I'm voting for McCain....

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Right now I have a dull machete in my closet for self defense....which way do you think a crackhead would rather die?And I was thinking of just getting a .22 rifle, because it leaves a small hole.
I don't own a gun...got enough of that from my uncle sam...but you can legally own all the guns you want....I don't care...just keep em locked up so when that crackhead breaks into your house to steal that fancy new flat screen tv, your 9 mm is not laying on the coffee table.............


New Member
And this from a guy who continually claims to be for "just a little bit of socialism."

Isn't it striking that you cannot espouse your principles, or lack thereof, without using the term "force?" That kind of says it all, doesn't it? bongsmilie

What a complete joke!

Vi, they would be forced by economic principle, not by the gun, They could elect to not make over the set amount. No-one ever said you had to be rich. You make a joke out of every post I make. Seems like you are a sore loser. You can't even consider the other side. There is another side, believe me. It's just that most of the other side cannot afford the luxury of computers and leisure time. they are too busy trying to support their families.


New Member
Right now I have a dull machete in my closet for self defense....which way do you think a crackhead would rather die?And I was thinking of just getting a .22 rifle, because it leaves a small hole.
I own plenty of guns, keep all of them but one locked in my massive gun safe. The one I leave out I keep secured from my grandchildren that live with me. I would never leave a gun lying around. I know at all times where my gun is and it is far from where my grandkids could get to it, but close to where I could. BTW, for home defense, a shotgun is Ideal if you don't have kids, just point and shoot, no aiming involved. I have one but I keep it locked up.


New Member
Well Stoney ... there are Democrats like you ... and like my Mom was, then there are Democrats like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy ... and our own esteemed Mr. Med. They are hard-core socialistic Marxists who are very dangerous to our freedom and liberty. The are using the Democrat Party as a front, just like a fence uses a body shop to launder cocaine sales money. They are 5000 light years out of sync with Democrats like you and Joe Lieberman. :)



New Member
Well Stoney ... there are Democrats like you ... and like my Mom was, then there are Democrats like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy ... and our own esteemed Mr. Med. They are hard-core socialistic Marxists who are very dangerous to our freedom and liberty. The are using the Democrat Party as a front, just like a fence uses a body shop to launder cocaine sales money. They are 5000 light years out of sync with Democrats like you and Joe Lieberman. :)

so Vi...I suppose you love every fuckpublican? lieberman isn't a democrat....


New Member
Vi, they would be forced by economic principle, not by the gun, They could elect to not make over the set amount. No-one ever said you had to be rich. You make a joke out of every post I make. Seems like you are a sore loser. You can't even consider the other side. There is another side, believe me. It's just that most of the other side cannot afford the luxury of computers and leisure time. they are too busy trying to support their families.
That's because almost every post you make IS a joke. And by the way, when it comes to you, I am not joking. I consider your ideas to be extremely dangerous to our society and to our founding principles. You don't stand on principle at all. Your politics have no principles or moral scruples. Everything you post is right out of the Marxist playbook. All I'm trying to do is to get you to see that. What you continue to espouse, and the principles you unwittingly support, have been tried throughout history with disastrous results. Not some times. Not once in awhile. No ... EVERYTIME they have been tried. Honestly Med ... all joking aside, you need to get a clue.



New Member
Well Stoney ... there are Democrats like you ... and like my Mom was, then there are Democrats like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy ... and our own esteemed Mr. Med. They are hard-core socialistic Marxists who are very dangerous to our freedom and liberty. The are using the Democrat Party as a front, just like a fence uses a body shop to launder cocaine sales money. They are 5000 light years out of sync with Democrats like you and Joe Lieberman. :)

Joe lieberman is now an independent, a move that puts him halfway home. He is really a republican in sheeps clothing. I just get off pestering you with left wing bullshit. I'm not half as left as you believe. I believe people should earn their living, but that is hard to do when all the republican business owners have shipped all the jobs overseas. I believe in fairness in the workplace, but when a republican CEO makes from 500-1500 times as much money to eliminate jobs and crack the whip, I see no fairness. Yes I believe in the union for several reasons, most of them related to how the workers are paid and treated. I will concede that unions have been corrupt in the past and that union leaders are fat cats themselves. The company unions are paper tigers and never get enough for the workers. I also believe that laziness, tardiness, absence and other vices should not be tolerated on the worksite. I'm not your crying, send me welfare liberal, I'm a stand up for the little guy liberal that sees the opulance of the republican owners of the society and knows that the common man would be better served by a democratic president, with all their faults and criticisms. Now go pound sand!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I have kids, so no shotgun.I wish I still had all my dad's hunting rifles.They were sold when he died.
I own plenty of guns, keep all of them but one locked in my massive gun safe. The one I leave out I keep secured from my grandchildren that live with me. I would never leave a gun lying around. I know at all times where my gun is and it is far from where my grandkids could get to it, but close to where I could. BTW, for home defense, a shotgun is Ideal if you don't have kids, just point and shoot, no aiming involved. I have one but I keep it locked up.
Even if it's between the eyes? My dad hunted deer with a 22 and always killed them quickly.
a .22 will just piss a dedicated crackhead off....


New Member
Yeah, I have kids, so no shotgun.I wish I still had all my dad's hunting rifles.They were sold when he died.

Even if it's between the eyes? My dad hunted deer with a 22 and always killed them quickly.
for the sake of the investigating officer...have a good story....your dad shot them from distance...and usually when you shoot a crackhead it's at close range.....

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, if someone breaks in my house, they're gonna be between me, and my kid's bedrooms.They need to be shot.And if they're dumb enough to bring a wallet, I'm taking that, too.:bigjoint:
for the sake of the investigating officer...have a good story....your dad shot them from distance...and usually when you shoot a crackhead it's at close range.....


Well-Known Member
Obama and Biden
Osama bin Laden
Obama and Biden
Osama bin Laden
Obama und Biden

Hmmm.... interesting, irrelavent but interesting.


Well-Known Member
Yep, just like the idiots in my Vaterland! Keep going guys show your ignorance.

There are two and exactly two motivations out of which everything else happens:
LOVE & FEAR baby, you have never done anything in your live that has not been motivated by one of these two.
The more you do out of fear the more limited your perception of live is. The more you do from Love the richer your experiences are. We serve only one 'god' at a time, be careful which one you chose, cause you will receive his gifts. Do not fool yourself into believing that you don't serve a god, because you do brothers!

Even though it doesn't look like this has anything to do with the topic, it has everything to do with.