Help - Tried everything Fox Farms Ocean Forest - Brown Leaves

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
Hey, make sure you tell them about how you repot your plants though when using that mix. As a newb I didn't know about that. If you don't do that, then my bad, I must have not remembered right.
Let's see, on my last grow the clones went from rock wool cubes to four inch container to one gallons , and then into the final three gallon, the plants were in the final pots for ten weeks


Well-Known Member
Yea go ahead.

I started off with Happy Frog mixed with Ocean Forest and mixed it in a 1-1-1 along with EWC and Perlite.
I added 4 1/2 TOTAL cups of the following:
Oyster Shells
Neem Seed
2 TBSP of FF Fruit and Flower
4 cups of Azomite
1 1/2 cup of dolomite Lime

I wet it all down and threw a tarp on that dirty slut. My problems

1. My mix never got "hot", it did for like a day or so and went to room temp, is this bad?
2. My mix never got Mycellium layers on the top. Again, is this bad?
3. The dolomite lime i Put in there...I fucked up and used pelleted. What should I do? Will my soil be properly limed? I heard it takes months to break down in usable form so I was curious if I should throw a lil more Oyster or get powdered lime.
4. How does my mix look? Anything I should change? Add? I'm one week away from it being done "cooking" and I am ready to transplant a bitch or two. Thanks for taking a look.


Well-Known Member
I started off with Happy Frog mixed with Ocean Forest and mixed it in a 1-1-1 along with EWC and Perlite.
I added 4 1/2 TOTAL cups of the following:
Oyster Shells
Neem Seed
2 TBSP of FF Fruit and Flower
4 cups of Azomite
1 1/2 cup of dolomite Lime

I wet it all down and threw a tarp on that dirty slut. My problems

1. My mix never got "hot", it did for like a day or so and went to room temp, is this bad?
2. My mix never got Mycellium layers on the top. Again, is this bad?
3. The dolomite lime i Put in there...I fucked up and used pelleted. What should I do? Will my soil be properly limed? I heard it takes months to break down in usable form so I was curious if I should throw a lil more Oyster or get powdered lime.
4. How does my mix look? Anything I should change? Add? I'm one week away from it being done "cooking" and I am ready to transplant a bitch or two. Thanks for taking a look.
Mine never got hot. Warm.

That mix is fine. Pellet lime works long term. It will have some affect on the first run.

I got the white fuzzies on mine though.

As far ad I can see, that mix should work. May be a little hot.


Well-Known Member
Mine never got hot. Warm.

That mix is fine. Pellet lime works long term. It will have some affect on the first run.

I got the white fuzzies on mine though.

As far ad I can see, that mix should work. May be a little hot.
Should I maybe put my mix on the first half of the pot and just throw in some HF+OF+perlite in the first half of the pot? Or just cut the whole mix with something else like Pro-mix or some shit?
Also, should I go ahead and get some powdered dolomite and add a little to my mix? I was really hoping for that ph buffer.


Well-Known Member
Should I maybe put my mix on the first half of the pot and just throw in some HF+OF+perlite in the first half of the pot? Or just cut the whole mix with something else like Pro-mix or some shit?
Also, should I go ahead and get some powdered dolomite and add a little to my mix? I was really hoping for that ph buffer.
In all honesty I have never used fox farm products. I've used similar ones.

Even if I had used it, it is made regional. I think you will be fine. If it starts to burn you can cut it and add it to a new pot then remove the plant from the hot soil. A transplant.


Well-Known Member
Should I maybe put my mix on the first half of the pot and just throw in some HF+OF+perlite in the first half of the pot? Or just cut the whole mix with something else like Pro-mix or some shit?
Also, should I go ahead and get some powdered dolomite and add a little to my mix? I was really hoping for that ph buffer.
I've thought about it. Get a bag or two of an unfertilized soil and cut your mix in half for young plants. Do a up pot to full strength a week or two before flower.

The sugarbear

Active Member
Looks like phosphorus deficiency.
I agree definitely looks like a phos deficiency. Also from my experience ffof isn't good soil to use indoors it's just not particularly clean often comes with various unwanted pests and mold spores in it that are fine for outdoor but not for indoor. For indoor I'd recommend mixing your own or if you got money and are lazy roots organic is good too.


Well-Known Member
I've thought about it. Get a bag or two of an unfertilized soil and cut your mix in half for young plants. Do a up pot to full strength a week or two before flower.
Sounds like a good idea. I think I'll try one plant with the up-pot technique and try another with the SS on the first half of the bag
I agree definitely looks like a phos deficiency. Also from my experience ffof isn't good soil to use indoors it's just not particularly clean often comes with various unwanted pests and mold spores in it that are fine for outdoor but not for indoor. For indoor I'd recommend mixing your own or if you got money and are lazy roots organic is good too.
Yea, once I run out of FFOF and HF I'll be making my soils from scratch. I just don't wanna waste what I got left and so far the HF seems to do great with my seedlings and solo cup phase. OF and HF mixed with Fruit and Flower takes me all the way to the 2nd week of flower. Ain't that bad. But yea, it does come with a few pests. I learned to leave a little room for "top dressing", so every time I water I just layer a tad more dirt on top to keep it dry. Seems to work, pretty minimal bugs on my sticky traps. But yea, I won't be using it much anymore after this.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good idea. I think I'll try one plant with the up-pot technique and try another with the SS on the first half of the bag

Yea, once I run out of FFOF and HF I'll be making my soils from scratch. I just don't wanna waste what I got left and so far the HF seems to do great with my seedlings and solo cup phase. OF and HF mixed with Fruit and Flower takes me all the way to the 2nd week of flower. Ain't that bad. But yea, it does come with a few pests. I learned to leave a little room for "top dressing", so every time I water I just layer a tad more dirt on top to keep it dry. Seems to work, pretty minimal bugs on my sticky traps. But yea, I won't be using it much anymore after this.
A layer of sand or mulch on top of your soil works wonders for bug control.


Well-Known Member
Actually, get some food grade diatamacous earth and mix in your soil when you make it. Wear a dust mask and be careful not to breathe it. A couple culs per cubic foot won't hurt.

The sugarbear

Active Member
Actually, get some food grade diatamacous earth and mix in your soil when you make it. Wear a dust mask and be careful not to breathe it. A couple culs per cubic foot won't hurt.
Good to know I have a big bag of diatomaceous earth I use around my lawn for fleas that come from the stray cats in my neighborhood and get on my dogs. I've just never put it in my soil because I figured it would shred up the micro life or roots like it does to insects. Not totally sure if it's good grade but it's safer brand I've used their caterpillar killer for years it's an incredibly effective product only saw 2 caterpillars on all my plants last year and they were dead ,not a single bud lost to worm damage.


Well-Known Member
Good to know I have a big bag of diatomaceous earth I use around my lawn for fleas that come from the stray cats in my neighborhood and get on my dogs. I've just never put it in my soil because I figured it would shred up the micro life or roots like it does to insects. Not totally sure if it's good grade but it's safer brand I've used their caterpillar killer for years it's an incredibly effective product only saw 2 caterpillars on all my plants last year and they were dead ,not a single bud lost to worm damage.
It won't hurt a thing. It is also a silica product which helps make ants stronger. It will help them be more frost and heat tolerant.


Well-Known Member
It won't hurt a thing. It is also a silica product which helps make ants stronger. It will help them be more frost and heat tolerant.
So DE can be mixed IN with our soil? I thought it was a top dress kinda thing. It seems to wash away and get very clay-like when water is added. I was considering just dumping playground sand on teh top 2 or 3 inches of all my pots, call it a night.


Well-Known Member
So DE can be mixed IN with our soil? I thought it was a top dress kinda thing. It seems to wash away and get very clay-like when water is added. I was considering just dumping playground sand on teh top 2 or 3 inches of all my pots, call it a night.
It can be mixed in the soil. Sand works to. I don't think you need a layer that thick. An inch or so is fine.


Thanks for all of the information guys.. Learning a lot from everything here. A question I had is a lot of people say to use PH Down / PH Up to get your water PH in the right range.. A lot also say that the soil will buffer itself so to throw 8.0 Ph tap water in there is fine. I've seen some discussion on the PH down / Up getting stuck in the soil so everytime you add it any water immediately throws the PH off... What are your guys thoughts on this ?

Currently day 43 - Plant not looking so great.. I've gotta say some type of lockout is going on so I'm keeping my fingers crossed with straight water no nutes it will pass.

Plant #1 - Problem Plant

Plant #2 - Showing signs of nitrogen toxicity and a bit of nut burn - Working on getting it under control with straight water no nutes. Still growing well though.


The sugarbear

Active Member
I actually keep ph up and ph down on hand for emergencies but prefer not to use weird artificial brightly colored looking nutes instead I use organic liquid humic acid for ph down and organic lime for ph up ( also calcium/magnesium) but I'm currently having some ph issues myself so currently debating whether or not to do the unthinkable and ... use gh products lol