Jesus Myth & Why It Endures

Going forward......if we stipulate to what the barebones story the bible actually tells us, it means we must read into the story perhaps more than we should be reasonably allowed given the stark lack of detail about things like microbiological phenomenae. Thus this discussion almost reuuires an undue quantity of theorizing and speculation.

So going back to your first point.yes i have thought about the existence of the things you mentioned.....its not quite the gotcha you might have hoped it was. The fact of the matter is this. If we pretend there was a god who created paradise and then humans fucked it up by disobeying and eating from the forbidden tree, then we can also pretend there would have been some severe consequences to their disobedience, especially since they were specifically warned not to touch or eat of it ". Does the bible bear this out?

..."but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die."

Genesis 2:17

So then, God said that if they ate the fruit they would die. Notice what it doesnt say: when or how. Just that one example of missing information should give people like you some cause for pause before jumping on some wacky bandwagon someone else built about how god couldnt have done something about "the way things are" after adam and eve sinned. This just represents a severe lack of imagination and reveals a giddy, presumptuous anxiousness to use specious interpretations of the bible to somehow prove its rediculous because of what some dumb unimaginative people think its saying.

Sometimes the beauty of a thing is in what it doesnt say.....and one of the things the bible does well, to the consternation of many, is that it leaves out alot of detail about certain things. But absence of proof is not proof of the story of sin illustrates quite well.

So......the bible says eden was perfect and without death......and that god had decreed only one thing forbidden......and that if trespassed would mean death.

So was there death? Yes......there was death. How did god implement the sentence of death? Did he behead or run throuh or crucify or poison adam and eve? No. What did he do?


He who created the operating model of how all living things coexisted under ONE set of conditions, had out of necessity to create a DIFFERENT model of how living things would interact after the sentence of death was given.

Now.....was that really so hard?

The bible owes no one a detailed explanation into every aspect of how things are or how they were done. We are told what we need to know, and using a bit of fairly normal intuitive and imaginative processes we can infer that this creator, who created the garden perfect, had to out of necessity CHANGE the model of HOW nature works in order to carry out the sentence of death for transgressing his command.

Now, notice, it doesnt matter if we LIKE the story or AGREE with the story, but if we are going to argue about what the bible means when it says something we need to use a little common sense and assume that if theres a creator who does things orderly and with all the proper underpinnings in which things must work together to exist.....then this same being would most certainly have not left the consequences of sin to some random accidental series of events.

It is worth mentioning that AFTER the flood god specifically ordered noah to eat flesh for the first time.....and the reason in this case was actually shorten mans life.

Ill get to your other points later.....
You are delusional.
Sin? Just a way to control People through fear. Nothing in the book is real, or original. Except maybe the mention of a few battles, or kings.
There is no divine creator. It's too far fetched. We are not special. We are a parasitic organism that can think, on a rock in space. Big whoop.
Since the sun not the proposed son has a very real impact on this planet and the posited son is but a re-telling of older myths me thinks they should have kept worshipping the one true sun. Even the God of the Bible is postulated differently from denomination to denomination with tenets exclusive to their group. They as you believe they are right and everyone else is wrong, again mutually exclusive.
there are many gods, along with counterfeit religions "based" off the bible. However, the bible interprets itself. all the symbolism and meanings within it are interpreted by itself, not the reader. I know it's hard to understand since all you ever did was go to church on sundays when god says he doesn't dwell in churches on that day. so keep spouting off your ignorant bullshit about "whatever everyone believes they believe is true" because it doesn't change the truth based on what any of us believe. The truth is found in the word and without the guidance of the holy spirit you can't understand it. So pull your head out of where the sun don't shine.
there are many gods, along with counterfeit religions "based" off the bible. However, the bible interprets itself. all the symbolism and meanings within it are interpreted by itself, not the reader. I know it's hard to understand since all you ever did was go to church on sundays when god says he doesn't dwell in churches on that day. so keep spouting off your ignorant bullshit about "whatever everyone believes they believe is true" because it doesn't change the truth based on what any of us believe. The truth is found in the word and without the guidance of the holy spirit you can't understand it. So pull your head out of where the sun don't shine.
First off you know nothing about me or my past beliefs all you know is they don't jive with yours so I'm full of bullshit. Try reading some history in actuall history books not the Bible. If the Bible interprets itself then why pray tell do we have not only mutually exclusive beliefs centered around the Bible but mutually exclusive interpretations from the same book. So while my head is actually out in the sunshine and yours is trapped between the pages of a book written by Iron Age goat herders for Iron Age goat herders I'll not respond to you further since most of your Biblical understanding comes from a place of prejudice, you know, I'm a true Christain anyone who doesn't believe like me is in a "counterfeit religion". Ask you friend about no true Scottsman.
Oh and by the way, truth is something you seek not something you simply believe in.
First off you know nothing about me or my past beliefs all you know is they don't jive with yours so I'm full of bullshit. Try reading some history in actuall history books not the Bible. If the Bible interprets itself then why pray tell do we have not only mutually exclusive beliefs centered around the Bible but mutually exclusive interpretations from the same book. So while my head is actually out in the sunshine and yours is trapped between the pages of a book written by Iron Age goat herders for Iron Age goat herders I'll not respond to you further since most of your Biblical understanding comes from a place of prejudice, you know, I'm a true Christain anyone who doesn't believe like me is in a "counterfeit religion". Ask you friend about no true Scottsman.
Oh and by the way, truth is something you seek not something you simply believe in.
Once again, the bible interprets itself and doesn't need me to tell you what "i believe". Anyone can say what they believe, but you've led by example that that can be totally fucked up. If you had really wholeheartedly dedicated yourself to knowing what god's word says, you would know all this and no one would have to tell you. That's how it's easy to tell you were just another sunday worshiper. No one who came to the knowledge of god would just turn his back on him and crucify jesus again. You would feel what it was like to have jesus up there on the cross dying when you know damn well it should be you up there. You were just another idiot in the crowd yelling "crucify him!"

Truth is combined in pieces and must be put together like a puzzle, but you don't even see the big picture.
Once again, the bible interprets itself and doesn't need me to tell you what "i believe". Anyone can say what they believe, but you've led by example that that can be totally fucked up. If you had really wholeheartedly dedicated yourself to knowing what god's word says, you would know all this and no one would have to tell you. That's how it's easy to tell you were just another sunday worshiper. No one who came to the knowledge of god would just turn his back on him and crucify jesus again. You would feel what it was like to have jesus up there on the cross dying when you know damn well it should be you up there. You were just another idiot in the crowd yelling "crucify him!"

Truth is combined in pieces and must be put together like a puzzle, but you don't even see the big picture.
Like I said previously you know nothing of my journey and your continued use of the no true Scotsman fallacy puts you in the enviable position of being the only one true believer. Ask yourself this, if you were born to a poppy farmer in the middle of Afganistan what would your truth be then. If you don't know ask a Muslim. I think for you to see the big picture first you have understand that the picture you hold is one of but many. But since you can't lay down your prejudice truth for you is what agrees with you.
Like I said previously you know nothing of my journey and your continued use of the no true Scotsman fallacy puts you in the enviable position of being the only one true believer. Ask yourself this, if you were born to a poppy farmer in the middle of Afganistan what would your truth be then. If you don't know ask a Muslim. I think for you to see the big picture first you have understand that the picture you hold is one of but many. But since you can't lay down your prejudice truth for you is what agrees with you.
My truth? does 2+2=4? Is that true or is that my truth? Why is that so hard to understand?

You keep giving your opinions, but you continue to ignore the facts. The bible is a coded book that must be put together like a puzzle (didn't i already post this?), but all the parts in order to do this are within the book.

For instance: In daniel it talks about 4 world ruling kingdoms by a statue made of gold/silver/bronze/iron (and clay during the last 10 resurrections symbolized by the toes). Is it my truth to list those successive kingdoms as babylon, followed by median-persian, followed by greece, followed by rome? Or is that the truth no matter what either of us believes?

Is the sabbath on sunday? Or has saturday been the day of rest ever since god rested on the seventh day in genesis? Is that my truth, also?

Your whole reasoning of pointing the finger at me when all i have done is lead you to the word is just a way to never accept anything unless YOU believe it.

You're biblically illiterate and it's obvious, it doesn't matter what you say about your journey. Now refute what the bible says, not just tell me what you believe is different from what i believe.
there are many gods, along with counterfeit religions "based" off the bible. However, the bible interprets itself. all the symbolism and meanings within it are interpreted by itself, not the reader. I know it's hard to understand since all you ever did was go to church on sundays when god says he doesn't dwell in churches on that day. so keep spouting off your ignorant bullshit about "whatever everyone believes they believe is true" because it doesn't change the truth based on what any of us believe. The truth is found in the word and without the guidance of the holy spirit you can't understand it. So pull your head out of where the sun don't shine.
If you're such a student of the book, can you explain why there are so many contradictions in It?
How does the book interpret that?
It's supposed to be inspired by god, but it doesn't pass the smell test.
You say that without the "guidance" of the "holy spirit", one can't glean the truth from it's pages. That's convenient lol.
I think you need to stop watching jack van impe, and come back to reality.
There is not one student of the bible who can survive a debate. Faith = delusion.
My truth? does 2+2=4? Is that true or is that my truth? Why is that so hard to understand?

You keep giving your opinions, but you continue to ignore the facts. The bible is a coded book that must be put together like a puzzle (didn't i already post this?), but all the parts in order to do this are within the book.

For instance: In daniel it talks about 4 world ruling kingdoms by a statue made of gold/silver/bronze/iron (and clay during the last 10 resurrections symbolized by the toes). Is it my truth to list those successive kingdoms as babylon, followed by median-persian, followed by greece, followed by rome? Or is that the truth no matter what either of us believes?

Is the sabbath on sunday? Or has saturday been the day of rest ever since god rested on the seventh day in genesis? Is that my truth, also?

Your whole reasoning of pointing the finger at me when all i have done is lead you to the word is just a way to never accept anything unless YOU believe it.

You're biblically illiterate and it's obvious, it doesn't matter what you say about your journey. Now refute what the bible says, not just tell me what you believe is different from what i believe.
Nothing backs up that book, except maybe that book.
Your little puzzle is just a way to control the simple minded, and those still "asleep".
No real evidence of Abraham.
No real evidence of Moses.
No real evidence of Jesus.
My truth? does 2+2=4? Is that true or is that my truth? Why is that so hard to understand?

You keep giving your opinions, but you continue to ignore the facts. The bible is a coded book that must be put together like a puzzle (didn't i already post this?), but all the parts in order to do this are within the book.

Facts? What facts? As I've stated before the Bible and its followers can't agree on the facts and your solution is anyone that doesn't agree with you ain't a true follower.

For instance: In daniel it talks about 4 world ruling kingdoms by a statue made of gold/silver/bronze/iron (and clay during the last 10 resurrections symbolized by the toes). Is it my truth to list those successive kingdoms as babylon, followed by median-persian, followed by greece, followed by rome? Or is that the truth no matter what either of us believes?
Is the sabbath on sunday? Or has saturday been the day of rest ever since god rested on the seventh day in genesis? Is that my truth, also?

Since you choose to be obtuse repeating myself would be of little use

Your whole reasoning of pointing the finger at me when all i have done is lead you to the word is just a way to never accept anything unless YOU believe it.

Let's try again. Any competing religion or belief system can make the exact same claim. What makes yours true and theirs untrue. Try to be precise and don't use the Bible as a source in which to support your argument since competing religions can use circular reasoning also.

You're biblically illiterate and it's obvious, it doesn't matter what you say about your journey. Now.
My truth? does 2+2=4? Is that true or is that my truth? Why is that so hard to understand?

You're demonstrating the exact point I'm making. Anyone who reads the Bible can claim they have found the divine truth and anyone who fails to come to the same understanding as yourself is either a pretend Christian or some ignorant ass with an agenda.

You keep giving your opinions, but you continue to ignore the facts. The bible is a coded book that must be put together like a puzzle (didn't i already post this?), but all the parts in order to do this are within the book.

See there it is, facts what facts that is just what you believe or as you like to say, just your opinion. What about Christians that hold the Bible isn't coded and only need be read and the words taken literally. They don't think your a true Christian, in fact injecting your difinitions and interpretations would be considered blasphemous. Same book but mutually exclusive points of contention.

For instance: In daniel it talks about 4 world ruling kingdoms by a statue made of gold/silver/bronze/iron (and clay during the last 10 resurrections symbolized by the toes). Is it my truth to list those successive kingdoms as babylon, followed by median-persian, followed by greece, followed by rome? Or is that the truth no matter what either of us believes?

Is the sabbath on sunday? Or has saturday been the day of rest ever since god rested on the seventh day in genesis? Is that my truth, also?

Your whole reasoning of pointing the finger at me when all i have done is lead you to the word is just a way to never accept anything unless YOU believe it.

You haven't lead me any where, in fact all you've done is demonstrate exactly what I've been saying so thanks for that anyway. Tell me the things you accept without believing in, that should be pretty revealing.

You're biblically illiterate and it's obvious, it doesn't matter what you say about your journey. Now refute what the bible says, not just tell me what you believe is different from what i believe.

Since I've made no reference to any Biblical passages nor have I quoted the Bible in anyway your conclusion on my Biblical literacy is based on what?
Refute what the Bible says? The Bible says what it says one can't refute that that's just plain silly. But rejecting some of what the Bible says as far as how we should live that's easy since pretty much everyone does it all the time. I have to believe you're purposely being obtuse here, since my aguement is that there are mutually exclusive religions and in Christianity there are mutually exclusive beliefs concerning the Bible and how it is read and how it should be understood and once again I thank you for proving that point.
We humans built the Saturn V and went to the moon for one main prove that when the time comes to get off this rock we're gonna be able to do it. I call this, Devinne intervention. In other words God helps those that help themselves.

For the final out come that each one of us will have to face, the Creator God will be our only hope. If it ain't there you won't know it anyway :) Neither will Jesus.
Nothing backs up that book, except maybe that book.
Your little puzzle is just a way to control the simple minded, and those still "asleep".
No real evidence of Abraham.
No real evidence of Moses.
No real evidence of Jesus.

why are you here? Youre assertions are a priori and without any substantive how is what youre saying qualitatively better or different than what anyone else is saying?

and you speak of real evidence? what is real evidence? oh, yeah, what CERTAIN acceptable sources say....ah yes.....that.

did you know that in a court of law witness testimony is admissable? well, whether you like it or not, or whether you believe it or not, there are many witnesses to the life of Jesus, and the new testiment is written testimony of those witnesses.

Not only that......but the creator exists TODAY and there are witnesses TODAY of what God does in the lives of countless people. That is also witness testimony.

I understand the profound doubt and skeptiicism people have, but people are not consistent in the application of their skepticism across all of lifes expriences and phenomena.....thats why i cant take seriously most off handed comments people like you make. You say theres no real evidence that people in the bible existed but the same could be said of so many people in history that unless you have an extremely robust unbiased standards and criteria to share with us ipl have to call your comments nothing more than typical christian bible bashing nonsense.....and that goes for the others who have commented in the same vein.
why are you here? Youre assertions are a priori and without any substantive how is what youre saying qualitatively better or different than what anyone else is saying?

and you speak of real evidence? what is real evidence? oh, yeah, what CERTAIN acceptable sources say....ah yes.....that.

did you know that in a court of law witness testimony is admissable? well, whether you like it or not, or whether you believe it or not, there are many witnesses to the life of Jesus, and the new testiment is written testimony of those witnesses.

Not only that......but the creator exists TODAY and there are witnesses TODAY of what God does in the lives of countless people. That is also witness testimony.

I understand the profound doubt and skeptiicism people have, but people are not consistent in the application of their skepticism across all of lifes expriences and phenomena.....thats why i cant take seriously most off handed comments people like you make. You say theres no real evidence that people in the bible existed but the same could be said of so many people in history that unless you have an extremely robust unbiased standards and criteria to share with us ipl have to call your comments nothing more than typical christian bible bashing nonsense.....and that goes for the others who have commented in the same vein.
There were not any witnesses of Jesus.
All of the writings about him are rehashed tales.
I could show you, but I don't like coaching people to see what I want them to see. Kinda like how christians do...
The title of the thread shows why I'm here. It's mythology.
So get your panties out of a bunch, and don't try to act smart when trying to explain why fairy tales are real.
Was Zeus a real guy? I'm sure people used to say they saw him. And Poseidon.
What about Horus? He's the original virgin birth son of god, who died only to rise on the 3rd day. People say they've seen all kinds of shit. People lie.
Just like the writers of the "gospels".
Intelligent people see through that book, usually after intensive study. So maybe you've never truly scoured that book, and that's why you're delusional. Is that it?
There were not any witnesses of Jesus.
All of the writings about him are rehashed tales.
I could show you, but I don't like coaching people to see what I want them to see. Kinda like how christians do...
The title of the thread shows why I'm here. It's mythology.
So get your panties out of a bunch, and don't try to act smart when trying to explain why fairy tales are real.
Was Zeus a real guy? I'm sure people used to say they saw him. And Poseidon.
What about Horus? He's the original virgin birth son of god, who died only to rise on the 3rd day. People say they've seen all kinds of shit. People lie.
Just like the writers of the "gospels".
Intelligent people see through that book, usually after intensive study. So maybe you've never truly scoured that book, and that's why you're delusional. Is that it?

people who think and speak like you are a dime a dozen. Theres not an original thought to be found in anything youve submitted so far. You refuse to provide your definitions and standards that you apply to critical analysis so its impossible to take you seriously. All youve produced so far is baseless allegation with a generous helping of sarcasm and ad homs and numerous other horrible obvious departures from sound logic and reasoning.
why are you here? Youre assertions are a priori and without any substantive how is what youre saying qualitatively better or different than what anyone else is saying?

and you speak of real evidence? what is real evidence? oh, yeah, what CERTAIN acceptable sources say....ah yes.....that.

did you know that in a court of law witness testimony is admissable? well, whether you like it or not, or whether you believe it or not, there are many witnesses to the life of Jesus, and the new testiment is written testimony of those witnesses.

Not only that......but the creator exists TODAY and there are witnesses TODAY of what God does in the lives of countless people. That is also witness testimony.

I understand the profound doubt and skeptiicism people have, but people are not consistent in the application of their skepticism across all of lifes expriences and phenomena.....thats why i cant take seriously most off handed comments people like you make. You say theres no real evidence that people in the bible existed but the same could be said of so many people in history that unless you have an extremely robust unbiased standards and criteria to share with us ipl have to call your comments nothing more than typical christian bible bashing nonsense.....and that goes for the others who have commented in the same vein.

Anyway you define priori (be honest) are you not standing exactly in the same spot?

Evidence no matter the source needs to be examined and decided upon by each individual we have the same evidence as you we just have a different conclusion.

The problem with your witness premise is that cross examination in court is allowed. The people that may have known the Jesus person are long dead and personal revelation....lets just say cross examination would be brutal at best.
people who think and speak like you are a dime a dozen. Theres not an original thought to be found in anything youve submitted so far. You refuse to provide your definitions and standards that you apply to critical analysis so its impossible to take you seriously. All youve produced so far is baseless allegation with a generous helping of sarcasm and ad homs and numerous other horrible obvious departures from sound logic and reasoning.
You MUST be a troll, you just described yourself, and all of the other whack jobs like you!
Sound logic and reasoning are what made me realize that it's all bullshit.
And through time, billions have come to the same conclusion as me. I'm not the first person to realize it's a myth.
The real joke is people like you.
No evidence proving god. No evidence of jesus or the others, yet you still think that stuff is real!
You have presented no evidence proving anything. The bible is not proof of anything, it's a rule book for slaves, and the simple minded. Can you use sound logic and reasoning to explain away the contradictions that are throughout the bible?
Nope. You must feel the need to believe that there is something after life here on earth. Or, you may just believe because you've been indoctrinated for so long.
Who knows? Either way it's delusional.
Once you grow the courage to question your beliefs, you might find the truth.
why are you here? Youre assertions are a priori and without any substantive how is what youre saying qualitatively better or different than what anyone else is saying?

and you speak of real evidence? what is real evidence? oh, yeah, what CERTAIN acceptable sources say....ah yes.....that.

did you know that in a court of law witness testimony is admissable? well, whether you like it or not, or whether you believe it or not, there are many witnesses to the life of Jesus, and the new testiment is written testimony of those witnesses.

Not only that......but the creator exists TODAY and there are witnesses TODAY of what God does in the lives of countless people. That is also witness testimony.

I understand the profound doubt and skeptiicism people have, but people are not consistent in the application of their skepticism across all of lifes expriences and phenomena.....thats why i cant take seriously most off handed comments people like you make. You say theres no real evidence that people in the bible existed but the same could be said of so many people in history that unless you have an extremely robust unbiased standards and criteria to share with us ipl have to call your comments nothing more than typical christian bible bashing nonsense.....and that goes for the others who have commented in the same vein.
Delusional people may believe god diverted the tornado, or made them call in sick when their work blew up. That does not constitute reliable testimony. That is delusion.
You have that going on too! Neat!