The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Any sign of Nidgy Buds ?
And that guy from the States Mr Denks if I remember correctly.

Only 7 popped out of my 20. I'm fecking disgusted to be honest. Could be worse I guess :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Any sign of Nidgy Buds ?
And that guy from the States Mr Denks if I remember correctly.

Only 7 popped out of my 20. I'm fecking disgusted to be honest. Could be worse I guess :bigjoint:
Aint seen him, MD jenks is MIA.
What breeder where your seeds?


Well-Known Member
.well all be here to support u we just need more specs on setup n all those variables to help us make a correct diagnosis
Kinda wanna hug you after saying that, lol :-D

Well I think my twins might be goosed, I'm obviously doing something wrong and I don't know what or how to fix it. There has been zero growth in almost a week and something is burning the 1st set of true leaves in my girl on the left. I thought it might have been heat stress so I moved the lights up but the burn is still spreading. Here's my spec and what I've done to date:

Set up:
  • 300w Dual spec CFL and reflector hood
  • Mylar coating in wardrobe
  • Nirvana Bubblicious autos
  • Biobizz Light soil - approx 80%
  • Perlite - approx 20%
  • Biobizz Grow
  • Biobizz Bloom
  • Tap water - sitting out for 24+ hours, ph checked with test indicator drops, ph reduced using trace amounts of vinegar, though admittedly I didn't start doing this till day 7.
Day 0: Germ in paper towel
Day 2: Seeds popped, transplanted to small pots and added water but did not flush soil
Day 3: Watered approx 20-30mls each
Day 4: Both girls broke ground overnight. Watered approx 40-50mls each.
Day 6: First set of true leaves appear. Watered approx 30-40mls each.
Day 7: Ph too high, adjusted with vinegar.
Day 8: Second set of true leaves start to appear.
Day 9: Pots felt very light, added approx 100mls water to each pot.
Day 11: Second set of true leaves standing vertical like a V on both plants. Signs of burn developed on one plant. Added 1/4ml Bio Grow to approx approx 170mls water and split between both plants in case of phosphorus deficiency, some foliar feeding. CFL raised to approx 3-4 inches above girls. Periodically placed a fan on them throughout the day.
Day 12: Growth on both plants stunted, no new growth since day 8. Burn getting worse on one plant, progressed to a second leaf as the day continued. Sign of nute burn on a 2nd true leaf tip in the other plant. Flushed both pots in the PM with a pint of water each. Periodically placed a fan on them. Both plants still have vertical 2nd true leaves, but they fanned open somewhat.
Day 13: Burn on Plant A getting progressively worse on both leaves, half of one leaf is crispy! No advance of nute burn on the Plant B. No new growth on either girl. Second leaves still vertical.​

So there you have it! I'm not sure where I've gone wrong, maybe the vinegar? There's literally about 3 drops in a 5L bottle so really they're just trace amounts, but growth stopped within days of using it.

Feedback, as always is greatly appreciated folks. Much love!


abe supercro

Well-Known Member
It may be that biobizz soil, which already has nutes. seedlings don't need anything for the first few wks, so no extra just yet. since you flushed once now, maybe be patient but just don't overwater. the leaf angles show they are eating up the light. as the roots occupy more of the container they should start growing quicker soon.


Well-Known Member
Cheers Abe. They're in BB light soil so it's not as nute heavy, and that burn started to appear before I added the nutes, which is what prompted me to add the biobizz grow in the first place. It looked like it might phosphorus deficiency. That or heat/light stress, but moving the bulb higher hasn't stopped the burning either. It's funny how it's only on one plant though, but both are growth stunted. I'm going to leave them alone for a few days and just see what happens now. Have dumped all the water with vinegar and will get some ph down instead.


Well-Known Member
Autos need very little feeding. The soil u use should do them for a few weeks until they get a real growing spurt.
Never feed seedlings.
You are fussing too much over them like a mother and her chicks.
If they are too far gone it may be better to start afresh. Still time for autos.
Why autos anyway you have the setup for fems. Autos are useful for outdoor or green house in summer but otherwise you are much better of with fems.


Well-Known Member
TBH I had no intention of feeding them for a good while but I feared phosphorus deficiency so I threw a drop in. I still don't know what's causing that burn, it started before I added the nutes and continued after I raised the light. That's why I'm fussing, motherhood has changed me, lol!! :lol:

I'm going to leave them alone for a week, bar ventilation and fan, and see if they pick up. If they don't, I'll scrap and start again. Autos because I only have room for 2 plants in my set up and if one goes tits up, I can put a new one in without having to worry about light schedules.

I have a bunch of regular seeds (plemon, dippy elsie and a mixed bunch), I'm planning to try my hand at scrogging once I have a bit of a stash from the autos.


Well-Known Member
I dont see what extractor your using? Everything else looks good. Use an oscillating fan.
They should pull through. Keep em as dry as possible.
Poke your finger into the soil on the side of the pot, should be nearly dry.


Well-Known Member
I dont see what extractor your using? Everything else looks good. Use an oscillating fan.
They should pull through. Keep em as dry as possible.
Poke your finger into the soil on the side of the pot, should be nearly dry.
No extractor. Literally a wardrobe and cfl. The only fan I have in the house is a desk fan, which I'm using until I get one suitable for the wardrobe.
In my previous grows I didn't even use a fan but it was a 125w cfl vs the 300w I have now. Heat wasn't a factor. I'd periodically check the plant throughout the day, and fan it with newspaper. Worked a charm.


Well-Known Member
You would need to leave the door open to get fresh air, especially as they get bigger and need more.
Keep a good eye on the temperature as it will get hot in there.


Well-Known Member
You would need to leave the door open to get fresh air, especially as they get bigger and need more.
Keep a good eye on the temperature as it will get hot in there.
Oh I do that alright, I'm in and out throughout the day so they're getting aired quite regularly.

No change in either plant to report yet, other than the pots seem like they're quite dried out already even though I flushed 3 days ago. There's a bit of moisture, but not much. Gonna hold off on the watering for another bit though.