The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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Well-Known Member
Well lets see, you can't give away a fucking thing on this site to another member so I imagine a friendly little wager must be out of the question and name calling certainly is. You are a child and a worthless one at that. I have all the info I need on you and it can be summed up in that one word, Worthless.
fine. then i bet my membership here against yours.

if hillary goes to prison anytime this year or next, i leave forever. if she doesn't, you leave forever (and stop whining uncontrollably all the time).

are you still gonna be a pussy and back out on this one?



Well-Known Member
Bets on, just as soon as you provide me video of you strolling through five points , that's months and months overdue. Pussy.
how about we add the money component to the bet now too?

i don't think rolli will mind and you clearly don't care about losing your membership anyway either.

still gonna pussy out on that?


Well-Known Member
So again we have the lesser of the two evils and I'm not sure who is the lesser evil, I voted for bernie sanders and not sure for general election. trump is scary for sure especially in domestic arena but so is Hilary. Clinton 's very much pro war and will definetely keep us tanlged up in middle east and other dangerous areas ukraine and south china sea.
If clinton is elected US will certainly get involved in very dangerous confrontations with other powerful Nations Iran, Russia and China leading to WAR.


Well-Known Member
So again we have the lesser of the two evils and I'm not sure who is the lesser evil, I voted for bernie sanders and not sure for general election. trump is scary for sure especially in domestic arena but so is Hilary. Clinton 's very much pro war and will definetely keep us tanlged up in middle east and other dangerous areas ukraine and south china sea.
If clinton is elected US will certainly get involved in very dangerous confrontations with other powerful Nations Iran, Russia and China leading to WAR.
Keep voting for Bernie.


Well-Known Member
fine. then i bet my membership here against yours.

if hillary goes to prison anytime this year or next, i leave forever. if she doesn't, you leave forever (and stop whining uncontrollably all the time).

are you still gonna be a pussy and back out on this one?

I'm thinking this bet should end in November, because when she is elected, there will be zero chance that she goes to prison after that.

However, I'm sure that he won't stop whining until then. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Keep voting for Bernie.
That's what I'm thinking. I can't vote for a fascist like Trump and watch our cities explode but Clinton's regime change policies and acting as world police NEO-CON foriegn policies foriegn interventionism. can't see myself going that route either. I really enjoyed watching Bernie telling her that Benjamin Netynahoo can't always be right now that was Historic not just symbolically but actually


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm thinking. I can't vote for a fascist like Trump and watch our cities explode but Clinton's regime change policies and acting as world police NEO-CON foriegn policies foriegn interventionism. can't see myself going that route either. I really enjoyed watching Bernie telling her that Benjamin Netynahoo can't always be right now that was Historic not just symbolically but actually
It carried even more weight coming from a man of Jewish heritage; they can't cry antisemitism.


Well-Known Member
Pretty fucking scary if true... a lot of me wishes it were not as the implications could be very bad
FUCKING WHOA. If this is true, it's the smoking gun that killed our democracy.
Lots of me hopes it's not, as the implications of shining light on roaches who have been pulling this shit off could spell some dire times ahead.



Well-Known Member
I'm thinking this bet should end in November, because when she is elected, there will be zero chance that she goes to prison after that.

However, I'm sure that he won't stop whining until then. :lol:

She can however be impeached like her husband. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Pretty fucking scary if true... a lot of me wishes it were not as the implications could be very bad

Lots of me hopes it's not, as the implications of shining light on roaches who have been pulling this shit off could spell some dire times ahead.

:clap: Shine the light on the roaches- then stomp them.

It's the only way to take control of our country back from these monsters who would burn the world for greed.


Well-Known Member
then let's make our bet until november. if she gets impeached while in office you can come back. deal?
Why would I bet a guy in CO? You think I'm going to drive for 2 days just to collect a little bit of money? Maybe if you lived in CA cause I'd actually like to visit that state I would love to hunt CO but they want too much money for an out of state hunting license. Must be the shittiest state in America and their beer tastes like carbonated water. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Why would I bet a guy in CO? You think I'm going to drive for 2 days just to collect a little bit of money? Maybe if you lived in CA cause I'd actually like to visit that state I would love to hunt CO but they want too much money for an out of state hunting license. Must be the shittiest state in America and their beer tastes like carbonated water. :bigjoint:
so you're pussying out?
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