac n test myself.
Can't wait to have it! Its gonna make my growing so much easier!
Question for an HVAC guy:
I have a Mrcool 36k btu DIY pre-charged unit that I'm currently in........