Marshydro or glaxayhydro Led?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
You guys are a hoot!

I got this , I did that, I ran a 600hps before and I'm doing better with an LED.

As for the bulk of you. HPS will KICK led's ASS all day long in bloom! How can you comment on something that you have no experience with......Gimme a 4x4 and a 1K and get out of my way!

As for Mr. "I'm doing better"......The question is what did you do wrong with the 600HPS ?

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
You guys are a hoot!

I got this , I did that, I ran a 600hps before and I'm doing better with an LED.

As for the bulk of you. HPS will KICK led's ASS all day long in bloom! How can you comment on something that you have no experience with......Gimme a 4x4 and a 1K and get out of my way!

As for Mr. "I'm doing better"......The question is what did you do wrong with the 600HPS ?
Sometimes "wrong" is an environmental problem, maybe there's a reason one cannot vent heat to an external area so using HPS creates a thermal management problem that gas lights and LED may not have. I have experienced this myself, and I accept that I do (have done) many things wrong. However, all situations are not identical so sometimes it is easier, within a given use case, to get good results from T5 than from HPS.
HPS will not kick LEDs ass, per se, it depends on the LED. Sorry Doc, that's plain true at this point. HPS will usually kick ass on blurple low-wattage LEDs, but "kick ass" is up for interpretation. That said, there's a lot of fucking yahoos around. I'm not trying to pick a fight, just saying your assertions don't represent an absolute condition, but the more likely one.


Well-Known Member
You guys are a hoot!

I got this , I did that, I ran a 600hps before and I'm doing better with an LED.

As for the bulk of you. HPS will KICK led's ASS all day long in bloom! How can you comment on something that you have no experience with......Gimme a 4x4 and a 1K and get out of my way!

As for Mr. "I'm doing better"......The question is what did you do wrong with the 600HPS ?
Hps will kick any other light ass,but I can see things changing soon.what lights do you use ,what ya running dr who,it's the weeks from week 4 ,onwards that will tell me how good this light is,one thing is for sure ,the plant is in perfect condition to produce a decent yeild.Defo doing a express grow in my main flowering room though,first time I have grown it my self,smoked it before and loved it,but under hps,I know it will throw a nice amount,

The is no dowt that the early flowering and part vegging ,it worked very well so far,I did think they would have been far more stretching ,but it's not the nodes are nice and close,
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Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
What was the holy grail like
I grew two big bud in ten gallon smart pots. Straight coco coir. And one holy grail kush in a regular pot 5 gallon also in straight coco.
What was the holy grail like? I have a freebie bean, I assume that's why you asked. I'd like to know if it is worth popping.

Also, @Bose, don't you think 10 gallons of coco is a bit much? One can grow monsters in 5 gallons. I'd add some aeration media, like perlite or GrowStone soil aerator. How were your results from those grows? Share with us!


Well-Known Member
Sometimes "wrong" is an environmental problem, maybe there's a reason one cannot vent heat to an external area so using HPS creates a thermal management problem that gas lights and LED may not have. I have experienced this myself, and I accept that I do (have done) many things wrong. However, all situations are not identical so sometimes it is easier, within a given use case, to get good results from T5 than from HPS.
HPS will not kick LEDs ass, per se, it depends on the LED. Sorry Doc, that's plain true at this point. HPS will usually kick ass on blurple low-wattage LEDs, but "kick ass" is up for interpretation. That said, there's a lot of fucking yahoos around. I'm not trying to pick a fight, just saying your assertions don't represent an absolute condition, but the more likely one.
Sorry Mike. I just pointed you here for some "food for thought". "Who" would kick (most) everyones ass here given an all things being equal, but lights, scenario. :). If some condition was stubbornly static, I assume he too would consider alternatives, but still might put the effort into fixing that troubling condition before spending the $$ on overpriced (?) lights.

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
Sorry Mike. I just pointed you here for some "food for thought". "Who" would kick (most) everyones ass here given an all things being equal, but lights, scenario. :). If some condition was stubbornly static, I assume he too would consider alternatives, but still might put the effort into fixing that troubling condition before spending the $$ on overpriced (?) lights.
Dr. Who and I get along, as far as I know, and I agree he kicks ass, he's a 98th percentile grower.

If the troubling condition is related to one's living conditions it isn't always immediately fixable, but I totally agree with you both, generally. Throwing money the wrong direction (alternate lighting efforts on a budget, as opposed to HVAC improvements, for example) never helps, and there are yahoos everywhere.


Well-Known Member
I know he talks sense on here,I'm doing a Mars 300 test grow to see what one plant would produce under one light,but I would not just use the one if its all I had for my meds i would use at least a bigger led or two,

I was not saying what's he growing ,and what light been funny,I be interested to know what his gardens like.and what strains he favors,he never mentions his own grows ,be great to see his projects,he talks sense so,should think he has a nice garden
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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Sometimes "wrong" is an environmental problem, maybe there's a reason one cannot vent heat to an external area so using HPS creates a thermal management problem that gas lights and LED may not have. I have experienced this myself, and I accept that I do (have done) many things wrong. However, all situations are not identical so sometimes it is easier, within a given use case, to get good results from T5 than from HPS.
HPS will not kick LEDs ass, per se, it depends on the LED. Sorry Doc, that's plain true at this point. HPS will usually kick ass on blurple low-wattage LEDs, but "kick ass" is up for interpretation. That said, there's a lot of fucking yahoos around. I'm not trying to pick a fight, just saying your assertions don't represent an absolute condition, but the more likely one.

NO insult or fighting words taken!

You are correct! I left out that home build COBB's have the clout to run with HID, and possibly pass it (something else to try when I'm able to "continue"!!)
That's what I was commenting on "Mars or Galaxy" = low output blurpple (kinda fun to put outside during a party with dose's) LED's!
You are also correct that at times, and for certain reason's, one cannot use some solutions to environmental problems!
Still, to ME...... I can not justify the use of those over the counter LED's.... Call me fussy (and I deserve it!) but, I just couldn't do it!
I would run multiple T5 banks and put a shit load of effort into cooling that.....

MAYBE someone with 4 or more LED's of the blurpple type would do us all a favor (Been thinking about this question for awhile) and run ALL of them at once on a run and see if that boost's the effectiveness in bloom for us? How about in a 4x4 area with 4 plants? My production set is 1K of HPS per 4x4, with 4 plants.....We would be mimicking the space and the plant #'s...kinda basic but, I would be interested to see just how that came out!

Anyone up to that?

Hps will kick any other light ass,but I can see things changing soon.what lights do you use ,what ya running dr who,it's the weeks from week 4 ,onwards that will tell me how good this light is,one thing is for sure ,the plant is in perfect condition to produce a decent yeild.Defo doing a express grow in my main flowering room though,first time I have grown it my self,smoked it before and loved it,but under hps,I know it will throw a nice amount,

The is no dowt that the early flowering and part vegging ,it worked very well so far,I did think they would have been far more stretching ,but it's not the nodes are nice and close,
If you can't tell - I don't like cheap overpriced LED's....I guess they do have a "place" but, should be taken with a grain of salt...see above...

LED's equal COBB's or nothing in my book. Go ahead, call me an "intolerant bastard" some folks around here (home) call me IB and we get along fine!
HID can be so much = DE, CDM, Dual Arc and good old MH and HPS.......Don't forget good old Mercury Vapor lamps! Run them WITH HPS during bloom and keep them a distance farther away (supplemental lighting for spectral influence) then the HPS.....I liked light movers for this.

See what happens then!

Nice posts guys!