Orlando Shooting another false flag?


Well-Known Member
image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png image.jpeg image.jpeg this thread is solely to talk about the possibility of a False Flag at the Orlando night club shooting.

If you're going to piss on this thread please don't, if you want to tell me how dumb I am feel free to private message me.


I've been watching these so called "mass shootings" here in the US, at first I thought these were isolated incidents. But as continued my journey for the truth one reoccurring theme I kept reading about was the potential of Martial law and how the government will plan to take away all our rights (rights to bare arms specifically) post 9/11 ....

I just want to point out some very interesting things that I want all of us to examine.

So far there only has been a few leaked videos of the actual shooting, on the RT feed of the scene let's notice how there are no ambulance's... Not one. I wasnt able to spot a single one!!??!? Also notice this fat guy with the American flag... His story is that he was there and helping to save some of the victims. As scene on this video everyone looks so casual and walk by this guy like the know who he is, looks like a drill to me.
No ambulance any with 33+ dead? Seems sketchy...

It's all order out of chaos, that's why we have all these mass shootings. Martial law is coming if not already in play, we are losing are rights to own guns, our privacy is being or has been invaded. Taxation is theft dammit.

Keep any eye on a fake assassination on either trump or Obama ....



Well-Known Member
I agree something fishy has been going on throughout the last 15 years. The increased prevalence of mass shootings has yet to be explained.

Be prepared to find a lot of insulted people. I can't even post anything to my personal facebook page for fear of retaliation. Friends with someone who frequented the place, and he sure isn't taking too kindly to those who don't follow the narrative.


Well-Known Member
I agree something fishy has been going on throughout the last 15 years. The increased prevalence of mass shootings has yet to be explained.

Be prepared to find a lot of insulted people. I can't even post anything to my personal facebook page for fear of retaliation. Friends with someone who frequented the place, and he sure isn't taking too kindly to those who don't follow the narrative.
I agree, but the truest crime would be just to blindly accept this and not look into it for yourself


Well-Known Member
I agree, but the truest crime would be just to blindly accept this and not look into it for yourself
Me and my friend of many years were discussing just this last night. People so blindly believe their chosen narrative of their chosen news station. It was Islamic extremism. It was aimed at the LGBT community.

When the President of the United States, who has been hellbent on gun confiscation, utters his first words blaming guns, I don't know. For me, that raises red flags. A man as intelligent as he is knows the gun didn't kill anyone. It's clearly feeding an agenda, but as to whether these are coincidence or planned events I do not hold the answer.


Well-Known Member
This sort of reaction towards asking questions about startling events is troubling and as I see it, the true problem here.

I bet you also believe the 9/11 report was fully accurate and didn't withhold any pertinent information from the American people.
9/11 wuz an inside job!!!! NASA faked moon landingz!!! Da earff is flat!!!! BENGHAZI!!! EMAILS!!!! RAWN PAUL!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The notion that this is a false flag operation displays only the OP's ignorance of what such ops are, and what they're for.

This is a horrible crime and a terrible tragedy.

It does speak to what our society is becoming, however. We might start paying closer attention to that.


Well-Known Member
Lol i like this thread. Ill just say this. People in this country are dying in large numbers on a daily basis. There are people who believe the powers that be are trying to take us all out and some believe whatever the media says. Bottom line is shits gettin worse and will continue to get worse. No matter what you believe u have to have common sense and know that as a people we are becoming more and more devided and when masses of people are devided its pretty damn easy to start conquering ppl. Know history and know it always repeats and its not lookin good for us at all