Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club


Well-Known Member
Maybe they should know and follow the law. New York's right to maintain a higher standard for gun ownership is well tested in courts. If one must own a gun, do it elsewhere.
When they throw out statistics about gun crimes, they want you to think it was an offense other than simply possessing the thing.


Well-Known Member
oh wow! a grammar correct sock puppet!

you still didn't answer the question. nice side step though
Idiot you questioned my scholarship using a grammar error. It's the definition of half ass. Pointing out your doltish mistake is appropriate.


Well-Known Member
When they throw out statistics about gun crimes, they want you to think it was an offense other than simply possessing the thing.
I think you are right about how rabid gun control groups manipulate data to their ends. Same with NRA on the right as well as others. We were born with an amazing ability to gather and interpret information. Too bad we don't always use that ability well. There are some really good studies and data available on this subject but it won't be found on radical groups sites from the left or right.

I don't advocate for tougher gun laws. But I do want to see better funding for enforcement of existing laws and funding for better analysis of what's really happening out there to guide us towards better means of reducing gun deaths. Both of these actions are blocked by the gun lobby.


Well-Known Member
I do know what you post. It's plainly written on these pages. Your "shall not be infringed" comment is the turd that broke the camels back.

What gives you the right to interpret our rights?

Not to be infringed is clearly stated on that document.

As I have stated, you know nothing about me. You act like I'm a right wing nut job.

I'm not a left or right winger.

I believe in our rights, as written by our forefathers, not your interpretation of them.

I say you would be surprised at what I believe. Things like I support universal health care.

Don't paint me into some mold and definitely don't think I'm stupid for not wanting to change our constitution.


Well-Known Member
respect your limitations. that's a start Another rant where you use jock strap and intelligence in the same post would have been a final gem in your crown of turds.
When you can balance a tack hammer on your head, you will head off your foes with a balanced attack.