The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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Well-Known Member
Why would I bet a guy in CO? You think I'm going to drive for 2 days just to collect a little bit of money? Maybe if you lived in CA cause I'd actually like to visit that state I would love to hunt CO but they want too much money for an out of state hunting license. Must be the shittiest state in America and their beer tastes like carbonated water. :bigjoint:
Glad you feel that way. Please continue.


Well-Known Member
I'd say that's against tos, are you breaking site rules?

Unclebuck? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Break forum rules?

UB break forum rules? Not never..
Why would I bet a guy in CO? You think I'm going to drive for 2 days just to collect a little bit of money? Maybe if you lived in CA cause I'd actually like to visit that state I would love to hunt CO but they want too much money for an out of state hunting license. Must be the shittiest state in America and their beer tastes like carbonated water. :bigjoint:

hey now, colorado got some good microbrews


Well-Known Member
so you're pussying out?
Why don't you just buy me my ticket to Syria I promise I won't get a refund. :)

Plus she might not go to prison the trial will probably go on longer than November but I hope she's in prison for voter fraud before November. :bigjoint:

And CO really does suck Alaska's better.


Well-Known Member
hillary just lost .....

her hypocrisy regarding women's rites, gay rites will be her downfall as her taking money from these dictatorships and dynastic governments that oppress these groups is gaining momentum on the news. was at a friends house over the weekend and they have a gay son, he said this topic is on everyones radar in his age group and he had no idea about hillary supporting anti-gay governments until the mass shootings took place. ( bye, bye young sanders voters etc ... )

hillary has taken over $50 million from these terrorist ~

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Well-Known Member
hillary just lost .....

her hypocrisy regarding women's rites, gay rites will be her down fall as her taking money from these dictatorships and dynastic governments that oppress these groups is gaining momentum on the news. was at a friends house over the weekend and they have a gay son, he said this topic is on everyones radar in his age group and he had no idea about hillary supporting anti-gay governments until the mass shootings took place.

hillary has taken over $50 million from these terrorist ~

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This fight ain't over; it's between the oligarchs and average Americans and the oligarchs get their way over 90% of the time, according to the study done by two Princeton professors.

They've rigged the electronic voting system, they've rigged the rules of the nominating process, they've taken money from elites to influence the process.

Bernie may not himself be victorious, but he's shown that America is no longer a democracy in ways that can't simply be ignored.


Well-Known Member
Saudi Arabia Uncovered Documentary

Women are considered to be second-class citizens and police beating women is the norm. Gays are killed once found - A shocking documentary to be broadcast on ITV is to uncover the brutality of life in Saudi Arabia, showing people hanged from cranes and a woman being beheaded in the street. Called Saudi Arabia Uncovered, the film raises yet more questions over the UK government's continued "special relationship" with the Saudi monarchy, laying bare the regime's atrocious human rights record.

Hillary Clinton has taken over 20 Million Dollars from these terrorist ~ And yet hillary travels the country telling women and gays she is fighting for them. Hypocrite'


Well-Known Member

Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabian Defense Minister Prince Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud prior to a State Department meeting in 2012.

The Saudi government, under increasing criticism over civilian casualties from its airstrikes in Yemen and a harsh crackdown on political dissidents at home, has just hired a powerhouse Washington, D.C., lobbying firm headed by a top Hillary Clinton fundraiser — an arrangement that critics charge raises fresh questions about the influence that foreign government lobbyists could have on her campaign.


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Saudi Arabia Uncovered Documentary

Women are considered to be second-class citizens and police beating women is the norm. Gays are killed once found - A shocking documentary to be broadcast on ITV is to uncover the brutality of life in Saudi Arabia, showing people hanged from cranes and a woman being beheaded in the street. Called Saudi Arabia Uncovered, the film raises yet more questions over the UK government's continued "special relationship" with the Saudi monarchy, laying bare the regime's atrocious human rights record.

Hillary Clinton has taken over 20 Million Dollars from these terrorist ~ And yet hillary travels the country telling women and gays she is fighting for them. Hypocrite'
Yep, and the mass media covers for their sorry asses.


Well-Known Member

Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabian Defense Minister Prince Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud prior to a State Department meeting in 2012.

The Saudi government, under increasing criticism over civilian casualties from its airstrikes in Yemen and a harsh crackdown on political dissidents at home, has just hired a powerhouse Washington, D.C., lobbying firm headed by a top Hillary Clinton fundraiser — an arrangement that critics charge raises fresh questions about the influence that foreign government lobbyists could have on her campaign.

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shes so hideous!
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