
20160611_143141.jpg 20160611_143013.jpg 20160611_142928.jpg 20160611_142917.jpg Good day all. So' its been 60 days flower in this my 1st grow ever.I'm also 8days into flush. And i'm pretty sure something got screwed somewhere cuz my girlz are completely turning yellow. Also i imagined bigger buds to me it appears they havent added any size since wk6.​
Apart from all that been looking @ the trichs to confirm when to flower. Can't seem to find a magnifier strong enough anywhere in this god forsaken place. So i use my phones camera and a lens i got from an old binoculars. And the result is that they also look unchanged since wk6(clear). Can anyone give some experienced advice plz. Thanks.



hey brother i am not by any means a pro at this but i would say your close if not there already. Wish you had a bettter pic of trichs but if they were mine chop chop. The yellowing leaves is a good thing also as the plant is using up the nutes. great grow


Well-Known Member
If you are going to grow that much weed your first try, you got to have a jewelers loupe! buy one on amazon now with one day delivery, its worth the investment try getting one over 30x... i have a 45x and i don't think its good enough to really tell what the trichs are


Well-Known Member
If you have done that good a job, all the way through and growing that amount, surly you know when its done, or not ,i would say its close to been done,you could push it another week or two if you wanted,nice grow good result dude.

If its for your self i would leave it a while longer if its for retail then,you could take it now and move on to the next one

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
It definately has atleast 7-14 left. The extremely yellowing is you depriving your plant of nutrition by flushing too soon.


20160609_221353.jpg 20160612_195200_HDR.jpg
If you have done that good a job, all the way through and growing that amount, surly you know when its done, or not ,i would say its close to been done,you could push it another week or two if you wanted,nice grow good result dude.

If its for your self i would leave it a while longer if its for retail then,you could take it now and move on to the next one
Already did. Got 16 plants 3wks in flower (12/12 from seed)only they are clones. Did some research on this and soundes a bit interesting decided to give it a try. Also got 10clones in veg under cfls using a ring-around training technique.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3706515 View attachment 3706520 View attachment 3706528 View attachment 3706534 Good day all. So' its been 60 days flower in this my 1st grow ever.I'm also 8days into flush. And i'm pretty sure something got screwed somewhere cuz my girlz are completely turning yellow. Also i imagined bigger buds to me it appears they havent added any size since wk6.​
Apart from all that been looking @ the trichs to confirm when to flower. Can't seem to find a magnifier strong enough anywhere in this god forsaken place. So i use my phones camera and a lens i got from an old binoculars. And the result is that they also look unchanged since wk6(clear). Can anyone give some experienced advice plz. Thanks.
Looks great but let it go! Not done yet!