Orlando Shooting another false flag?


Well-Known Member
If you were in a dark crowded nightclub, with bullets flying and people dropping dead all around you. Would you a) run for cover, or b) whip out your smartphone and start videotaping?

And since this unprecedented massacre is kind of a big deal, and an ongoing investigation . . . It's fair to assume any phones with potential evidence are with law enforcement.
I guess it all depends , I could have ran away if I was close enough. But if I was far in the back who knows.

I have a hard time blindly accepting all this, i know it's a crummy ass thing to talk about. But we need this discussion. I need to ask why


Well-Known Member
Well know your a coward but that's still not news...

I see people all the damn time with there
Phones at clubs. I know fur dam sure if shit is poppin off there would be at least a few risky ass individuals who would not run away.

Everyone is glued to there phones
LOL. So, since there are no videos from inside - you are basically calling everyone who was in there (that did not record the murders) a coward... Wow, you are a real piece of work.


Well-Known Member
MORE available guns being the direct causation of more gun DEATHS; seems pretty cut and dry to the logical thinker.

Do we ALL need high-powered assault rifles to defend our homesteads from bears and scary foreign folks, or do CERTAIN people need them to feel 'powerful' and compensate for tiny wieners? A question for the ages!

Something to note: Although I am anti censorship (for the most part), do you feel that our increasingly insane romance with guns in this country might have anything at all to do with this rash of public/random shootings in recent years? Pay special attention to the video game 'culture', especially. Notice how, beginning around a dozen or so years ago, so many of the most popular franchises began focusing heavily on everything from sniping-centric games to things like "realistic weapon mechanics" and squad shooters? Back when I was coming up we played stuff like Pac-Man, Mario, and adventure games, and I'd never even heard of a mass public shooting at the time. (And this was during the Rambo/Reagan-shoot-everything-that-moves era, so you certainly cannot allow film to enter the argument!) These days, there seems to be a new massacre every other week.....can't be all coincidence, can it, especially with so much glorification of guns in video games to the point where many of them are little more than thinly veiled recruitment tools for the US Military?
(Seriously, watch the recruitment ads - hilarious and bleak at the same time!)

I don't feel that modern video games are to be fully blamed for this decay in common sense and thirst for gunplay, but they can sure as hell act as catalysts and in some cases accelerants, especially among our younger folks/Millennials. Simply look around you...
No such thing as an assault rifle.

And yes I own one, maybe more.

images.jpg download (2).jpg


Well-Known Member
I guess it all depends , I could have ran away if I was close enough. But if I was far in the back who knows.

I have a hard time blindly accepting all this, i know it's a crummy ass thing to talk about. But we need this discussion. I need to ask why
What is left to question, really? A gun nut living in a gun-obsessed society gunned down innocent people....see any reoccuring theme, or?


Well-Known Member
Y'all remember the two dudes that robbed the bank with ak47's?

Plenty of video of that.

I'm not saying its fake, I have called this a tragedy and my heart goes out to the families.


Well-Known Member
What is left to question, really? A gun nut living in a gun-obsessed society gunned down innocent people....see any reoccuring theme, or?
Well when you put it that way I'll give you an honest answer,

I think the government has these individuals already, they fuck them up in the head and then tells them to go do these shootings.


Well-Known Member
No such thing as an assault rifle.

And yes I own one, maybe more.

View attachment 3707891 View attachment 3707893
Nice! This is an excellent example of uninformed idiocy running rampant. I would argue that it becomes a different weapon when it has the ability to go full auto. Would you agree?

This kind of thing reminds me of right after 9/11, when the Shrubbery administration started calling everything a weapon of mass destruction.

If it's not a nuke, it's not chemical or biological weapons then it's not a WMD. And fucking airplanes and carbombs don't suddenly qualify out of political expedience.


Well-Known Member
No such thing as an assault rifle.

And yes I own one, maybe more.

View attachment 3707891 View attachment 3707893
  1. the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning. There are a number of branches and subbranches of semantics, including formal semantics, which studies the logical aspects of meaning, such as sense, reference, implication, and logical form, lexical semantics, which studies word meanings and word relations, and conceptual semantics, which studies the cognitive structure of meaning.
    • the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text.
      plural noun: semantics
      "such quibbling over semantics may seem petty stuff."

I'm talking about human lives and social attitudes and this guy feels the need to 'correct' my wording....why not just call them what they truly are - Erection/self worth replacements.


Well-Known Member
Well when you put it that way I'll give you an honest answer,

I think the government has these individuals already, they fuck them up in the head and then tells them to go do these shootings.
Evidence? Even a shred?

Dimwit, Federal employees, military and otherwise, have more rules of engagement than fucking municipal police departments. THOSE fuckers kill every day! Why aren't you looking for a conspiracy there?!


Well-Known Member
So, the friends and family members who lost someone in the shooting are liars. And, the one's who didn't record the shooting are cowards. Got it.
Are you done name calling?

You made you point I'm a sick worthless piece of crap...

But see here's the beauty of it. None of this matters to me.

You could write a whole ingenious speach about how awful I am. I could care less. Because when i put my phone down I can keep living my life. I'm not an awful person just because im asking questions and playing what if .
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Well-Known Member
  1. the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning. There are a number of branches and subbranches of semantics, including formal semantics, which studies the logical aspects of meaning, such as sense, reference, implication, and logical form, lexical semantics, which studies word meanings and word relations, and conceptual semantics, which studies the cognitive structure of meaning.
    • the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text.
      plural noun: semantics
      "such quibbling over semantics may seem petty stuff."

I'm talking about human lives and social attitudes and this guy feels the need to 'correct' my wording....why not just call them what they truly are - Erection/self worth replacements.
Yet, in the quest for understanding, we have to agree on semantics. Much as you might dislike it, his point is valid.


Well-Known Member
If you're going to talk about it, you need to do your homework so you A. don't sound like a fool to those of us who have, and B. spread stupid bullshit around where people who also don't do their homework might believe your ignorant crap.

You can pretend that what you say doesn't have consequences but of course that's also disingenuous. All it means is that no one should take you seriously on any subject.
Well since u know it all, set every1 here straight. Tbh i give a fuck about how anyone here sees me. I dont know yall and yall dont know me so to take anything here as seriously as ppl are taking things to me is pretty damn silly. But i apriciate ur passion and like i said to the other dude its very easy to agree to disagree and keep it movin. i have in no way disrespected u so theres no need to disrespect me. its just not that serious. Its just conversation


Well-Known Member
Evidence? Even a shred?

Dimwit, Federal employees, military and otherwise, have more rules of engagement than fucking municipal police departments. THOSE fuckers kill every day! Why aren't you looking for a conspiracy there?!
This is merely my opinion and conclusion on what I see around me.

Yea is there more evil up the ladder, absolutely. I don't like any form of government that is backed up by the international banking system

I'm not sure why this headline grabbed my attention as much as it did


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="gogogogogogo, post: 12687895, member: 707874"
When the President of the United States, who has been hellbent on gun confiscation, utters his first words blaming guns,.[/QUOTE]

The laughably false fantasy line of NRA sheep.